After the first month of the lunar year, Jiuli, which had no New Year atmosphere, calmed down.

Ayame and Yayoi also rescued their daughter and sister respectively. When the killers returned, they beheaded their boss and displayed it to the public. For the three villages of Hime, Usagi and Suzugo, this New Year was like a nightmare.

Once the gang leader died, the gangsters under him naturally became a mess, and fighting for power was everywhere. However, these things didn't matter to Ayame and Yayoi, who were already in Jiuli. It was even a bit satisfying.

Now Iris, who is only five years old, is the daughter of Ayame and has become the favorite of the daimyofu, mainly because Yuriko likes her very much. Perhaps because she wanted Xia Lin to have a child but couldn't, Yuriko transferred her love for children to Iris.

In March, news came from Bai Wu that the construction of the submerged port had been completed.

Kozuki Oden returned to Yingxiang Town with his followers in mid-February. He couldn't wait to go to sea. Of course, including the sea ship, navigator and sailor, these people can only be regarded as rented by Xia Lin.

The price is still the same, Kozuki Oden needs to help Xia Lin find the devil fruit.

Since it is equivalent to buying a ship, Kozuki Oden decided to build the ship to his liking. So under his command, a not so elegant double-track sailing ship appeared.

The sailing ship looks like a ship version of Kozuki Oden, with a large black plate like a bowl on the bow, exactly the same as his hairstyle.

Although Xia Lin doesn't like Kozuki Oden, this kid is now working for him, and Xia Lin is not stingy with the materials for shipbuilding.

When Kozuki Oden thought about going out to sea soon, he was so excited that he went to the daimyo's house every few days, but he was turned away every time.

Kin'emon and others were actually unwilling to let Kozuki Oden go out to sea, but the current situation was irreversible, so they would naturally follow him.

Anyway, they didn't have anything worth lingering in Wano Country. If there was anything, it would be the warm and hospitable girls in Kuri Yukaku.

"The date of going out to sea is set in three days, and now we have to pack our luggage quickly." Denjiro said. Generally speaking, it takes a lot of time to go from Kuri to Hakumai, but this is calculated based on the speed of ordinary people. If they rush at full speed, they will reach Hakumai by tomorrow morning.

"We don't have any luggage, let's go now!" Kozuki Oden said impatiently, with a very hideous scar on his front. This was left when he challenged Xia Lin when he returned to Yingxiang Town not long ago.

Because Xia Lin's name as the Thunder God has spread all over Jiuli, he did see the terrifying thunderclouds in the distant sky in the Guarding Forest. So he wanted to test Xia Lin's strength.

As a result, he was injured by Xia Lin's full-strength attack in a fully receiving state.

There were large areas of wounds burned by lightning and torn by sword energy on his chest, and scars that could not be healed. This was also the first time he saw Xia Lin's full strength, which could almost be said to be comparable to the power of a natural disaster.

Compared to the time when he just turned back into a human, Xia Lin's strength has improved a lot.

"I have worked hard in Jiuli for almost a year and have not saved a penny. Lord Oden, whose fault do you think this is!" Denjiro said angrily, "Even the funds for this voyage were provided by the daimyo of Jiuli, and Lord Oden, you challenged the daimyo but still lost, and treatment also costs money!"

"..." Oden turned his face away awkwardly and didn't look at him.

Denjiro took a deep breath and looked a little tired: "I'm not sorry for the money, but Lord Oden, can you not be so impulsive in the future? It's okay that you were injured like that in the fight with Shutenmaru, but I thought you were going to die in the fight with the daimyo later."

"Sorry, I didn't know he was so strong. He was just like the real Otake Narukami." Kozuki Oden recalled the scene at that time. In fact, he thought that if he only talked about Ryuo and sword skills, he should be able to fight Xia Lin on equal terms, but the power of thunder and lightning was too terrible.

"That guy is simply a monster..." Kin'emon shuddered, and now he didn't wonder how Xia Lin convinced Shutenmaru.

"There may be stronger enemies overseas.

"Sure, Lord Oden, please don't be so reckless again." Kanjuro advised.

"I know, I know, you are really annoying, let's go quickly." Oden said unhappily. Although he also acknowledged Xia Lin's strength, he was a little annoyed by being told by others that he was completely overconfident.

"By the way, Izo and Kikunosuke are not going to go too, right? The open sea is very dangerous." Kin'emon said worriedly.

At the beginning, these two little burdens were not very popular, but after getting along for these years, their relationship has been very good. Therefore, Kin'emon was a little worried about their safety.

"There is no one to take care of them if they stay." Denjiro said helplessly, "And don't underestimate Izo and Kiku, they are no longer the same as before."

A group of people took some clothes and set off.

By noon the next day, Kozuki Oden arrived at the submerged port.

"In the underground port? Isn't this the same as the secret passage I found a few years ago?" Oden said, "but it's much bigger."

When a severe drought occurred in the Flower Capital a few years ago, he found a small path to the sea, but he couldn't escape because he had no sailing skills.

In fact, it was that experience that made him realize the reality. If there was no navigator, he couldn't leave Wano Country even if the ship and the port were placed in front of him.

In the underground port, he saw his own ship - Oden Maru.

The sail was not open, but according to Xia Lin's request, it was engraved with a lightning pattern shaped like three magatama.

Originally, Kozuki Oden wanted to use the family crest of the Kozuki clan. But only Kanjuro was willing to help him draw it. This guy deliberately used his left hand to draw it, and it was so ugly that even Sukiyaki couldn't recognize it.

Not to mention Kozuki Oden, even dogs would dislike it.

"Hey, are you my navigator and sailor? Since everyone is here, why don't we set sail now? "Oden saw many people on the deck of Oden Maru and shouted.

"No, the scheduled sailing date is two days later, and there are still many supplies that have not been prepared. We don't want to die if we set sail rashly." The navigator leaned on the deck and immediately retorted after hearing what Kozuki Oden said.

"Hey, I am the captain, right?"

"Even if you are the captain, you have to listen to the navigator!"

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