
(I'm going to be including other perspectives of the battles like XEBEC , Newgate , the trio (shiki Wang zhi and John ) ,linlin and kaido too since they are the major powerhouses and people like askansa will also get a pov so chapters will be a little longer and will have slower updates since I'm having exams so please bear with me ,I will try to update everyday but sometimes I won't be able to )

you guys can comment and give me some ideas and stuff for the fanfic ,so yeah .....


it's been three weeks ... we are nearing the raoulli island , deadly moon Sam's base all our ships have been repaired and everyone is in the best shape to fight . kaido is jumping around talking about crashing people's souls ,linlin has been improving to suck people's lifespan , shiki has been well shiki ,John is drunk and Wang zhi is stabbing somebody , pops and sencho fought yesterday ,a simple spar . even though sencho is stronger than pops by a considerable margin pops haki and fruit are progressing at a astonishing rate ,that's why he awakened his fruit during battle but he still passed out .Now his spirit looks more majestic and his presence is now even more overwhelming , his haki and body strength also jumped to crazy levels ,sencho is still stronger but it's a close fight now .

so in 5 days we will reach raouli island so I've been asking kaido to hit me with his club to better my haki and diamond body and let me tell you this fuċker knows how to swing but at the end my body got better . Managing the crew has been chaotic tho .... fuċkers tryna stab me and stuff I cut off their ċȯċks and stuffed them in they mouth and thrower them on the ship with the gay flamboyant pirates since then no one wants my food ... but hey I've been growing a beard ,pretty sick right but pops told me I look like I'm 20 years old than I actually am and I'm like aw shucks .

5 days later


my dream of conquering the world and becoming it's king is progressing well . I still have to kill celestial dragons tho , I'm pretty sure. I only need to sail to sabody and the Rest Lincoln will do it . that Brat will slaughter all the celestial dragons and wait for the admirals to Duke it out with them he can't see people being sold like that . he has been growing and stuff at least he isn't naive to do all that without the power to back it up . the kid is the 3rd strongest in my group can defeat askansa with his left hand and he might be able to kill Mike if given like 4 days and hes 15 years old .....

we've reached the raouli island ,the prick has 7000 pirates unde his belt and his alliances also come up so around 9000 pirates . there's around 400 ships wow I can't wait to sink all of them . I then see the one and only emperor Sam .D.chernobog with his fist clenched and ready to jump at me . We both released our conquerors and mine completely obliterated his and took 3 dozen of his ships with it he jumped towards me and so did I he turned into his hybrid form and jumped towards me I coated my sword and fist n haki and jumped towards him our clash created a huge shockwave pushing our fleets a little back but this was the initiation of the fight. All my commanders bad his commanders lunged at each other or more like all his commanders lunged at Lincoln and the rest went out to massacre the crew . I jumped back to my ship and so did he we both jumped to the island and started engaging he was throwing punches left and right and he knew how to throw a hook ,I crouched and countered him which send his flying for.a few hundred metres he came back almost instantly and prepared for a punch ,I did so too and when the punched came I easily broke his hand due to my strength.

he then turned into his full Zoan form and I turned into my hybrid form ,I grew to 21 feet in size and he grew to 28 feet in size . we both released our conquerors haki and it destroyed most of the landscape but this time too it was obliterated . he stretched his gauntlet and his claws sharpened he lunged at ne like some wolf and I coated my sword in haki and swung at him too there wasn't even a clash he was hit with my sword intent which left him bleeding from the mouth and flying off to the distance while my captains robe fluttered ,Gosh I must look badass right now hehehe~

he came back again this time a tiny bit slower I punched him in the face and he punched me in the gut ,ahhh fuċk he can use ryou .

the ryou coated punch fuċkėd up my internals a little bit ,I punched him his jaw breaking it and sending him fly away . I spat out some blood and got ready to attack, I then ran after Sam and jumped I kneed Sam in his stomach while in air the force was so strong that the surroundings sent lightning and the sound broke the speed of light . Sam was sent flying bleeding through his orifices bȧrėly alive but as he got more nearer to the moon through the thick clouds he started regenerating and when he came down he coated his gauntlet in conquerors and ryou what greeted him was a supreme grade sword coated in advanced armament haki and

a grinning crazy fuċk his hands were both slashed with left him with no hands . Sam stopped the bleeding through life return and coated his legs in haki but it got slashed too and finally he was now just a limbless person unconscious in between a lot of craters

the emperor's right hand man ravens gin and me are going to engage in a battle we are currently staring each other each of us waiting for the other to make the first move ,he lost his patience and lunged at me using soru I leapt towards him too and coated my blade in haki he coated his sword in haki and lunged towards me we both have conquerors so we coated it on our blades and it created.a clash that destroyed the surrounding making debris fly and craters to form beneath our feet and surrounding but he quickly got overwhelmed and was sent flying for a few hundred metres he used a lot of his zombies to attack me and they were coated in haki and they were puppeteered by him so it was like fighting 200 slow gins so I coated my hand in tremor and my fist in haki and punched the air ,it completely obliterated. all the zombies and ravens was sent flying this time breaking his ribs he spat out blood and lunged at me

Edward -"hoh so you're approaching me ?"

