taichous next target is deadly moon Sam taicho says he is stronger than him so everything's fine ....

deadly moon Sam or his real name Sam.D. chernobog leads the moon pirates he is 19 feet tall , wears typical pirate attire with a gauntlet on his hand that enlarges when he changes forms with its claws out ,he ate the mythical amarok Zoan fruit he has a bounty of 3.8 billion his right hand man is ravens gin he ate the shadow shadow fruit he has a bounty of 3 billion they lead around 7000 pirates and their commanders are

1.anzhong Lee - 3rd strongest in the crew ,he leads 1000 pirates under him he ate the betobeto yokai Zoan fruit he is a master in observation and masking of his haki and presence he is also well versed in hardening also knows ryou in his Zoan form he turns into a huge transparent blob that keeps on smiling if he locks onto a person then most of the attacks can't be dodged you can only dodge if you have better observation haki than him which only a very few people have . He is a 16 foot tall man with a small beard and hairy ċhėst he wears losse pants with a sash tied around his waist he wears a loose white shit he uses his fists as his weapon .he is a creepy guy that always smiles and is very quiet . bounty 1.998 billion ,"creepy smile" anzhong

2.Thei Azazel - is the 4th strongest in the crew he is 12 feet tall wears no clothes on his torso but wears a loose pant and sash around his waist ,he has a beard but not a mustache and curly shirt black hair with a really small nose for his size . he ate the ALP ALP Zoan fruit he can turn into an alpaca his spit is as dangerous as acid he uses a sword he is more profecient in observation than hardening haki .he can cast dangerous night terrors to people when they get their guards down for the person subjected it can last for an indefinite time but only a few seconds will pass Inthe outside world . only people with greater strength or will can overcome it .he can also make his glands work and shoot acid from his fingers and also Coat it in his sword above haki . his superior observation and armament helps in his kicks and punches too so he isn't a one trick pony .

his bounty is -1.870billion ,"acid spit" thei

3.Dolores Abigore - he is the 5th strongest in the crew .he ate the chupacabra Zoan fruit he can turn into a chupacabra with spikes on his back ,sharp nails and can stand on his two legs he uses a dagger . he is very small compared to his crew mates he is 4'8 and turning into his Zoan form makes him 5 feet . he is very nimble ,agile and his use of a dagger is master class he coats his spikes in haki and stabs his enemies that come from behind he mainly focuses on vital points he is very profecient in hardening than observation haki .he wears a fur coat on top his torso innerware and loose pants with a sash around it . he is a sadistic individual who kills whoever it is kids ,men ,women &elders he lives for the blood and his tounge always comes out when he's in a frenzy to show how crazy he looks .he has a small stub on his chin and above his lips .his bounty is 1.789billion "rabid dog Dolores"

4.korris Ankoku -the 6th strongest he is 9 feet tall has a black chin beard and small mustache he wears a loose white shirt and loose pants with a sash around his waist .he ate the panther panther Zoan fruit he is very nimble agile and has explosive strength he is a little slower than Abigore that's why he is in 6th place in everything else he is stronger and since Abigore finishes fights instantly type of guy he can't win against him . in his Zoan form he turns into a 10 foot panther he gets even more strength and he can jump and climb places with minimal effort so he focuses on leap attacks he is very good at hardening than observation . he is a pretty chill laid back guy he loves his daily dose of meet if he doesn't get it he goes maniac . he has a bounty of 1.70billion ,"panther man "Ankoku

5.toujou kuroyami - he is tied to the 7th place along with his sister .is a 19 feet tall has a clean shaved face unruly hair and wears an unbottuned shirt and a cape he has small glides that help in jumping and manuveringbat air . he ate the Firebird Zoan fruit that turns him into a leonptaryx which spits fire from its mouth and is very dominant in air he is very good in observation and dodge a bullet at point blank range he is also profecient in hardening. he is a very perverted man he like ɨntėrċȯursė very much and has slept with most women in his ship and gas killed everyone who turned out pregnant with his child he is a very creepy ,merciless guy that believes in beauty in everything he sometimes has ɨntėrċȯursė with men too lol..... his bounty is 1.5billion ,"skyfire"kuroyami

6.toujou .kurogari : she ate the banshee fruit which turns her into a huge wyvern like creature that spits huge vacumes of air . she is 10 feet tall ,blue haired lady she wears a tucked in shirt and brown pants in normal size she uses a raiper and in her Zoan form she turns into a huge blue dragon while in her hybrid firm she gets blue skin with different patterns in her skin and her head loses her blue hair and her chin elongates and teeth sharpen and eyes become smaller and nose turns into 3 small holes .she is a person who is a misfit in this crew ,she likes sweets and cute things but is a little obsessed over murdering and hates people touching her possessions. her bounty is 1.50 billion ,she is called "blue wyvern" kurogari

7.seth Leila : she is the weakest among the commanders (in 6th place ) .she is 7'4 with a voluptuous figure and black hair she ate the iurogumo yokai Zoan fruit .she can create spider legs and Crete weak webs she is profecient in hardening she also emits a certain smell that makes people fall in ŀust with her .she can coat her spider legs and webs in haki which gives her a domain in which if you enter she will immobilize them and torture them to death she can also make small eggs that acts as her minions to poison her opponent .she is a very horny person and has slept with all the commanders and she has very weird fetishes too she sleeps with different people every day but doew it with the commanders more often .she also says that it gives her strength to summon more eggs too .yea disgusting .she wears a dress with frills on its ends and it shows off her immense ȧssets .her bounty is 1.25 billion and called "spider legs" leila

they are based in the east blue at the island of raoulli it is an island that is always enveloped by darkness and when it's nighttime it really accentuates the lighting which empowers the captain since he grows stronger at nighttime

.Sam .D.chernbog is a very confident and proud man he also spends a lot of money on booze and women .since they are the third strongest crew in the seas they receive massive respect from small time pirates and even the navy are reluctant to fight him but he attacks marine stations and loot them on a monthly basis so you can say that the marines abandoned that area since they are just losing manpower and money .

after 3 weeks

in this wonderful night I had just finished drinking. 4 barrels of the strongest alcohol and now I'm having sėx with Leila I was thrusting her with enough force to destroy a ship and she was broken inside and mentally oh how I loved that face and I pulled out and threw her to the sides . I started doing a woman whom I took form the previous. village I pillaged and started thrusting her my right hand man joined me in my session ,that's when my left hand man came bursting through the door and shouted




the sound of crying and screams was heard through our the night through that room

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