So soon, these two people couldn’t hold on. Even if their subordinates rushed over, it was of no use.

Chen Qiang completely ignored those people’s attacks and only stared at them, whether it was Chen Qiang counterattack when they attacked, or they dodge Chen Qiang’s attack and wanted to call the other side to inform Their leader, Chen Qiang, will appear in front of them and attack them.

So how long this battle lasted was only ten minutes. The two small bosses of the CP organization had already suffered from Chen Qiang’s continuous blows.

Even during the entire battle, the two have been using Tekkai to carry Chen Qiang’s attack, but the effect is not effective, especially when the injuries on the body increase in the back. That’s it.

So soon under Chen Qiang’s continuous attacks, everyone in the CP organization lay on the ground covered in blood, and seeing their appearance, they were already outgassing and less inhaling. Seeing that he can’t live much anymore.

“Brau! Bru!”

That is to say, after Chen Qiang completely ended these CP organizations, Den Den Mushi, which they held in their hands, was It rang.


After Chen Qiang picked up the phone, he didn’t speak. He wanted to listen to the other person and wanted to say and so on, but asked Chen Qiang to also What I didn’t expect was that after the call was connected, the other party didn’t speak, even after waiting for a while, he didn’t hear any sound, so he just hung up the call.

This made Chen Qiang very shocked, but fortunately Chen Qiang soon wanted to understand. The other party knew that his subordinates were resolved, so he hung up the call. As for How did they know it? It should be when they called, there was something like a code word, so when they didn’t hear the code word, they would quickly understand what was going on.

Because of the characteristics of the cp organization, it was originally an organization responsible for secret tasks. Therefore, after confirming that an accident has occurred, it would not say much, and Energizer would not disclose information.

“Sure enough, this is the real world. These organizations are not as funny as they are in anime.”

After solving these cp organizations, Chen Qiang It began to be arranged in this empty city, ready to make this sinful city completely disappear in this World.

Soon, after Chen Qiang’s thorough preparations were completed, it was almost an hour later, that is, at this time, the location of the pier outside, the small Avatar placed by Chen Qiang, was sent back again. There was news that a Battleship had arrived at the port.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

The Battleship that came to the port location, not at all people came down from above, but directly opened towards Copperfield After the bombardment, a series of cannon-balls flew out of the Battleship and landed in the city, exploding huge potholes.

“It’s really unreasonable! But since it’s here, there is no reason not to go ashore!”

A cannon-ball fell in front of Chen Qiang, and Chen Qiang shot directly Cut the cannon-ball in half, then shook his head, looked towards the pier outside the city, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, revealing a deep smile.

Also after laughed, Chen Qiang rushed towards the dock.

“Continue firing!”

The masked cp3Captain continued to arrange for his men to attack the city in front with artillery-balls, but he didn’t notice. Yes, the blood on the pier began to slowly flow down from above at this time, and quickly fell into the sea.

And quickly flowed towards the place where the Battleship was, and soon the sea around the Battleship was dyed scarlet.

“The sea of ​​blood turns the waves!”


On the originally calm sea, those areas covered by blood will begin It started pouring continuously like boiling water.

“Quick ashore!”

At this time, the people of the CP organization on the Battleship also noticed the movement under the sea and quickly ordered.

After finishing the order, everyone on the ship quickly put down their things, jumped out of the Battleship, and landed in the port.

Just after they left, the scarlet sea raged and swallowed the entire Battleship in it. When the blood color disappeared again, the entire Battleship was silent to the seabed.

But this is not over yet. After these people jumped onto the pier, the blood from the corpses piled on the pier by Chen Qiang before seeped out at a faster rate, and formed a body outside the pier. The huge scarlet mask is linked to the cave above the dock.

“Blood rain!”

“xiū xiū xiū!”

Drops of blood quickly detached from the mask and shot towards the cp person And when they were in the air, these blood drops had turned into small arrows.


When encountering such a large-scale attack, all the CP members who disembarked, subconsciously opened Tekkai and blocked these attacks.


That is, at this time, a violent explosion sounded from a distance. I don’t know when above the cave above and above the cave, it was inlaid with a red When these people blocked the rain of blood, some of them shot directly on the red gems, directly detonating him.

Such an explosion directly caused the entire cave to sway, and countless boulders fell from above, just a few breaths of time. The boulders that fell from above were buried directly on the entire pier and blocked it. The way out of the whole city.

Fortunately, the people in the cp organization are basically elites. When the explosion just started, they reacted and quickly left the dock location, so they were not buried in these chaos. In the stone.

“It seems that the power is still too small, but if I gather all these things, I should be able to completely blow up this place!”

And I rushed to the city gate before. Chen Qiang of Chen Qiang, seeing his own trick, not at all, as he expected, he directly exploded the aisle of the pier, a little disappointed, but thought of moving out all the gunpowder in the city, After adding the red gems that Toby had made before, it would be no problem to blow up here.

“Soru!” “Gunfinger!”

While Chen Qiang was observing the effect of the explosion, and at the same time, when Chen Qiang was looking at whether the things he had made were enough to blow up here, The leader-like person disappeared in place. When he appeared, he had already come behind Chen Qiang, and then a finger pointed, Chen Qiang’s body was beaten through by a huge force.

“It’s useless!”

Chen Qiang, not at all flustered and exasperated, even has a smile on his face, a long knife flying in his hand, a Turning around, he slashed on the opponent’s body.

It’s just that the other party’s research on Tekkai this move is not comparable to those of the previous two. Chen Qiang’s this blade cut off, at most it just cut a little bit of the opponent’s skin, even a larger one. No wounds were cut out.


After Chen Qiang hit the knife, the leader also directly resisted his attack, and hit Chen Qiang’s head with his fist the second time.

If it hadn’t been for Chen Qiang’s physique at this time, it had already risen to a perverted level, maybe it would have been blown up directly, but even if it hadn’t been blown up, after being attacked like this, Chen Qiang The whole person was also beaten dizzy.

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