The two sides were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

Xia Lin did not continue to talk nonsense with him. The dark purple aura around his body condensed into a snake shadow, and he roared with his teeth bared.

Seeing that there was no way for the two sides to be friendly, Huo Luo could only fight to the death. At this time, his face became crazy, and flames were burning all over his body. It seemed that he was going to burn the ship and him together: "Ji is also a capable person. Since you don't plan to let me go, then bury me in the sea! Three thousand degrees Celsius, big fire--"

The hot flames gushed out, and the flames burned like a small sun.

The flowing flames rushed to the surroundings, but there was no expression of success on Huo Luo's face. Because those cold snake shadows had trapped him firmly and lifted him up to the sky.

The released flames rushed in all directions without distinction, but they could not rush to the hull below.

The cold breath released by Xia Lin extinguished his flames, and the whole ship was covered with white frost under the flames.

Xia Lin could not receive two demon souls at the same time, but even without using the whole body to receive, he could still exert part of his abilities in a normal state. However, the ability in this case is the level of unawakening.

Even without awakening, the strengths of ability users are different.

The world is very far away.

"This is the ship I like, you can't destroy it." Xia Lin looked at him, and then said lightly, "In addition, I will not be drowned, just because I can freeze the sea surface."

In fact, he is not afraid of seawater at all, and the seastone factor has almost no effect on him.

Holo is still struggling, but Xia Lin directly planted the seal of the snake on him. Although he has planned to use these pirates to make some pocket money, they still have to do the work of driving the ship themselves.

It has to be said that the Great Snake Seal is a very convenient skill, but it is a pity that it does not work at all for the real strong. In fact, even Shutenmaru at that time almost made this ability ineffective.

If Shutenmaru had not originally intended to follow Xia Lin and had almost no resistance, the Great Snake Seal would have had little effect on him.

After planting the Great Snake Seal on Holo, the same fate also occurred to those small fish that he knocked down with his domineering color.

Now those people have slowly woken up and are kneeling respectfully waiting for Xia Lin's instructions.

"Sir, where are you going?"

Xia Lin threw the map to him.

"Go to the nearest naval base, but wait a moment. By the way, there should be the latest bounty on your ship, right?" Xia Lin asked while waiting for Jasmine and Yuriko to come.

"Yes!" Holo nodded quickly, then turned around and shouted to the men, "Go and get the bounty orders to the adults!"

Soon, a clever boy brought a bunch of bounties over.

Pirates like them would often spend a small amount of money to buy some news from the Newsbird when sailing on the sea. Generally speaking, bounties are sandwiched in newspapers.

"This is all the bounties."

"See if there is a bounty order for a pirate named Redfield."

Xia Lin nodded and sat in Holo's original position, letting them get busy. Seeing this, Holo immediately asked a few women to come and serve Xia Lin. He tried to please Xia Lin because he was hit by the Great Snake Seal, and on the other hand, he hoped that Xia Lin would show mercy and not give him to the navy.

Even if he was hit by the Great Snake Seal, the will of these people would not dissipate like this.

Holo didn't want to fall into the hands of the navy. If Xia Lin had a mission for him, he would naturally bear the humiliation and bear the burden without hesitation, but who would be willing to be punished for no reason?

After hearing Holo's order, the women on the ship rushed to rush up and flatter Xia Lin. Pinching shoulders and beating legs, serving tea and water were all trivial matters, and there were many people who wanted to serve him in public.

However, Xia Lin just let these coquettish guys back off with an expressionless face.

Xia Lin looked at the women in revealing clothes. Some of these people were originally crew members of the Night Fire Pirates, and some were captives of the pirate group they defeated during the day.

However, whether it was the former or the latter, these women were not clean, nor were they good people. For these people, Xia Lin was also arranged by the Great Snake Seal.

These people don't have to be sent to the navy. When the time comes, they can be brought back to Jiuli and let them go to Yuguo directly.

On this ship

In addition to these two types of women, there is a third type of women. These women were looted from ordinary civilians by the Nightfire Pirates. These people were locked up in the ship and played with by them in humiliation.

Xia Lin's attitude towards these poor women was much better. Not only did he not use the Great Snake Seal to control them, he also asked the female pirates to clean them up and release them.

However, some of these people have been tortured too much, standing there motionless like emotionless puppets.

Fortunately, most people are not numb to this extent.

At this time, these women who have been cleaned up and dressed are looking at the pirates around them with panic expressions.

Since they were captured, they have been enduring the torture of these pirates like livestock, and now it seems that something is wrong. Their fearful eyes finally fell on Xia Lin, who was sitting at the top.

This person is someone they have never seen before. If Xia Lin had appeared before, they would not have failed to recognize him.

"Don't be afraid. From now on, you won't be tortured by these pirates." Xia Lin said softly, "I am a pirate hunter. Next, I will send these pirates to the naval base. You will get off the ship there. The navy should send you back to your hometown."

Xia Lin's figure was like a beam of light shining into their gradually numb and humiliating lives. However, there are still many people who don't trust Xia Lin's words. Where in the world would pirates be so respectful to pirate hunters?

Soon, Jasmine and Yuriko also arrived.

"It's so pitiful. Pirates are really bad guys!" After getting on the ship, they learned about the situation on the ship. Jasmine was even more angry and drew her knife, wanting to cut the pirates into pieces. However, although Xia Lin did not stop her, Jasmine, who had never killed anyone, was a little reluctant to do it after hurting a pirate.

Yuriko, who was soft-hearted, felt very sorry for the women who were robbed, so she often comforted them on the way to the naval base.

Those women gradually realized that they might really be saved.

Because the pirates who originally treated them as livestock moved into the dirty and smelly cells themselves and gave their original rooms to them.

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