Edward coated his Naginata in tremor energy ,coated his hand and tremor energy in conquerors and hardening and swung his blade just as gin was 3 meters away from him the blade hit the top.of his head but stopped there as well as stopping gin slowly cracks were formed which went on to cover around 300 metres which completely destroyed the man and all of the surrounding taking half of the massive island to destruction . I swung my blade to clear off the blood and jumped to safer land then I saw around 100 ships surrounding me and they unleashed their cannons I coated both my hands in haki and caught the air I then pulled the air with my fingers bringing some energy with me which created a mark on the air which lead to all the ship's to be elevated and when the ocean went back down the ship's got crashed by the currents and 175 ships sunk killing most of them the rest of 25 ships were broken and won't last long so let them.out their mystery by sending a tremor powered bubble punch which went on to kill all the survivors and destroy all the ship's so 4500~ enemies were killed

**third pov **

all the enemies looked at Newgate in terror while he duster his hand and said

Newgate - "all done ,easie peasie"

and he went on to jump on the next approaching ship and started a massacre and blood coated the sea


**with Lincoln , third person pov***

all 7 of them looked at him with utmost malice

all of them understood how much of a threat the teenager Was to them so they went all out and turned into their full Zoan forms

ahzong turned into a blob with a big creepy smile,ankoku turned into a panther ,thei turned into the alpaca kuroyami and kurogari turned into wyverns ,Abigore turned into the chupacabra and Leila turned into iorogumo

they all looked menacing and were showing their fangs blasting their killing intent and conquerors at Lincoln . Lincoln who was subjected to all this was calm and took one look at his opponents and blasted his mad tyrant haki which made a shockwave that shattered Thier intents and made them kneel in pressure they all took a glance at the teenager and the glint in his eyes showed their deaths in more than thousands of ways after a few seconds Lincoln brought back his haki and condensed it around his sword and drawer it out and sheathed it back appearing behind Leila ,they watched as their comrades head slowly slid down spraying blood on their face ,their face contorted to horror as they all thought the same 'i didn't even see him '

Lincoln looked back at them and brought out his hand and taunted them by telling them to bring it on with his left hand behind him.

Abigore being the fastest swiftly moved towards him , kuroyami breathed fire coated in haki and kurogari sent air vaccumes in haki towards him he slashed the fireball and cut through the air vaccume with one swi.g if his sword and coated his sword in haki to intercept Abigore and with one swift motion he punched Abigore on his face sending him with a clotted eye and disfigured nose .he jumped and swung his Naginata towards the wyverns sending blade intent and dodged just in time for a bubble of energy that attacked Azazel . he unsheathed his sword coated it in haki and swung it taking the forearm of anzhong ,anzhong leap backwards and clutched his arm . Lincoln calmly tilted his head for a air vaccume and fire ball condensed to pass through his afterimage the attack hit anzhong and sent him back even more injured he once again swung his Naginata and swung it back wards to slice the head of Abigore cleanly off his shoulders and blocked a haki coated cutlass . Lincoln leapt backwards to dodge a black blur, he calmy looked at the yellow vibrant orbs and swung his Naginata which is turn ankoku dodged but list his tail and sliced his calf imparting his movement . Lincoln unsheathed his sword and jumped towards the sky where he appeared behind the twins and slices kuroyamis head and slice one of kurogaris wings . kurogari and a dead kuroyami came crashing to the ground Lincoln slightly changed his stance in which he brought his knee out and geppoed to the ground kneeing kurogaris head blowing her head and splattering blood on audies knee and face .as he came down he was intercepted by a black blur ,white blur and off white blur ,all which he blocked with his Naginata and swung them back Pushing them back for a few hundred metres. Lincoln calmy looked at the terrified commanders and decided to end it and massacre some other people .he coated his Naginata in mad tyrants haki and armament haki and swung it with an utmost. force which they tried to dodge but got their torso sliced into two except ahzong . who lost his two legs . Lincoln walked towards him and seeing anhzongs terrified face brought him happines ,he slowly walked towards him and stamped on his head destroying it and getting blood on his sandals .

he looked back at his crew mates going crazy and it brought him a crazy grin he jumped towards the ship and started killing at an insane pace

** on the side of shiki ,Wang zhi , askansa ,John kaido and linlin **

kaido was going around crushing skulls and lootin their sake ,linlin was taking everyone's lifespan making them a husk. Wang zhi was looting every ship off their money and putting them in his inventory ,he was also distorting space to attack his enemies and ships . shiki was playing with ships that floated and made it crashed each other and slaughtering people except good looking women who he was taking and making them float bahund him. John was also taking good looking women between his massive talons and he had his cutlass between his beak and sending sword intent killing people and destroying ships . askansa was slowing the blood streaming of the mobs and killing them effortlessly and her one punch was enough to destroy 3 ships ..

when everyone came back to the ship the amount we lost was around 670 people and everyone was injured except the top three .

that night shakky was very busy sending food for xebec , Newgate and Lincoln

Lincoln : to the future only emperor XEBEC TAICHOU !! CHEERRS!!!!!!!


Lincoln went onto have a massive orgy so did shiki ,Wang zhi and John while they were drunk as fuċk . the next day all the wome were killed though except a few who caught shikis and John's arousal ....

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