The ship was heading for the nearest naval base under the command of the navigator. However, in order to avoid being attacked by the navy before approaching the naval base, Xia Lin asked them to take down the original pirate flag on the ship and replace it with a normal sail.

Now Xia Lin is counting the property of the Night Fire Pirates.

To be honest, these guys are quite rich. Xia Lin counted carefully and found that there are treasures worth more than 100 million Baileys on this ship.

In this era, the value of 100 million Baileys is much greater than in the future, and the purchasing power is estimated to be several times that of the future.

Money is also depreciating when it is left alone. Xia Lin plans to send these things directly to Kurotan Muchan's overseas base when returning, and then let her spend them in exchange for supplies.

"So much money!" Jasmine's eyes twinkled, imagining herself lying on the money.

"I didn't expect you to be a little money-grubber?" Xia Lin said in surprise.

"Hehe, I want to be the leader of the Kanjo Bugyo like Sister Yukiko in the future!" Jasmine said proudly.

But thinking of her money-grubber look just now, Xia Lin decided that she couldn't take this job. It's not that he thinks Jasmine will embezzle money, but the key is that he is afraid that she will be stingy when allocating funds.

"By the way, Jasmine, use Den Den Mushi to contact those people in Kurozumi Mushin's overseas base and tell them to keep an eye on the news of the Sleeping Ancient Town." Xia Lin ordered. Last night, these pirates found the Red Earl's bounty.

But like Roger, he is now just an unknown little pirate.

The ship is heading towards the naval base, and on the other side, Yukiko and others also borrowed the road from Hime and came to the Flower Capital.

"Is this the Flower City? This is my first time here." Shutenmaru looked around. The climate of the Flower City is very different from that of Kuri. The season here is always spring, not as hot as Kuri.

After entering the Flower City, you still have to travel a long distance to reach the real capital.

The capital is built on the central highland of the Flower City, where there is a huge cherry tree that is always in full bloom, but it is not visible here.

Except for the capital, the places are all suburbs or the wild, but even in the wild there are people living. Not everyone is qualified to live in the center of the capital, just like Kin'emon's old lover, the woman named Ahe, who opened a small teahouse in the wilderness.

"Don't you think that this kind of place is best ruled by only Lord Xia Lin?" Yukiko said.

She had been to the Flower City before. When Kuri was just built, she recruited construction workers from all over the country and came to the Flower City at that time.

"I remember there is a teahouse in front where we can rest. Let's take a rest there." Xue Zi recalled that she had seen a small teahouse when she came here several times before, and planned to rest there.

In addition to providing tea, the teahouse also has some food, but they are all snacks like three-color meatballs.

This time, there are only more than 30 people going to the Flower City, including the people accompanying them, and those bands beating gongs and drums will certainly not follow them all the way.

Soon, they passed through the woods and saw a small teahouse. The proprietress of the teahouse had heard the noise and stood at the door looking around. In fact, it is not quite appropriate to call her the proprietress. The woman in front of her is still a beautiful girl. It is hard to believe that a woman of her age would actually run a teahouse in such a remote place.

Ah He originally heard the noise and stood outside the door to observe vigilantly. She dared to do business in such a place. In addition to her own skills, more importantly, she was very vigilant.

But soon she saw a gorgeous team. The gorgeous and elegant decorations surprised her a little, and she became cautious at the same time.

It looked like someone important was coming, and such people were sometimes scarier than scoundrels, but she soon felt relieved. Because she saw Yukiko in the crowd.

Yukiko had passed through the Flower City several times, and she would often stop here to rest. But she didn't have such a big show at that time. Although she brought some people with her, she was not dressed like she is now, and she even wore light armor.

Because of Yukiko's temperament, and her generosity every time she came, Ah He actually had a deep impression of her.

If it were usual, she would have immediately greeted him, but this time she did not act immediately. Because she saw the man sitting in the red sedan with a stern expression and closed his eyes.

The man with sleepy eyes.

Kurozumi Muchan used the Mimicry Fruit well, at least his demeanor was still very vivid. At this moment, this cold and superior temperament made Ahe hesitate to act rashly for a while. He was afraid of offending the other party and causing a fatal disaster.

"This is it, let's take a break." Yukiko saw Ahe standing at the door nervously, turned her head and whispered to the back.

This action made Ahe feel a little strange. Obviously, the man should be the most distinguished person in the group, but looking at the way Yukiko gave orders, she neither asked the other party's opinion nor disturbed the other party's worries at all. It seems that she is the one with the highest status in this group.

In fact, it is true.

Let's not talk about Kurozumi Muchan and Shutenmaru, even those thieves who were originally under Shutenmaru, now the soldiers of the Tenryo, are more willing to listen to Yukiko's words. After all, this woman is a favorite of Lord Xia Lin. Sometimes, her words even directly represent Xia Lin's will. Naturally, she has a different weight in their hearts.

"Miss Xue Zi, what are you doing?" Ah He saw Xue Zi asking these people to stop and then walked towards her, and then hurriedly asked respectfully.

"Miss A He, my lord, now the Daimyo of Jiuli, and I are going to Huazhidu to pay a visit to the general. We passed by here and wanted to rest." Xue Zi said softly, "Miss A He, please prepare some tea and food."

"Damyo?" Ah He covered her mouth and exclaimed softly. She knew that Xue Zi's identity must not be simple, but she only thought she was a woman from some wealthy family. Unexpectedly, she was actually a subordinate of the recently famous Daimyo of Jiuli.

And judging from her status, she must be very high.

After a slight exclamation, Ahe realized that his actions were a bit slow, and hurriedly said: "I will go to pay my respects to the daimyo first."

Yukiko nodded. Although she felt that there was no need to pay her respects to the fake Kurozumi Murasaki, she could not reveal any flaws when she was out and about: "The daimyo of our Kuri is actually very kind, Ahe, don't worry."

Ahe nodded, but she was still very nervous in her heart. The person with the highest status she had seen was Kozuki Oden, who rescued her from the belly of the mountain god two years ago.

However, the other party was immediately severed from the father-son relationship by Kozuki Sukiyaki.

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