For Chen Qiang’s request, Toby really couldn’t do it. Even when he was not injured before, it was impossible to make such a huge gem.

Fortunately, Chen Qiang seems to understand that making such a large gem can simply not be done by himself, so he can do it by himself, he can still do it, he is just hearing the quantity that the other party needs. At the time, Toby was softened.

That’s too much. You simply can’t do that many by yourself. If you make that many by yourself, your whole person will be drained.

“Frozen, what are you doing? Hurry up!”

Seeing Toby staring at him in a daze, Chen Qiang urged.


Think about that I’m going to die anyway, there is nothing to be afraid of. I just ask for the support I called before to come soon, so that Chen Qiang gave himself a joy.

Finally thought about it, Toby still started to make gems, and in order to meet Chen Qiang’s needs as much as possible, the size of each gem has reached the limit he can make.

As for stealing and slippery, when making rubies, making alexandrite to recover his injuries, Toby did not think about it, but every time he thought about it, he watched the outside completely fall into the flames. The city in China, as well as the ship on the pier, had long been destroyed, and he understood that even if he recovered his body and wanted to escape, the other party would quickly find himself without a ship.

When the time comes, I still don’t know how to be tortured by the other party.

In the past, Toby didn’t know how painful it was to be tortured. He even took pleasure in torturing the slaves and looking at their desperate and painful expressions. Now he fell into the hands of Chen Qiang. After torturing himself for a while, he felt that he couldn’t stand it anymore, he just wanted to die quickly.

Fortunately, Chen Qiang didn’t at all. After Toby worked hard, he didn’t torture him. Until the little Avatar who stayed at the dock found that someone had arrived here, he slapped him with a knife. Bee’s head was chopped off, ending his sinful life.

“It’s a pity, why only so few people came here, this guy is too underestimated!”

After standing and slashing Toby, Chen Qiang felt the Avatar The news came from over there, looking at Toby who had fallen to the ground speechlessly, and said with a disgusting expression on his face.

“But now that I’m here, let’s go meet them first!”

Soon Chen Qiang made a decision and took the blood on the long knife to Toby After wiping the headless corpse, he walked towards the location of the people who had just arrived on the island.


On the other hand, several people from the cp3 organization who just came to the island walked towards the city after they came to the island, but when they entered the city, they saw the corpses everywhere in the city, and the whole city. After the fire, I immediately felt something was wrong.

Among the leaders, one immediately signaled the people behind to stop, and then made a defensive action. The other quickly took out Den Den Mushi, thinking that he wanted to inform the large group.

“Blood stabbing!”

Just before the call was made, the blood in the surrounding corpses flowed strangely to their feet and turned into raised ground. Stabbed, pierced their bodies.


No loss is an elite force belonging to the world government. Except for a bad luck egg that did not react, other people appeared immediately in these blood stabs. , It directly used Tekkai in Marine Rokushiki to block the attack.

“Undead Chen Qiang?”

Immediately under the attack, the people of these cp organizations reacted immediately. Who was the attacker? After all, they were received from here before. The news is that Undead Chen Qiang is making trouble in the city, trying to snatch the little girl who may have longevity.

“Blood Strangulation!”

Even if the other party guessed the identity of Chen Qiang, Chen Qiang did not show up to communicate with them, but attacked them again. , The blood blades that had just turned into one after another surrounded them and strangled them.

Obviously Chen Qiang did useless work this time. Although the people of these cp organizations may not be strong, all the people in the cp organization must master one of the styles of Marine Rokushiki before they can officially enter. cp.

And these cp3 members, whether they are leaders or ordinary members, control the 1st move is Tekkai. As for why this is the case, it is because the cp3 organization itself is the army ordered to guard the Celestial Dragon.

Only take orders from Celestial Dragon, their duty is to guard Celestial Dragon, so Tekkai is the best guardian skill, so it must be controlled.

In cp0 to cp9, each of these organizations has something they are good at. They are all for the world government and Celestial Dragon. Maybe the battle strength cp3 unit even cp9 Not as good, but in terms of defensive power, this unit is the strongest except cp0.

So these bloodblade attacks made by Chen Qiang simply did not cause much damage to these dozen people. There were only a few people whose cultivation base was still weak, and their skin was scratched a bit, others simply Did not suffer any harm.

“It’s really a powerful physical technique!”

Seeing his own attack, even ordinary soldiers directly used the only Tekkai they knew to resist. Chen Qiang couldn’t help but sigh with emotion. .

However, there is still a powerhouse among these people. After Chen Qiang missed two attacks, the two leaders-like people used Kenbunshoku Haki to sense where Chen Qiang was.


They used the one-piece technique again. It was just a breath of time before Chen Qiang was directly in front of him, and then he used the body again and punched him. To Chen Qiang.


Chen Qiang did not hide, and directly let the opponent’s fist hit him, and then Chen Qiang’s long knife in his hand reacted and slashed towards the opponent’s chest. .


The scarlet blade light flashed past, leaving a long but shallow hole in the opponent’s chest.

After all, Tekkai’s defense is indeed very strong, even if Chen Qiang attacks the opponent, he just barely breaks the defense.

That is, when Chen Qiang fell with a knife, the two fists were also raised again and again, falling on Chen Qiang’s body, hitting his strong muscles, and even shaking his internal organs. Trembling, but this is nothing to Chen Qiang.

“I like this kind of battle the most!”

Chen Qiang, with strong resilience, likes this kind of close combat very much. If you don’t hide, you just use your body to resist. Although this kind of battle is boring, Chen Qiang likes it very much, so the more he fights, the stronger the smile on his face.

After all, in such a battle, no matter how long the battle is, as long as you can break through the opponent’s defense, you can cut the opponent’s suspicious life with a single blow.

Apparently the two CP organizations who were fighting Chen Qiang also discovered this, so in the following battle, they also began to subconsciously avoid Chen Qiang’s attack.

However, the two of them are the main attacking technique after all. Marine Rokushiki has only learned Tekkai and shaving, and has no fruit ability. If you want to defeat Chen Qiang, you must be close to Chen Qiang. They hit, but Chen Qiang basically ignored their attacks, and Chen Qiang seized the opportunity every time and gave them a knife.

Although they have Tekkai defense, their physique is placed here, and there is still a certain gap between Chen Qiang and Chen Qiang. After the attack, it seems a little weak to avoid Chen Qiang’s attack. .

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