After the crowd joined, the navy seemed to be bound hands and feet, and did not dare to shoot easily, but the swords in hand were carried back by the human wall.

A path was opened in front of Luffy, and seeing that there was no obstacle, several people quickly ran towards Usopp.

"You don't want to escape!"

I saw Smog turn into smoke, pass over the crowd from the air, and chase several people.

"Usopp... Wine bottles!

Doyle stopped and turned to meet the enemy.

Hearing Doyle's words, Usopp pulled a bottle of wine out of his bag and threw it at Smogg.

"Fire Scroll--Flowing Firefly--Flame Slash"

is a single knife out of the sheath, and the knife carries a little fluorescence, flying up and down like a firefly at night under the dim sky.

The bottle

in the air shattered in response, and the firefly streaked through the spilled liquor, instantly igniting into a curtain of fire, and a fiery red slash cut a graceful arc in the air and slashed towards Smogg.

"Let's go!"

Without bothering to check the results, several people followed Usopp and ran towards the seaside port.

Seeing the empty port, only a few figures who fell to the ground were still telling about the previous fierce battle, Luffy and the three were puzzled in their hearts, but did not ask aloud, Usopp shouted in a panicked voice:

"Follow... Keep running, the ship has started, Nami controls the speed of the boat and is moving forward! ... Hopefully, it's still time! Running

hundreds of meters again, looking up, the figure of the Melly in the sea finally appeared in front of him.

"Everyone! Over here!

Nami stood on the side of the ship, trying to shake her arms so that several people could see.

"It's that far away?"

Usopp was shocked and didn't know what to do next.

"Look at me.... Rubber.. Rubber! I

saw Luffy grab the railing on the shore with both hands, turn and run back.

"Just know! Several

people looked glazed, waiting for their fate.

"Hahahaha, let's go!"

Luffy laughed and bounced back, blocking everyone with both hands, relying on the power of the rebound, and flew straight towards the Melly.

On the other side, ------

, the soldiers who followed followed followed Smog and jumped over the wall of fire and were about to continue chasing the Straw Hats, but a mysterious man wearing a cloak suddenly appeared in the middle of the street.

Unable to see the man's face clearly in the dim sky, Smogg narrowed his eyes and asked aloud,

"Who are you?"

I saw that this person only let out a chuckle on his mouth, and then said:

"It doesn't matter who I am, but... Don't stop men from setting sail! As

the words fell, a strong hurricane blew up on the streets of Rogue Town, blowing the crowd to pieces.


"Wow~ the boat seems to be capsizing!"

The Melly falters in the storm, Luffy standing on deck with his hat covered, exaggerated voices reaching his companions.

Nami clings to the railing as if she has discovered something, and says to several people:

"Everyone! Look at it! Wearing

goggles, Usopp was the first to understand Nami's meaning:

"There is light! Is that a lighthouse?

"It's the navigation light, and the entrance to the Great Passage is right in front of that light."

Usopp looked nervous, his whole body trembled with fear, and asked in a trembling voice:

"Do you want to drive in in a storm?" ~~~"

At this moment, Sanji walked out carrying an oak barrel,

"Let's perform a ceremony to enter the Great Voyage!"


Looking at the smile on Sanji's face, everyone on the ship showed happiness and excitement at this time, as long as they sailed into the great voyage, they would be one step closer to their dreams.

Sanji was the first to lift his foot and put it on the barrel,

"I want to find All Blue" Knock—

"I want to

be One Piece!!


"I want to become a great sword master!!"


"I'm here to draw a map of the world!!"


"I'm in search of lost secrets!!"


"I: I want to be a brave sea warrior!!

"Let's go! Towards the Great Route!!


Luffy was excited in his heart, still sitting on the bow of the Melly in the rainstorm, staring at the lights in the distance.

"Hey, Nami! Oops, that light went out! When

Usopp heard this, he became frightened again:

"What?? That's our navigation light!!

"The lighthouse is also a light, it's not surprising that it's off, for navigators, just remember the route!"

Although Nami spoke calmly, there was still a hint of anxiety between her eyebrows:

"However, if you continue to move forward like this, it is likely that the rumors are true!"

Several people who heard the sound and rushed to ask suspiciously:



led a few people into the conference room, pointed to a chart and said,

"The entrance to the Great Passage is a mountain!"


Usopp grew his mouth in surprise, and although the others were surprised, they did not speak, quietly waiting for Nami's explanation.

I saw Nami pointing to

the chart and continued: "Although I don't believe it, it is indeed shown on the chart, and the navigation light is indeed erected on the Red Earth Continent Levi's Mountain, and now I can't see the light, maybe we are almost at the foot of the mountain!"

Doyle stared and asked,

"Then shouldn't we go straight to the mountain?"

"No, the map shows that there is a canal at the foot of the mountain!"

Luffy laughed happily:

"Climb mountains by boat?" Hahaha, so much fun!

Solon closed his eyes and waved his hand and said

, "Why do we have to enter through the entrance, and can't we enter from other places by detour?"

Luffy took the lead in Nami's surprise and pointed at Solon:

"You're wrong!!"

"Entering through the entrance, it feels good!!"

'Sure enough...' Nami's forehead was bruised, she shouldn't have expected anything from Luffy...

Yamaji's eyes lit ❤ up, and he said to Nami like an invitation:

"Hahaha, Miss Nami, the storm has stopped outside!"

I saw that after Nami heard this, her expression became more and more nervous, and she quickly ran out.

"Oops!! We're in the windless zone! "

Looking up, there are still thunderstorms not far away, but at this moment, the sea where the Melly is located is calm and quiet.

"Quick, put away the sails and row the boat towards the storm!"

"Why go back to the storm! It's rare that the weather is so good! Just float past here and you will reach the Great Voyage!

Nami's face turned hideous, and she shouted madly

, "If you could get in so easily, everyone would do it!! There is no wind here, except that there is no wind... Most importantly, below this sea..." Before

he finished speaking, the Melly slowly rose in the tremor, and several giant sea kings as tall as mountains appeared on the surface.

At this time, the Melly was parked above the head of a sea king, and Nami was tear-stained, weakly clinging to the railing.

"Here... But the giant sea kings... What a lair!! "

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