The garden was full of vitality.

Yukiko led them along the winding corridor. The winding corridor and the clear flowing pool water made the whole garden seem to have spiritual energy.

However, although such scenery is beautiful, it is obviously unbearable for them in front of reckless men like Oden and Kin'emon.

Kin'emon twisted his face and whispered to Denjiro: "It would be faster if we walked straight, right? Why do we have to go around like this?"

It can be seen that Oden has the same idea. At first glance, the garden is beautiful, but the winding corridor makes the originally not far road become long. Although the green plants and water scenery along the way are very good, and the rockery and carved railings are very delicate, they still make them feel a little uncomfortable.

These corridors overlap like intestines (nine twists and turns), and you can jump over each other with a light jump (several meters wide), but you have to walk step by step like this, which makes Oden feel very uncomfortable.

Or, it is restrained.

At this time, he felt that this Kuri and the Flower Capital made him feel restrained. It was not just a road, but also the rules and regulations of Kuri. He couldn't help but break it.

But he ignored that doing whatever he wanted could not be considered "freedom".

Some of these rules that made him feel restrained must exist.

Of course, he didn't realize this at this time, and he would have no way to figure it out in the future.

Now, all he wanted was to jump out of this framework as soon as possible and get rid of the shackles on his body.

"Hey, woman, tell me which room the name of Kuri is in, and I will go to find him myself!" He shouted loudly to Yukiko.

Hearing this, Yukiko, who was walking in front, slowly stopped and turned to look at him.

"Go find him yourself? What does that mean? Do you think I will let you rude people walk around here at will?" Yukiko said coldly, her words were very impolite. She didn't like Kozuki Oden, and although Lord Xia Lin asked to see him, he didn't say that he would treat him with courtesy.

What's more, there are many maids in the daimyo's mansion, all of whom she had found with great difficulty. They are the harem she built for Xia Lin. The inner palace is a place that those who have been planted with the seal of the great snake cannot enter. God knows what these people will become when they see those beautiful maids?

"You actually said that they are rude people..." Kin'emon gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and looked very angry, "Don't make a mistake, woman! The one standing in front of you is-"

"Wait, Kin'emon, I'm not the general's son." Oden interrupted him, leaving Kin'emon speechless.

"But, but..." Kin'emon and others couldn't understand why their Lord Oden could still maintain a good temper at this time.

They didn't understand, but Xia Lin, who was standing on the high pavilion and watching all this, understood that this was because Oden, who had the blood of Kozuki, was too tolerant.

Seeing this, Xia Lin casually stretched out his hand and called a maid.

Huizi, who was on duty to serve Xia Lin today, hurried over in small steps, looked at the back of the adult in front of him, and said respectfully: "Master Xia Lin, do you have any instructions?"

Like Yukiko, Huizi was not planted with the seal of the snake. In fact, most of the maids were not planted with such a mark. Although they were all collected by Yukiko, there was no coercion in the process.

It is better to say that this has helped these people escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

Huizi was originally a resident of another village. Because she was beautiful and had an ordinary background, she was later favored by a local tycoon. The tycoon failed to propose marriage, and in anger, he designed to break her family apart. The huge debt could not be repaid, and she could only be sold to Yuguo as a prostitute to pay off the debt.

Later, after hearing about Jiuli, Huizi thought that since she was going to be sold to Yuguo anyway, she might as well go to Jiuli. It was said that the Yuguo there could get a much larger share. Moreover, it was said that Jiuli Yuguo attached great importance to hygiene, and the probability of contracting diseases was lower.

Huizi had seen some Yuguo girls who were infected with diseases, and their miserable appearance frightened her.

Later, after going through so much trouble to Jiuli, she was spotted by Yukiko during the registration process. Yukiko helped her pay off her debts and brought her to Daimyofu.

Having escaped the tragic ending of being played by thousands of people, Huizi, who now has no one to rely on, has regarded Daimyofu as her home, not to mention that Daimyofu looks very

Handsome, she felt that life seemed to have changed all of a sudden.

"Keiko, send someone down to tell Yukiko to take those people to the first floor and not to cause conflict." Xia Lin said.

"Take them to the high building?" Keiko covered her mouth in surprise and exclaimed softly.

"Well, go ahead."

"Yes, I know."

The high building or the high tower is the widest building in the daimyo's mansion, like a giant tower, with a total of nine floors.

The two lowest floors are where he handles official business, and the third floor can be said to be a restaurant, which is generally only used if there is a banquet. The use of each floor above is different, but they are all places that no one can set foot on except the maids.

Generally speaking, outsiders are only received in the meeting hall of the outer mansion.

In addition to this towering building, there are other buildings, such as houses where some servants live, kitchens, dojos for practicing martial arts, private academies, etc.

In the garden, Yukiko was confronting Oden with a bad face. Oden didn't care about being called rude to his face. Anyway, it was the fact, and he didn't feel ashamed of it, but proud of it.

Sometimes he made many mistakes knowingly, just to feel the joy of breaking free from restraint. Xia Lin didn't hate bold people. In fact, when he watched the anime, his opinion of Kozuki Oden changed.

Originally, he didn't like or dislike him much, until he didn't want to take responsibility as a man, and a series of idiotic actions in the later period, coupled with the causal law weapon of "everyone must like" that was no weaker than Red Hair's face, which made Xia Lin feel disgusted with this person.

However, this disgust is much less than that of his son.

Sometimes Xia Lin would think maliciously, whether it is better not to let the guy who must die be born, or to let the guy be tortured and die after being born.

"Kozuki Oden, since you have admitted that you are not the son of the general, then in this Kuri, you must act according to the rules of Kuri." Yukiko was still talking, but the expression on Kozuki Oden's face had become distorted, and it looked like countless layers of skin and flesh piled together.

Yukiko was so angry that she was half dead. If a maid hadn't come over and brought Xia Lin's words to her, I'm afraid Yukiko would have drawn her knife and chopped him up.

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