The so-called snow girl is not only cold, but also powerful.

It is a legendary monster that can take the lives of others in the wind and snow. In Oden's view, Yukiko at this time is like a snow girl, not only beautiful and cold, but also powerful.

At least now, no one except himself can be a match for Yukiko.

Don't look at Kin'emon's appearance. After all, he is the future emperor. Although he has not received proper training, his physical strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

This can be reflected two years ago. At that time, the several samurai who captured the white pig were not a match for Kin'emon.

It's not just Kin'emon, professional ninjas like Raizo are probably not a match for Yukiko.

During this period of time, although Yukiko was often busy with official duties, she did not neglect her training. Compared with that time, her strength has improved a lot.

However, Yukiko did not show any good face when she heard Oden's praise. This so-called general's son is great and has a noble aura in the eyes of others. Even if he has severed his relationship with the general, his status is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

But in Yukiko's view, this is just a ronin with some ability. He is self-reliant and makes trouble at will. Since entering Kuri, this group of people has caused countless riots of all sizes, and even the army that went to arrest them was repelled by them.

As for his so-called identity as the general's son, it is even more worthless in her view.

The real ruler of this country should be Lord Xia Lin. If the plan of Kozuki Oden, the Kozuki clan, and the guy Kurozumi Orochi succeeds, it will be a luxury to live in humiliation at that time.

Thinking of this, Yukiko complained about Kurozumi Orochi again. That ugly guy insisted that he hoped to take revenge on the Kozuki clan with his own hands, and even asked for Lord Xia Lin's permission.

As a result, things became so troublesome.

If Lord Xia Lin did it himself, he would have taken Wano Country long ago.

But that being said, Kozuki Oden's strength is indeed an obstacle.

"Come with me, Lord Xia Lin wants to see you." Yukiko said this coldly, then turned around and walked away in small steps. She was wearing wooden clogs and a kimono with bound feet, so her steps were very small. From behind, she looked like a branch bent by the snow, trembling slightly in the air.

Raizo and Kin'emon's eyes almost popped out, and their heads stretched out like giraffes.

"Hey, you two..." Oden shook his head, knowing that his men were a bit "wild and unruly". But the woman in front of him does look very attractive, her demeanor is like a cluster of light plum blossoms, and her temperament is like cold and sharp white snow.

Yukiko has always been two different faces in front of people and in front of Xia Lin.

"Don't look, hurry up and catch up!" Oden said, he couldn't wait to see the daimyo of Kuri and Ashura Douji.

Several people followed Yukiko and the Fujun of the Tenryo, and they attracted more attention along the way.

"Damn, Lord Oden should also be so glorious in the future!" Kin'emon and Denjiro envied.

Dressed in uniform and marching in unison, such an army looks like an indescribable temperament, as if it is a river that keeps converging and a certain power twisted together, and it looks indestructible.

In their opinion, Kozuki Oden, who will become the general of Wano sooner or later, should also have such an army, which is worthy of his status.

As the saying goes, if you look at the mountain, you will die. Although Yingxiang Mountain seemed to be right in front of them, it took them a long time to reach the foot of the mountain. When they arrived here, the number of guards had obviously increased.

Many of the accompanying people dispersed and returned to their original positions.

On the winding mountain road, a palace soldier in armor stood upright at intervals. The road underfoot was also a road paved with bluestone. Walking on this road, being stared at by the soldiers on both sides with cold eyes was an unspeakable pressure for some timid people.

Kin'emon felt a sense of oppression while thinking bad things behind his back.

'It's just a daimyo's mansion, but it was built so magnificently. I don't know if you would think that this daimyo of Kuri is the general of this country! '

Although there is no

Seeing Xia Lin, Kin'emon and others already had a bad impression of him.

This was not only caused by the splendor of the daimyo's mansion. The most important reason was their experiences along the way.

They had caused trouble in other villages, but only the daimyo of Kuri sent the palace soldiers to arrest them because they ate some crops or destroyed some property.

What's more, the woman just said "the lord wants to see you".

At first, I was confused by the temperament and appearance of that person and didn't react. Now I think, doesn't this sound like a summons? It's just a mere daimyo of Kuri, and he should put on such an air?

Do you really think that after Lord Oden broke off his relationship with the general, Lord Oden is just an ordinary citizen?

You know, even the Shimotsuki clan, who has served as the daimyo of Hakumai for generations, dare not treat Oden with this attitude now. The daimyo of other villages just turned a blind eye and would not treat Oden as a refugee.

The group followed Yukiko up the mountain road, and when they arrived at the gate of the daimyo mansion, the soldiers around them had completely dispersed.

The guards at the gate saw Yukiko coming, and immediately became serious and opened the gate.

Suddenly, the group was stunned by the scene in front of them, just like Liu Laolao entering the Grand View Garden.

After entering the gate, the first thing they saw was a courtyard. This courtyard was built by Xia Lin based on the style of Suzhou gardens. Although his memory was not very clear, the scenery presented still shocked a guy like Kin'emon who was born in the Flower Capital but actually did not have much experience.

"Oh? This garden is really good." Oden exclaimed, "This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful garden."

In other words, even the general's mansion is no more than this.

But this is also natural. He still spent a lot of thought on the daimyo mansion in Kuri. Although he will definitely move to the Flower Capital in the end, according to the progress of Orochi, it will take at least ten years.

This also means that he will have to live in this Daming Prefecture for about ten years, which naturally takes some effort.

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