
With a light sound, the fourteenth pose behind Chen Qiang stood beside him, and the Hades inside jumped out from above , Fell into the hands of Chen Qiang.

“No need to hide, you are already exposed, call your Sir out!”

Holding Hades in his hand, Chen Qiang showed a faint smile on his face, and then looked towards the people around, because after he took out the long knife, he stopped moving.

After hearing Chen Qiang’s words, these people threw down the goods in their hands one after another, and then drew a long knife or long spear from the side, looking at Chen Qiang with alert.

“Undead Chen Qiang! Let’s meet again!”

Chen Qiang, who was surrounded in the center, didn’t panic at all. He still stood calmly and didn’t last long. , A tall silhouette came to the pier, it was the former Impel Down long, now Marine Headquarters Vice Admiral Magellan.

“It’s Magellan, who do I think it is? I didn’t expect to be able to see you here after I left Impel Down. It really surprised me!”

After seeing Magellan’s silhouette, the smile on Chen Qiang’s face became more intense. If you don’t look at the surrounding Marine, those who don’t know will think that it is really an old friend meeting.

However, Chen Qiang wanted to chat with Magellan, but Magellan was not ready to chat with Chen Qiang, and directly ordered the surrounding Marine to attack Chen Qiang.

“peng!” “peng!” “peng!”

The gunshots kept ringing, but after shooting Chen Qiang, many of them were far away, and they couldn’t even break the skin. Only those who were closer could break Chen Qiang’s skin in front of him, but the bullet was directly clamped by Chen Qiang’s muscles and then squeezed out.

“It’s useless! These attacks are useless to me. After such a long time, Magellan, have you forgotten that you gave me my nickname?”

As for the bullets shot on him, Chen Qiang didn’t want to take a look at it. After so many battles, coupled with his continuous improvement in cultivation, the bullets of this ordinary gun are fundamentally correct. He couldn’t cause any harm, although he didn’t even have the idea of ​​defensiveness.

“Magellan! I think it’s better for you to do it yourself, lest these Marines come up and lose their lives in vain. After all, they are also the sons of some fathers or the fathers of children. They shouldn’t be just because they didn’t. I lost my life for any help fighting!”

After taking a look at the surrounding soldiers who were still shooting seriously, Chen Qiang said to Magellan.

However, Magellan did not stop the soldier from attacking, because he believed that every ability has its limit, such as Chen Qiang’s unsolvable ability, the limit should be greater. And this attack is also an attempt by him, wanting to see if Chen Qiang’s ability has its limit.

However, no matter what Magellan thinks, Chen Qiang is a little tired of these attacks that can’t even be defensive, after all, this simply can’t give him any improvement.

So seeing that Magellan did not order to stop, a powerful imposing manner spread out from Chen Qiang.

Those Marines who were still pulling the trigger, under the impact of this imposing manner, seemed to be frozen at once, and then fainted directly on the ground with pale eyes.

Of course, there are also those determined Marines. Under the pressure of this imposing manner, they didn’t faint, but they couldn’t pull the trigger at all.

“Haoshoku Haki? Didn’t expect that in just a few months, you have grown to this level. It seems that you really can’t keep you outside!”

With this overbearing imposing manner, and watching a part of the Marine that fainted around, Magellan knew what Chen Qiang had used at once, and waved to the surrounding Marines reluctantly to stop them from attacking and let them carry the dizziness. The fallen Marine moved away from here, and walked a few steps forward by himself.

I really faced Chen Qiang face to face.

“Poisonous gas bomb!”

Without any hesitation, after waiting for all the Marines to withdraw a certain distance, Magellan opened his big mouth, and then a round The shaped poisonous egg protruded from his mouth and flew towards Chen Qiang quickly.


Faced with this attack, Chen Qiang swung the knife directly, a slash appeared, and directly chopped the poisonous egg in half from the middle.

It’s just that the poisonous egg that was chopped in half stopped flying, but a huge amount of gas diffused out of it, quickly turning the entire pier into a poisonous gas-covered place.

At the moment when the poisonous gas appeared, Chen Qiang knew that it was not good, and the bloody energy he was looking at was forced out from within the body, and then quickly covered his body, and the poisonous gas They are all blocked outside.

“Magellan, your style is not good! Why haven’t you made any progress for such a long time! Let’s take a look at my recent growth!”

“Profound Truth · Tiger Cut!”

Blocking Magellan’s attack, Chen Qiang laughed at Magellan for a while, holding the Hades in both hands, and then making a stab in Magellan’s direction. A huge slash appeared and flew straight towards Magellan. past.

It was cut in half by Magellan with a single knife, but Magellan directly talked about himself when the slash appeared. Although it was cut in half, he did not at all suffer any damage.

Only when Magellan was together for the second time, the slash that flew past his body just now turned into a blood-colored giant tiger behind him, and turned to bite him. Come here.

“Poison Dragon!”

When the giant tiger turned around, Magellan felt it, so the body was undergoing elemental transformation, and three huge Poison Dragons appeared behind him , Crashed into the scarlet giant tiger together.


Poison Dragon collided with the scarlet giant tiger, and the two sides dissipated into the air at the same time, but the giant tiger did dissipate, but the three Poisons After the Dragon dissipated, a poisonous gas was formed, which increased the poisonous gas on the dock.


However, Chen Qiang did not care about the more and more powerful poisonous gas, but when Magellan dealt with the scarlet giant tiger, he kicked his side Fourteenth style, and then a long iron chain flew out of fourteenth style, and flew quickly towards Magellan.

How to put it, the elemental fruit ability is indeed very powerful, Kairosaki can indeed restrain the Ability User, but restraining the Ability User is not the ability to restrain, so when the chain flies, Magellan’s body The position was directly transferred by the poisonous gas in the air, and the iron chain only hit a ball of poison without causing any harm.

“Corrosive and poisonous!”

After Magellan moved, his silhouette appeared directly next to Chen Qiang, and then two hands braving deep red venom, one The punch went to Chen Qiang.

For melee and so on, Chen Qiang has never been counseled. Seeing Magellan attacking him, Chen Qiang also directly lifted the knife and covered the island with bloody energy, and at the same time, his hands were also bloody. Under the energy filling, it became bigger in a circle, and then struggling to cut towards Magellan.


A pool of venom was chopped down by Chen Qiang, and Magellan’s silhouette disappeared again. It’s just that Magellan’s attack did make the red venom become The gas was mixed with the poisonous gas, which burned a layer of red on the punishing gas that was originally deep green.

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