The sky is a kind of island made of island clouds.

This cloud looks like the cloud layer in Doraemon that can be stepped on after being solidified by props. It is a sky kingdom on the cloud.

This dreamlike attribute makes the sky island a little romantic in Xia Lin's eyes.

People living on the sky island usually wear white decorations like angel wings. The tools used are special clouds and shells. These shells come from the Baibai Sea.

The Baibai Sea is above 10,000 meters above sea level and is an ocean in the sky. Although the density of the sea of ​​clouds is very small, there are still creatures living in it. The creatures of the sky island are naturally different from those in Qinghai in terms of body structure.

In order to cross the red soil continent, Xia Lin directly used the clouds of the sky to carry the ship to the sky. Kaido was able to lift up Onigashima with his flame cloud, so a mere ship was no problem for Xia Lin.

A few days ago, he exchanged the pirates for bounties at the naval base in the New World. The bounties plus the property already on the ship, now there are 230 million Baileys on the ship. Jasmine felt very happy with so much money.

Although she didn't really understand the exchange rate between Bailey and Wano Country's gold and silver. But since it's more than 200 million, such a large number, it must be a lot of wealth, right?

Zimbabwean dollar: ah, right, right!

Now there is no other man on the ship except Xia Lin.

Originally, it was planned to let the abducted women disembark at the naval base, but most of them did not choose to leave.

Women like them who were captured, the villages on the island where they were located had long been wiped out by pirates, and their families had died at the hands of pirates, so even if they left, they had nowhere to go.

Some were captured on merchant ships or other ships. Their families may still be there, but now they have no face to return to their hometown.

Even if they go back, they will probably have to endure countless rumors and gossips. Everyone will look at them with pity or contempt. These words and eyes will remind them of the hell they once lived in.

Yuriko felt sorry for them, so she begged Xia Lin to take them away with her. Anyway, the daimyo mansion is so big that many things need to be done by servants. Including sanitation, garden maintenance... These all require manpower.

Take these women back and give them a place where they can live peacefully, a completely unfamiliar place, so that they can forget their sad past. Just this is enough to make them grateful.

As for those female pirates who were originally from the Night Fire Pirates or the captured female pirates, Xia Lin planted the seal of the Great Snake on them. At that time, they will be sent to Yuguo together or serve as official prostitutes.

The ship traveled through the clouds. Generally speaking, the density of the White Sea was not enough to support Qinghai's ship, but Xia Lin's Tianmu Cloud naturally did not have this problem.

The sky island they arrived at at this time was not Bika. It was a sky island that did not appear in the original book.

There are actually many sky islands like this. The distribution of island clouds is very scattered. Many sky islands have very small kicks and are even blown away by the wind, just like ships drifting.

Although Bika is in the first half, it is more inclined to the south in terms of direction.

Although there is a rough map in hand, Bika Island is not easy to find. After all, Bika is not very famous. If it weren't for a guy named Enel who came out later, I'm afraid not many people would know it.

It took a lot of time for the group to finally arrive at Bika a few days later.

Bika is not a very large sky island, but it is not very small. After seeing a strange ship approaching on the cloud, the people living in Bika became alert, and many adult men gathered on the shore.

It's not that there are no pirates on Sky Island in this era. In fact, many pirates are from Sky Island.

Although Xia Lin and others did not fly the pirate flag, they were still on guard. In order to avoid being attacked before landing, many pirates would prepare ordinary sails and then suddenly launch an attack.

Pirates are cruel and despicable in nature. This is not a noble profession.

However, Xia Lin is not a pirate. What he wants is just the thunder fruit that may exist on Bica Island. There is no need to conflict with these people from Sky Island. He plans to disguise himself as a businessman to trade with these people. So as to get the opportunity to stay in Bica for a long time.

However, although the transaction was just an excuse, Xia Lin actually needed some of Sky Island's specialties.

Sky Island's currency inflation was even more serious than Qinghai's Bailey. When Xia Lin was on the last island, he used the extra tens of millions of Bailey to exchange for some Sky Island's currency, Extor, which can also be called Ike.

The face value of Bailey, which depreciated rapidly after forty years, was far higher than Sky Island's Ike, not to mention the current Bailey.

As the ship approached, the Sky Island people also became nervous, but soon they found that there were only women walking on the approaching ship.

"No men?" The captain of the Bika guard team asked strangely, "Or are all the men hiding under the deck?"

Although the personal force in this world can sometimes far surpass the army, such strong people are not everywhere. Seeing a group of women walking on the deck will reduce vigilance to some extent.

Soon the ship docked.

Xia Lin walked down first.

The captain of the guard immediately showed a serious expression after seeing Xia Lin.

In Sky Island, the observation Haki is called the Heart Net. However, this power is not possessed by every warrior, but even ordinary warriors, like this captain of the guard, have a more acute consciousness.

He was very sensitive to the terrifying fluctuations coming from the man standing in front of him.

This is not the momentum that ordinary people can have. It made him almost unable to move, and even his hands holding the spear could not help shaking. However, thinking of his responsibility as a guard, he still plucked up the courage to ask.

"You, who are you?"

"Don't be nervous, we are a caravan from Qinghai." Xia Lin explained. However, this answer did not let the other party completely relax their vigilance.

Fortunately, Xia Lin looked like he was doing things completely according to the rules, which made him feel relieved.

In fact, the captain of the guard did not really believe what Xia Lin said, but he had no choice. Sky Island like Bica did not actually have too strong defense forces. If he really fought against pirates, he would have no chance of winning.

No matter what Xia Lin's true identity is, it is enough as long as he does not intend to plunder the island.

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