Furthermore, after this attack, Chen Qiang finally found something wrong, that is, the poisonous gas on this pier began to corrode the bloody energy in his body, and the speed was not good enough. Very fast.

If it weren’t for Chen Qiang’s amazing recovery ability, plus the scarlet energy is the energy formed by directly using blood, it can recover quickly, maybe it’s been completely corroded at this time, and the poison gas has entered his own. Body out.

But even in this way, if this corrosive ability is strengthened, maybe Chen Qiang’s recovery ability will not be able to keep up, when the time comes, he will definitely be poisoned.

“Really annoying ability!”

After understanding this situation, Chen Qiang also shook his head helplessly. After all, his own cheat can only guarantee that he will not die. And so on resistance is really low, so sooner or later I will be bad luck.

So when he saw that things could not be done, Chen Qiang also gave birth to the idea of ​​retreat. After all, this ability is really too restrained, and he has no reason to fight against the opponent, so he simply directs Good to leave.

Since he wanted to leave, Chen Qiang didn’t wait much. He raised the fourteenth pose next to him, and then held Hades with both hands.

“Profound Truth ·Brutal Moon Slash!”

The scarlet waning moon slash, as the Hades in Chen Qiang’s hand dashed through the air, appeared in front of Chen Qiang, and then in the flying tiger From here, Brutal Moon Slash continued to expand, cutting all the items on the dock into two directly with a single knife.

Magellan, who had just appeared in shape, faced this powerful slash. After leaving a pool of venom again, it disappeared in the poisonous gas, and no trace was seen.

That is, after Magellan disappeared again, Chen Qiang decisively turned around and jumped directly into the sea with Hades.


Seeing Chen Qiang escaping, Magellan also understood his previous arrangement in the poisonous gas, and was discovered by the other party. All those with a certain atmosphere directly put a lot of venom Into the sea.

For a time, the Sea Territory in this dock area became a poison pool. All the aquatic animals in it were poisoned to death.

And Chen Qiang quickly got out of here when the other party put the poison into the sea, not at all causing any obstruction.

After venting against the sea for a while, Magellan touched her aching stomach again, then quickly found a nearby toilet and squatted in.

At the same time, he asked Marine who was approaching here and waiting for his command: “Where are my ones? Where is this time?”

“Adults, are facing Come here, I believe I will be here in ten minutes!”

The soldier outside quickly told Magellan in the toilet what he had obtained.

“After asking them to come to the island, they quickly find a Battleship that has been coated, and when I go out, we will head to Fishman Island, where we will wait for the arrival of Chen Qiang’s brat!”

After knowing the news, Magellan gave his order the second time quickly, and his forceful voice came from the toilet.

After receiving the order, Marine ran away quickly to notify him.

It turns out that Magellan didn’t come here to build your fleet with him, but he rushed here after he got a news that he didn’t know where it came from, not at all with Subordinate.

Didn’t expect really let him meet Chen Qiang, but although it is not far from Marine Headquarters, it is obviously unrealistic to come over in an hour or two, so this battle Magellan did it alone.

Although it was not the purpose of Chen Qiang’s coming to the island, there were still some guesses about where Chen Qiang would go next, so I had the order just now.


On the other hand, Lin and Hulk took the newly joined Aiwen back on the ship. They hadn’t told Parker about their previous experience at Sabaody Archipelago, and they saw small submarines emerging from it continuously under the sea. .

Soon, people wearing white uniforms and masks appeared on the outside of the submarine, and jumped toward the Megatron.

However, their actions obviously touched the alarm mechanism on the ship. Parker, who had just come out of the control room, immediately heard the alarm sound, and he didn’t even bother to go out and ask about the situation, so he quickly returned to the control room. , Controlled the defense on the ship.

So immediately when these white clothed people jumped onto the ship, the petals that were originally flying in the air suddenly stopped in the air, and then quickly shot at those who had just boarded the ship.

For a while, because of this sudden attack, at least a dozen people were directly penetrated by the flying petals, and bursts of blood mist flew out of them.

At the same time, the roots of the peach trees that had been stationary were also pulled out of the ground, and then attacked those who had just escaped the attack of the petals.

Just a few breaths, the first batch of people who jumped onto the Megatron were all injured one by one, and they retreated to the sea outside the ship.

“Rankyaku !”

Just after these people retreated to the surface of the sea, a few people in the submarines with the word cp printed on the white clothed suit appeared, and then at the same time Launched an attack.

one after another The slash kicked out with the foot quickly attacked the peach tree on the Megatron.

“peng peng peng! ”

The peach tree in the periphery was cut directly by the slash, exposing the broken wires.

After kicking these peach trees, the CP members who had just retreated to the sea got on the boat again. This time they were not eager to attack the people on the boat, but started After attacking the peach trees in front of him, he wanted to deal with the peach trees first, and then went to deal with Lin and the others.

But obviously they are not attacking, Lin and the others will not be stunned. First, after pushing Aiwen, who has no battle strength, to the basement floor of the ship, Lin and Hulk start to face these people. Fight back.


After a loud roar, Hulk rushed directly at these people, and then the hammer flew. Simply no one could stop his charge.

Even some fast cp members can find opportunities to attack Hulk, but they are directly bounced back by his skin, all at a faster speed than before. Flew upside down.

The CP members who were charged by Hulk for a while, none of them could stay on the ship, they were all shot out.

And Lin has no such violence here, purple rays of light flashed, sign a fortuitous encounter with those who can sign the contract, Lin took off the sledgehammer on her back, and then the sledgehammer As the steam flashed above, a hammer hit like a CP member rushing to her side.

Even if the opponent used Tekkai to defend, he was still smashed and flew out. At the same time, when he was in the air, blood spurted out of his air.

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