The old man was very happy.

In the afternoon, Xia Lin took the women of the Daming Mansion to the temple to worship.

However, he heard that Xue Zi seemed to have the idea of ​​building a new temple. It was said that she planned to replace the statue of the worshipped god with Xia Lin's own image and named it "Imperial Thunder God Temple". This also coincides with the rumors she spread before.

The rumors circulating among the people these days, saying that Jiuli's Daming is the reincarnation of the Thunder God, were actually spread by Xue Zi secretly.

Three people make a tiger, and this rumor that came from nowhere made the superstitious Jiuli people believe it all of a sudden. More importantly, the people of Jiuli voluntarily believed it. After all, the thunderstorm was just a few days ago. Who else could have such power except the real Thunder God?

Naturally, this statement has become more and more popular.

After this happened, the people of Jiuli have completely regarded Xia Lin as the incarnation of the Thunder God. In the past, if Xia Lin went out, he would only be looked at with respect by everyone, but now, if the people of Jiuli see him on the roadside, they will even kneel down immediately.

Yukiko is quite satisfied with the performance of these people, but the daimyos of other villages and even the generals of the Flower Capital may not be happy about this.

Especially Kozuki Sukiyaki.

If all the daimyos regard themselves as gods, then where will he, the general, be placed in the end?

But he would not conflict with Jiuli for such a small matter. In his opinion, this is just the self-entertainment of the people of Jiuli. Except for the people of Jiuli, the people of other villages will not recognize this Thunder God.

These meaningless rumors are not so important compared to the offerings that Jiuli can make every year.


"Shimotsuki Ushimaru seems to be trying to forge a big sword as a gift, and then visit Kuri." Kozuki Sukiyaki pinched his chin and thought. Shimotsuki Ushimaru just returned to Linghou a few days ago. In fact, he understood why the other party wanted to have a good relationship with Kuri.


"Big sword? Last time, the daimyo of Kuri brought a gift worth ten thousand gold, and we only gave back a sword. Now if Linghou really takes out a big sword, it will make us in the Flower Capital look too stingy." Sukiyaki's retainer whispered.

"The last sword was a bit stingy. After all, I didn't expect the daimyo of Kuri to give out ten thousand gold at once." Sukiyaki sighed and set his sights on the second generation of Kitetsu. Then he shook his head again.

The second generation of Kitetsu is not good, the meaning of this sword is different.

"Should I try to go back to my old job?" Sukiyaki thought.

But his idea was still rejected by his retainers.

"General, your health is important. The Daimyo of Kuri is also your subject. Let alone ten thousand gold, even if he takes out 100,000 gold, it is reasonable. Why do you have to consider these things?"

"You are right." Sukiyaki nodded, "Okay, let's go ring the bell first."


The melodious sound of the bronze bell spread from the temple. Xia Lin knocked 108 times, implying that 108 troubles disappeared. To be honest, he didn't like this religious atmosphere. For someone like him, why should he seek blessings from a fictional god?

The significance of this activity is to accompany Yukiko and others.

"Go back." Seeing that it was getting dark, Xia Lin also asked Jasmine and others who were having fun to return. Yuriko believed in gods and other things. After hanging up the ema, she also prayed for a lot of peace and blessings.

"Yuriko, if you want to pray to God, you might as well pray to me. After all, I am now the Thunder God of Kuri." Xia Lin smiled.

Yuriko smiled. In fact, Xia Lin's power at this time might be no different from that of a god in the eyes of ordinary people, but because they were so close to each other, Yuriko did not feel anything.

God should be an idol who is high above, not someone who can be touched by reaching out, or even someone who can roll in the sheets together.

"Then, Lord Thunder God, can you let my daughter get pregnant earlier?" Yuriko smiled and made a wish to Xia Lin. This woman even dared to tease Xia Lin now.

"Let's talk about it in 30 years." Xia Lin replied. He has no plan to raise a child now. Through the ability of life return, Xia Lin can perfectly control this matter without any accidents.

"In 30 years, I will be an old woman."

"Don't worry, I won't become an old woman."


Back to the big

When Xia Lin arrived at the Daimyo Mansion, Ayame and Yayoi were already waiting for him at the door.

"Lord Xia Lin, those people have been caught."

Ayame and Yayoi were referring to the assassins. When Xia Lin was heading to the temple, these people had originally planned to lurk in the Daimyo Mansion. They thought that they would not be exposed after getting the support of Ayame and Yayoi. But unexpectedly, Ayame and Yayoi had already set up a trap, and now those people have been caught.

Xia Lin nodded. In fact, he was not very interested in these little people. The reason why he did not kill them immediately was just to use them to rescue Ayame's daughter and Yayoi's sister.

"Take it." Xia Lin took out a white snake and handed it over. The white snake followed Xia Lin's arm and wrapped around Ayame's wrist, and then got into her cuffs. "It's up to you to deal with those people."

"Yes!" Ayame nodded. She and Yayoi had almost come up with an idea.

The two brought the little snake to a cage. When the warriors trapped in the cage saw them, they immediately showed their ferocious faces and started to curse.

"Iris! Yayoi! You two actually betrayed your husbands and surrendered to the enemy. Don't you feel ashamed?"

"Silver woman!"

"Shut up!" Iris stared at them coldly. She walked over slowly with a contemptuous smile on her face. She raised her left hand, and the little white snake was wrapped around her hand, raising its head and spitting out its tongue. Her right hand gently stroked the cold head of the white snake.

This look made the warriors think of the word "femme fatale" inexplicably.

"Speaking of shame, Suzuki Kaito threatened me with my daughter. That man is the one who is ashamed." Iris said with disgust. As for betrayal, it was as if they had surrendered to each other.

"Since you know that your daughter's life is still in the hands of the boss, why do you still do this? Don't you care about her life or death? And you, Yayoi, your sister, don't you care about it too?"

"You don't have to worry about this. No, I should say that you have to worry more about this matter." Acorus walked to the side of the cage and put the white snake on the ground. The small white snake jumped out like a white thunder and bit the necks of these people.

"Save our daughter and sister, kill Suzuki Kaito and other underworld leaders, and then commit seppuku. This is your fate." Acorus said coldly.

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