The weather in the capital of flowers is very mild. When the cool breeze blows through the air, petals like raindrops fall from the sky. These scattered flowers are as pale as snow, with a little pink gradient. After the light colors come together, it suddenly becomes a pink sunset. The fallen flowers are colorful. The so-called cherry blossoms must be referring to this scene, right? There is a faint fragrance in the wind. In fact, the smell of cherry blossoms is very light, but so many flowers gather here, and the subtle fragrance also condenses. "What beautiful cherry blossoms." Shutenmaru sighed. His cultural level was not high. It would be better to say that he had no cultural level at all. He had only learned to read in the past six months.

Unlike Yukiko, who could speak a little haiku.

There was no one in Wano Country who didn't like cherry blossoms. The way they bloomed and then withered casually was still beautiful even though it was death. When cherry blossoms fell, they were not stained or stained, and they were very straightforward. In their fantasy, life should be like this.

Life is short, and living should be as brilliant as cherry blossoms. Even if you die, you should leave decisively.

Live a brilliant life when you are alive, and do the same when you die.

However, although they admire this spirit, few people can truly welcome death like cherry blossoms. In fact, the people of this country can endure the oppression of Kurozumi Orochi and Kaido for nearly 20 to 30 years without daring to resist. After all, there are more people who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

"I heard that this cherry tree has been blooming for many years. Is this true?" Shutenmaru asked Yukiko.

Yukiko shook her head and reached out to take a small petal brought by the breeze. The shape of the pink petal looked like the hoof print of some animals. The people of Wano Country call the domineering power of armed color Ryu Sakura. This kind of power that can flow in the body is like cherry blossoms falling in the wind.

"I don't know, but the cherry blossoms were just as lush when I came here a few times before."

In the New World, people often don't have much concept of the four seasons. If people living in Dongdao have never been to the sea, they may think that the world is full of ice and snow everywhere.

They don't know about spring flowers and autumn moons, and they don't know about the quiet cicadas in summer.

"Let's go quickly." Yukiko said softly, and her voice softened at some point.

The warriors in this majestic armor walked on the streets of the Flower Capital. They marched in an orderly manner, looking like majestic generals, majestic and murderous, but the scattered cherry blossom petals fell on their shoulder armor and fell into their solemn figures, as if there was a little tenderness in the mighty.

"What is this?"

"Who are these people..."

The people of the Flower City naturally retreated when they saw such a majestic team. Those mighty and tall warriors even made them dare not look at them. This kind of momentum is not what the people in the army they have seen before have.

For a while, in addition to fear, there were also some admiration and respect.

Many gangsters looked at them with shining eyes, wishing they were one of them, and greeted people's awe-inspiring eyes with their heads held high.

"Where did these warriors come from? They are so bold!"

"Look, the adult sitting in the sedan chair, don't you think he is handsome?"

"That's right, you can see the nobleness at a glance, just like a nobleman!"

The women of the Flower City were completely attracted by the black charcoal cicada on the bright red sedan chair. This old guy is quite pretentious. At this time, he is wearing a feather webbing and lazily leaning on the edge of the sedan chair, enjoying the gaze of countless people without being nervous at all.

On the contrary, she was completely calm, as if these were just a small scene.

She showed a calm smile on her face, one hand supporting her side face, looking down at the pedestrians on the roadside with arrogant eyes, high above like a god, and holding a bowl of clear sake in the other hand.

She did not drink, but just let the scattered petals float into the wine, causing tiny ripples.

At this moment, the picture seemed to be frozen, and that noble, elegant and handsome look was still deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone in the Flower City. Xue Zi noticed the spring in the eyes of those women, and couldn't help but curl her lips.

Let Lord Xia Lin's figure perfectly show in front of these people, this black charcoal cicada finally did something that made her feel comfortable.

But Xue Zi still felt that if Lord Xia Lin himself was here,

, we can definitely do better.

Xia Lin didn't know what was happening here, otherwise he would definitely say that he was not as good at pretending as Kurotan Muchan.

"These people, could they be from Jiuli..."

"Are they Jiuli's warriors?"

"I did hear that the general summoned Jiuli's daimyo. So that person must be Jiuli's daimyo. He is so handsome!"

"That kind of high and mighty feeling makes it hard to imagine that we can actually see such a noble person with our own eyes."

These residents of the Flower City have seen daimyo from other villages on weekdays, but those people are not at the same level as Xia Lin. Although there is a sense of distance when looking at them from afar, it is completely different from the feeling now.

"The people of Jiuli are so happy to be ruled by such a daimyo!"

The people of Jiuli, living in the affluent Jiuli, are of course very happy.

Although it is getting dark, there is still a night market in the Flower City. At night, the streets are decorated with lights and colors, which is also a good scenery. Of course, they didn't have time to enjoy it today.

Soon they would enter the general's mansion, and after the welcome party, they would attend the dinner hosted by the general.

In fact, the dinner was very boring in Yukiko's opinion. It was nothing more than a group of people who didn't know each other getting together to eat, and then listening to the singing and dancing of the courtesans who came from Yuguo or Sukiyaki's own.

Shutenmaru was looking forward to it.

He came to the Flower Capital as a retainer of the Kuri Daimyo, and he was considered a person of status. He also had a place at the banquet tonight. It was a very pleasant thing for him to drink openly. What's more, there were beauties prepared by Sukiyaki to accompany him.

He didn't have such treatment in Kuri. Without a salary, he certainly didn't have the money to relax in Yuguo.

Now, as the number of people in the Tenryo Bugyo grows, many of the new warriors who joined the Tenryo Bugyo were originally innocent. These people have salaries, but Shutenmaru and others who were originally thieves have no salary to redeem their sins.

So although he is the leader of the Tenryo Bugyo, he actually lives a much more miserable life than his subordinates.

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