“Hello everyone!”

After solving all the guards rushing towards him, he touched the blood splashed on his face to make his After smiling a little better, Chen Qiang entered the Hall of Auction House. After entering, he greeted the guests who looked towards the door because of the noise outside.

“Who is this? People from Auction House?”

“Why come in with blood all over?”

“This person from Auction House It’s too unruly! I just broke in like this!”


Because of the people in the Auction House, even though I know someone is making trouble outside , But trivial things like disturbances, as a place where slaves are auctioned, do not happen many times.

The guests who came here are actually used to it. They heard someone calling for trouble before, and there was a fight at the same time, which didn’t take long, so they thought it was Auction House that solved the troublemaker.

So when Chen Qiang came in, these people didn’t know that Chen Qiang was the person who caused the trouble. They just thought that the other party was from the Auction House and came in to inform the troublemaker that the trouble was solved.

Even they felt that this person who had just entered was so unruly that he came in with blood all over his body. Didn’t he know that there was a Celestial Dragon inside? Dragon hates it, his job is gone, and he may be killed directly.

However, this is indeed the case. After Chen Qiang recklessly broke into the auction field, the three Celestial Dragons, who were sitting in the center of the Auction House and wearing a glass cover, found Chen Qiang. The presence.

Among the three Celestial Dragons, they are very young, two men and one woman. They are not very old. The female Celestial Dragon, after Chen Qiang entered here, saw the blood on his body, she was very young. She frowned uncomfortably.

The two Celestial Dragons beside her frowned when they saw their Goddess, they were very upset at the time, they just stood up, and then violently pulled out their guns and pointed them at Chen Qiang. .

“Where’s the rubbish, run in to stain our eyes!”

When the voice fell, the two shot directly at Chen Qiang.

The trigger was pulled, and the bullet was driven by the gun-powder, quickly shot out of the barrel, cut the air, and shot Chen Qiang’s body.

Chen Qiang, who just came in, is still looking at the situation in the Auction House. He wants to find out where to start to cause greater confusion. Didn’t expect there are two at this time. The bullet hit him.

“Oh! Didn’t expect there is a Celestial Dragon here. I am really lucky!”

I was still shot by a bullet on my body, splashing two blood Hua, Chen Qiang also looked towards the two Celestial Dragons that shot before, and the smile on the corners of his mouth became more intense.

“No, he is not from Auction House.”

“He is… he is Undead Chen Qiang!”

“Quick Run! He is the troublemaker!”


After so long, someone in the Auction House finally recognized Chen Qiang, a Some of them also began to fear, and even more so, they had already begun to run away.

At this time, Chen Qiang did not care about these people at all, because at this time he had already found someone who could cause a greater commotion, and that was the Celestial who had just shot him. Dragon.

When the others quickly fled from here, Chen Qiang had already stepped forward and came to the three Celestial Dragons and hehe smiled and greeted them.

“How are you!”

“Who are you? What do you want to do? We are the noble Celestial Dragon!”

Chen Qiang suddenly appeared in In front of them, the three Celestial Dragons really frightened, and even the two Celestial Dragons who had just stood up took a step backwards.

But soon they thought of their identity. They were Celestial Dragons. No one dared to challenge their majesty in this sea, so they became hardened again and the expression on their faces Become fierce.

Even the pistols in their hands also lifted, without the slightest hesitation pulling the trigger towards Chen Qiang.

“peng peng peng!”

The gunshots sounded one after another, and the bullets quickly shot into Chen Qiang’s body, splashing flowers of blood.

It’s just that the smile on Chen Qiang’s face has not disappeared during this process, and he still maintained the smile of this and that, even after the gun in Celestial Dragon’s hand, after the bullet was shot, he said to comfort them.

“Don’t be nervous, I won’t kill you during my time. You who are alive are more useful than you who are dead!”

“But I think you can Put down the weapon. If you know the weapon, you can hurt if you just point it at someone!”

Chen Qiang’s tone is very soft. If it weren’t for his blood all over now, his words might be true. It has a comforting effect, but with his current image, in line with the previous words, it gives people a feeling of coming from the abyss.

So the two Celestial Dragons were even more frightened. After firing a bullet, they immediately took one out of their bodies and continued to shoot at Chen Qiang.

“Oh! Why don’t you listen to what I said, I’ve said it, don’t just point a weapon at others like this, it’s easy to get hurt?”

See These Celestial Dragons unexpectedly took out a gun this time. Chen Qian felt that they were a bit too much. She let them shoot for a round, which was already a lot of face, and now she still has to shoot herself with a gun. Look down on yourself so much!

So Chen Qiang directly waved the two short blades in his hand and cut off their gun arm.

“Ah~~” “Ah~~”

As both arms flew out, severe pain hit their brains, causing them to lie down in pain. Fell to the ground, then hugged his arm and wailed.

The female Celestial Dragon who had been standing behind the two Celestial Dragons before, saw Chen Qiang really dared to do it, she was frightened at once, and when she reacted, she immediately wanted to turn around and escape.


Just before running a few steps, there was a ringing sound of iron chains behind him. I don’t know when, Chen Qiang threw He took away the a saber in his hand, and then flew from the fourteenth pose with a long iron chain to the female Celestial Dragon.

And quickly wrapped around the female Celestial Dragon’s legs, tripped her to the ground, and then Chen Qiang pulled the Celestial Dragon back to his own. before.

“He…how dare he…”

“Dare to shoot Celestial Dragon! It’s over! It’s over!”

“Hurry up! The lunatic has shot Celestial Dragon. When Admiral comes to support us, we might be implicated when the time comes.”


When Chen Qiang dealt with these Celestial Dragons, the guests who had not escaped here, rushed to the outside quickly, wanting to leave this place quickly.

That guy is simply a lunatic, even Celestial Dragon dared to move, and he even chopped off the arms of two Celestial Dragons. You must know that as long as the Celestial Dragon is moved, Admiral will definitely come over.

Those of them who participated in Auction House, few of them are clean. When the time comes Marine, they will anger them, then they will be over.

So after seeing this scene, Tarn escaped much faster, and even some people who fell down accidentally stepped on them directly, completely ignoring them.

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