Just as Chen Qiang subdued Celestial Dragon, the Marine base had just received news.

They also know how urgent the news is. Immediately after receiving the news, the Marine soldier quickly rushed out of the communication room to notify the Marine Headquarter Kizaru stationed in the base.

Just when I got out of the communication room, I ran into Sentomaru in the aisle.

“What happened? How panicked!”

He helped the Marine soldier who hit him and grabbed the opponent’s body, Sentomaru frowns turned towards the opponent Asked.

“Not good, Sentomaru Captain, Undead Chen Qiang attacked the auction floor in Area 1, where Celestial Dragon exists, so you have to notify Admiral Kizaru quickly, otherwise I don’t know that yet. What should Chen Qiang do to the Celestial Dragon adults.”

Marine, who was caught by Sentomaru, quickly told Sentomaru the news she had just received, and he also looked anxious and wanted to let the other party release it. Drive yourself, so you can inform Kizaru.

“What? There is such a thing! Hurry up and inform Old Master. I will rush over with Peaceful Pacifista.”

After hearing what happened Sentomaru also understood the urgency of the matter, and quickly let go of Marine, and then each minding their own business went to start the Peace Pacifista, and rushed to the first area with these robots.

And the Marine soldier who was let go, didn’t bother, and rushed to Kizaru’s office this time, trying to tell Kizaru the news quickly.


When the Marine Captain of Chen Qiang led people into the Auction House, a small submarine emerged from the waterway at the back door of the slave base that was not far away.

The submarine door opened, and the two of them, Parker and Lin, carefully observed the surrounding conditions and only jumped out of the submarine when they found no one around and landed on the Sabaody Archipelago.

“It seems that the captain’s side has already started, and the guards of this place have also been transferred!” After landing, Parker took out a small machine and observed the surrounding Den Den Mushi. Information, and then after they came ashore from them in coordination with the surroundings, they did not see the situation of a guard, and quickly analyzed and said.

“Then let’s go quickly too! While Brother Qiang is there to attract attention, we must hurry up to rescue people! Otherwise Brother Qiang when the time comes, the battle will be constrained! “

Hearing Parker’s analysis, Lin said nodded with a serious look on her slightly fat face at this time.


Soon, the two quickly entered the slave training base according to the previously designed action route, and due to the reduction of guards, the two There were basically no obstacles along the way.

“Lin! Be careful next. When we enter the place where the slave is detained, there is an alarm Den Den Mushi. We are easy to show up and we will be discovered directly. When the time comes, there will definitely be The guard appeared to stop us!” Just as they were about to hit the place where the slave was being held, Parker and Lin stopped, and Parker turned his head and explained to Lin seriously.

“Don’t worry, I am very strong. As long as those guys dare to show up, I will chop them into pieces!”

When I heard Parker’s words, Lin was very arrogant The long knife in Wuwu’s hand said very fiercely, but no matter how fierce she makes her expressions, coupled with her fleshy face, it gives people a very cute feeling.

“Okay! Let’s go in!”

Since Lynn said it’s okay, Parker is not too verbose, so he took out a sword hilt-style thing directly from behind and clicked At the switch, a laser about one meter long is emitted from the sword hilt, which becomes a laser sword.

This thing is exactly what he researched based on the laser sword mentioned by Chen Qiang, but although this thing has been researched out, there are still flaws, that is, it will not last long, one sword is the most If it lasts for ten minutes, its capacity will be exhausted and it will be scrapped.

But before coming, Parker deliberately made some more to carry on him, so he was not afraid of any consumption, so when he was about to start fighting, he took it out directly.

After getting ready, the two of them didn’t say much, they came out directly from the hiding place, and then quickly passed through the gate where the slave was held, and entered the prison where the slave was held. .

“Ula! Ula!”

At the same time, when they passed through here, sirens sounded through the entire slave training base.

The guards who originally kept their hands here, knew right away that someone had broken into the slave detention area, and immediately rushed towards it in an organized and rapid manner.

Here, Lin and Parker, who were rushing into the slave detention site, separated directly. Parker went to rescue his elder sister. Although Lin was also moving towards that place, the speed was indeed deliberate. I slowed down a lot, and went all the way, cutting off the surrounding cages that held slaves.

Help the slave inside untie the restraints on the hands and feet.

It’s just that these slaves took up weapons, but few people resisted. After all, they have been kept here for a long time, and they have been trained for a long time. They are natural to those guards. Fear, the obedience that has been accustomed, the will to resist in the heart has been almost consumed.

So at this time, although Lin let them out, few people participated in the escape plan.

However, before they came in, Chen Qiang had thought of such a situation, so Chen Qiang had told Lin before, what to do in such a situation.

So after releasing all the slaves here, Lin Zai returned to the doorway where she had passed before. The purple rays of light flashed by, and the guards who rushed here first were all taken care of by Lin.

After that, Lin closed the door even more, not knowing where she brought a box, then stood up, and took out a big speaker from behind.

“Hey! Hey! Hey!”

First, Lin tried the audition, and then Lin started the speech Chen Qiang taught her.

“Hello everyone, I just stand here to ask why you dare not resist? Is it because they are too strong, or because they are too vicious, or because you have been terrified?”

“But you think that if you don’t resist, there will be good results. If you don’t resist, they will continue to torture you and train you until you completely lose yourself and don’t have your own ideas. Sell ​​it, sell it to those nobles, continue to be exploited and tortured by those nobles.”

“Is that kind of day really what you want? Or are you still looking forward to being a better person? If you buy it back, you may be able to marry and have children, but then your child is a slave from birth. With such an identity, would you like your Pirate to be inferior to others at birth?”

“…. ..”

Following Lin’s explanation, those slaves whose eyes were already completely numb, at this time, slowly there was also a little more in their eyes, looking towards them one by one. Lin on the top of the box.

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