Doyle said goodbye to the mysterious man on the tower and then jumped down.

"A choice of fate?"

In the lightning and thunder, the mysterious man's face was revealed, the stubble on his chin appeared slovenly, and the two eyebrowless eyes with the square tattoo on the left face looked fierce.


originally Doyle wanted to slow down the fall with the help of the window edge on the wall, so that he could speed up his pace and rush to the battlefield.

But in mid-air, Doyle only felt a fierce air flow coming out of thin air, supporting his body, and actually rushed straight to the battlefield, and as it approached, the edge in Doyle's eyes gradually grew stronger.

"A knife flow--flying dragon--lightning"

took advantage of the wind, Doyle, who was in the air, drew the red knife, and saw that in the slight shaking of his wrist, the tip of the knife seemed to bring a thousand powers, sweeping towards Smogg.

Looking at the flying Doyle, Smogg's eyes were surprised, but he stood in place without panic, but the next moment, the surprise turned into shock.

The part that was cut still turned into smoke, but this time, it did not penetrate, and the naturally smoked body seemed to have encountered resistance, as if it was captured, and was directly shot out by a huge force.

In the stunned eyes of Dusty and the group of naval soldiers, Luffy cheered excitedly:

"Wow~ that's so cool, Doyle!"

As if feeling the pressure from his partner, Solon fixed his beastly gaze on Doyle.

Bucky looked at Doyle with horror in his eyes, and quietly leaned over to Arrita and said loudly,

"This... How is this guy so strong! That's nature.... Hey ~ Yarrita, these guys are not easy to mess with, see the situation in a while, let's run quickly.

--- saw Doyle's appearance, in the shadows of the street, a figure dressed in a black suit, holding a wooden stick in one hand, dressed as a gangster, and in the other hand, holding a telephone worm, shouted to his companion:

"The target appears, prepare to execute the erasure plan, repeat, the target appears, prepare to execute the erasure plan!"


" ---

a figure dressed in a black kimono and holding a katana was facing a man in a cloak and a cowboy hat next to him and said loudly:

"Dadi Masdasen, I know that you love your daughter very much, don't worry, if nothing can be done, we will withdraw immediately, and we will not let you make senseless sacrifices!"

"Hmph: For the better! I'm just trying my luck, if nothing happens, I'll leave you and run away alone, and if only my lovely daughter is left to live alone, what a good father!

Listening to what Dadi said, the kimono man was speechless for a while.


"Sherlock Doyle! You've finally appeared! 59 million berry, there is such a bounty before going out of the East China Sea, it is also unique! .... If you touch me, think you're out of luck! Smogg

, who was shot down, stood up and walked back helplessly, but the part that was slashed was unharmed.

"Then try it! ... Wind Scroll--One Leaf

Slash" saw Doyle leave an afterimage in place, holding a knife with a light cyan light at a very fast speed to slash at

Smog again, the speed of "shaving"

Smog is not weak, and after a light drink, the figure dissipated in an instant.

Doyle slashed into the air, and the blade rolled up in the clearing.

"Ten Hands - Throat Attack"

dodged Doyle's move, and Smog took out the weapon behind his back and stabbed it towards Doyle's throat.


Gong-Doylti knife resisted, and the two began to compete for strength.

Smogg's eyes were gloomy, and he stared into Doyle's eyes and said loudly:

"Although it is only a little weaker than the speed of shaving, it seems that I underestimated you to be able to do this."


Doyle just snorted softly, focusing on resisting Smogg's attack, when Luffy's voice came.

"Abominable: Rubber.. The pistol's

telescopic fist directly penetrated Smogg's body, and the smoky Smog changed his moves.

The smoky limbs of the "White Fist"

shrouded the surroundings in a cloud of smoke, and the fists and feet slammed into Doyle with smoke, so that he had to dodge continuously for a while.

"It's now!"

A loud roar suddenly came from behind the navy at the entrance of the street.


bullets passed through the navy and shot accurately at Doyle, and then a figure dressed as a gangster armed with a wooden stick rushed inside and rushed towards Doyle, followed by several men also in suits.

"Abominable... Are they here to grab the bounty? Hey ~ Dadi, remember to support me remotely! The

kimono man saw several figures attacking with a hint of helplessness on his face, and after speaking, he also crossed the navy and rushed in.

Dusty, who was originally looking at Smogg nervously, saw that the formation of the naval soldiers was rushed, and suddenly shouted.

"What are you! Danger, come back quickly!

"The world government must not hinder its affairs!"

Hearing the words of the man in the suit, Dusty was stunned on the spot, not knowing how to be good.

"Rubber: Rubber.. Whip"

watched the suit gangster gradually approach Doyle, Luffy drove forward, and a whip kicked over.

"Shaving... Life return... Don't get in the way! The

gangster used the same move as Smogg to dodge Luffy's whip, and then saw his arm swing the club in his hand at an angle that ordinary people could not reach.

A stick knocked Luffy back, and the suit gangster rushed towards Doyle again.


in the building next to the square, Bartolomeo, who looked like a devil, said to his subordinates on the side:

"Those guys dressed as gangsters are from the underworld? Go check it out! Men like Mr. Luffy, how dare they do this!

"Already checked, the leader is called Otter Stegu, like the others, before we were thugs in our subordinate block, several of them had never intersected before, I don't know why, today suddenly gathered together!"

“... And the name can't find the source, it should be a pseudonym, most likely a secret agent mixed in from elsewhere.

Looking at the leader's hideous face, one of his subordinates replied tremblingly.

At this time, Bartolomeo just looked at Luffy in the battlefield with adoration, and said to his subordinates:

"Go and gather all your subordinates, no man like Mr. Luffy can stop him from going to sea!"



the bullet through the smoke, Doyle, who was concentrating on dodging his fists and feet, his eyes contracted, and he had to temporarily change the position of his body, although he avoided the bullet, Smogg's fists and feet hit his body and was knocked to the ground for a while.

"It's over, Sherlock Doyle! You're under arrest!

Smogg recovered, now holding ten hands, pointing at Doyle.

"Hmph: He must die! .... "The

suit bastard holding the wooden stick bent strangely again, and the wooden stick with strengthened strength smashed into Doyle.


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