Smogg's arm turned into smoke and immediately wrapped the suit bastard.

"Damn, Navy, do you want to go against the world government?"

"World government? Lao Tzu is the Navy! Tell my boss something, this person has been arrested by me! "

When Smogg, who has never done his own thing, was disciplined by the top, and at this time the prisoner who asked him to give up his hands for the sake of the world government did not even think about it.

Smogg's entanglement with government personnel gave Doyle a chance to breathe, and after rolling over and jumping, he quickly distanced himself from the two.

"59 million heads, I will take it!"

A man dressed in a black kimono and holding a katana, holding the knife above his head with both hands, drank loudly, and jumped towards Doyle.

Soron-Solon was now standing behind Doyle, and the three knives firmly held the kimono man.

"Leave this person to me!"

When the words fell, Solon stepped forward with a knife in hand to fight with him.

"Rubber: Rubber.. Machine gun!

Luffy gasped slightly, his hands turned into a fist shadow in the sky and hit the two of Smog directly, and the suit gangster was wrapped in smoke and couldn't dodge, and he was hit several times in an instant.

However, Smogg had no effect in the fist shadow, the part that was hit only turned into smoke, and a trace of energy in Doyle's body once again turned into invisible armor to wrap the whole body, and then slashed with a knife.

Retracting his smoky body, Smog held ten hands and stabbed at Doyle at the same time.

Gong -

Where the two weapons collided with each other, it seemed to produce a trace of energy fluctuation.

A moment later, I saw Smogg's wrist twisting, and the gap between the ten hands jammed the blade.

The huge power of "Ten Hands - Broken Knife"

was transmitted to the hand, Doyle secretly said that it was not good, and then rotated his body in the air with the power, and the moment the knife body lost its strength, it was successfully drawn from the ten hands, and then turned into a knife and slashed towards Smogg.


With his explosive speed, Smogg's figure instantly dissipated.

The same is to use the reaction force to increase his speed, but the body technique that Doyle comprehends will leave an afterimage in place, which usually has little to do with the enemy, but for enemies with the same speed, such a shortcoming will only allow the opponent to see through his own movements.

The two fought again in an instant, super high movement speed, in the eyes of ordinary people, it seems that only Doyle's figure is dancing alone, but the fluctuations in the air from time to time and the sparks of weapons can prove how dangerous the field is at this moment.

"Rubber: The "Siege Cannon"

continuous fist shadow stiffened the body of the suit gangster, and then extended his hands back, and after rebounding, he instantly knocked him away.

Bucky on the side broke out in a cold sweat and said to Arrita:

"It's too dangerous here, let's retreat first... If the straw hat kid can run out, let's ambush them again. "Good


Seeing that Arrita agreed with herself, Bucky took the parts handed over by several of the remaining men.

"Falling apart - car"

saw that Bucky's body split and connected with the wheels and a special engine to form a small car, and the special small Bucky bullet was used as power, quickly breaking through to the encirclement of the navy.

"Zero Friction"

The delicate Arrita took off her shoes and used her slippery fruit ability to move quickly like an ice skate, waving her mace in her hand.

Seeing this, Dasiqi raised Shi Yu in his hand and said to the navy:

"For the justice of the navy, none of these pirates can be spared!"


Ying, some of the navy were armed with swords, some with muskets, and all rushed to the battlefield in an instant.

Bucky rushed left and right, knocking all the surrounding navies out, and Arrita's smooth skin was not able to be caught at all, and the navy passing by her was either knocked down by maces or thrown out by slipping.

Except for a few other suited gangsters in the navy who fired cold guns at Doyle from time to time, the battle scene was too murderous for others to dare not approach the past.

"Abominable... I'm a bounty hunter, not a pirate, what are you beating me for! The

man in kimono who was fighting with Solon casually blocked the sword that the soldiers had cut and roared madly at them.

"Rubber: Rubber.. The whip kicked

down many navies with one blow, but the attacking navy continued to flow, one group fell and one batch, Luffy was angry, his fists turned into fist shadows, and once again knocked out all the navies who were replenished in front of him.


this moment, the figure of Yamaji kicking down the navy upside down came into view, and then rushed towards the position of several people.

I saw that Yamaji's torn clothes were still stained with blood, and it seemed that he had also experienced a hard battle to arrive.

"Hey! Luffy, can't stay here any longer! There are too many of these navies, you have to run! "

Ah! Good!

Luffy also consumed a lot of physical strength, and at the moment he was panting and approaching Sanji's side.

The fierce wind of "Three Blades Flow--Tornado"

emptied the surroundings for a while, looked at the kimono man who was entangled in the navy, did not stop, and ran in the direction of the two.

Luffy looked over in the crowd, and after finding Doyle's figure, he shouted,

"Doyle~ is running!"


After all, it is a newly mastered power, it is still too difficult to fight with the natural fruit, and the speed of the body is still a little weaker than Smogg, Doyle knows in his heart, it is okay to fight for a while, and if he fights again, it must be himself who loses, at this time, he heard Luffy's shout, and after blocking one of Smogg's attacks, his figure quickly ran towards the three.

Only at this moment, Doyle suddenly had a trace of heart palpitations, and a sense of crisis surged into his heart.

Dady Masdasen, who had been standing on the street corner without moving, saw the opportunity coming, raised the spear in his hand and aimed it at Doyle who was running.

"Must Kill--Lead Star"

Bang -

At the moment of the first shot, Usopp fell like a divine soldier, and a precise shot shot knocked down the spear in Dadi's hand, and the bullet that had been fired hit the ground.

"Everyone! Here, run this way!

Usopp's face and shoulders were covered in blood, and he was standing outside the encirclement at the moment, waving his arms vigorously at several people.


Bartolomeo looked at Luffy who were surrounded by the navy, and said to his

subordinates: "Quick, it's now, let his subordinates help Mr. Luffy stop those hateful navies!"



(Mr. Luffy, no one can hinder your going to sea!)


Usopp was holding a slingshot and was constantly shooting at the navies who were blocking Luffy's path, and a sudden shout from the street behind him made him stand on the spot for a while.

I saw a large number of people suddenly rushed out and ran straight towards the navy, not only street gangsters, but also the stall owner who had talked to Yamaji, and even the aunt carrying a vegetable basket, rushed into the street.

Dusty looked at the crowd rushing into the navy with shocked eyes, and shouted vigorously in her mouth:

"Don't come, it's dangerous here!"

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