Lincoln woke with a headache and girls all around his bed he got up rubbed his eyes ,wore his clothes and strode outside his room. he saw his pops with women all over him sleeping in his chair with around 20 barrels around him he let him sleep and went to the kitchen where he saw shakky makings drink for him ,he went up to the counter and drank it in one gulp and he looked up to see shakky looking at him

shakky : it was like yesterday when I found you in a boat now your here killing yonko commanders and sleeping with 10 or so women . kids grow up fast don't they ?

Lincoln : *takes a swing of whiskey * yes they do aunt SHAKKY ,yes they do . you're up pretty early what's the occasion?

shakky: nothing ,you know the chef must be the first to rise In a ship , and I knew you will be the first to be awake so here we are !

when Lincolnwas. about to talk to her again a certain ship came into his observation field . both shakky and Lincoln got serious and went outside the ship to see a ship sailing towards Thier ship it had a logo showing the 'ROGER PIRATES'

the moment Lincoln understood who it was he flared his conquerors haki waking up his sencho and pops they both looked at where he was looking and found the roger pirates approaching them .

Newgate took his Naginata and stood up making the women all over him fall onto the floor ,XEBEC came out his bed and sharpened his sword while Lincoln strapped his sword and Naginata onto him and all three of them calmly looked at the opposing ship coming closer and closer , the moment they came close to 1 km , roger and Rayleigh lashed out their haki and so did Newgate and lincoln the force behind the clash pushed back each Thier ship creating cracks on each others ship .the Oro Jackson was filled with pirates with their weapons out and willed to fight but the conquerors of the top dogs of the new world was too much for them and all of them except the top three fainted . Lincoln looked calmly at them and be saw roger grinning ear to ear so Lincoln understood his intentions and started laughing

lincoln - HAHAHAHA!!

Newgate chuckled too and readied their stances . both of them sailed towards the nearest island and jumped off at the mean time shiki Wang zhi and John woke up and made wang zhi protect all the treasure

**roger pov**

Rayleigh : roger ! Newgate and his son got Thier bounties updated !!

roger : really ? what did they do this time !

Rayleigh : they killed Sam !!

roger : *stunned* huh ....? wahahahaha!!!! let's go beat them up

Rayleigh : yea right , that kid Lincoln will beat me up while you play with Newgate

roger : don't sweat the details friend !!

so they set out to fight the rocks pirates

pov end

**third person pov**

roger and Newgate looked at each otheran dlunged at each other while coating Thier respective weapons in haki and the clash brought a great force of haki which left the island in a crater they leapt backward and charged towards each other roger swing his blade sideways while Newgate stopped his blade and coated his hand in haki and punched roger in the ċhėst the punch sent roger backwards a little bit Rogers eye shined and coated his hand in haki and punched Newgate which he dodged and swung his bisento vertically which roger dodged and sent a slash to Edwards arm which hit and left an injury . Edward didn't pull his arm back but pulled his bisento out the ground and swung it towards Rogers head ,roger ducked and countered with his saber but Edward coated his arm in haki and blocked it they both leapt backward and grinned letting out their haki giving he ground fissures they again leapt towards each other and clashed this kept on going on and on

**lincoln side **

**lincoln pov **

currently Lincoln was being intercepted by Rayleigh and gaban they both coated Thier weapons in hardening and so did I we looked at each other waiting for the first to make a move ,gaban got impatient and lunged with Rayleigh following him I took my Naginata and swung it blocking both Thier attacks and pushed them back .Gaban swung his axe towards my head I dodged it by inches hitting my afterimage I jumped back and took out my sword I sent flying sword slashes that cut deep into the ground that they bȧrėly dodged . I swiftly appeared before gaban and punched him in the liver with a haki coated fist and titled my head just in time to dodge a thrust of a saber I jumped back and grinned I crouched and concentrated ki into my hands they jumped towards me and their saber was just about to hit my neck when I released my attack sending the two of them back both with serious injuries ,rayleigh of his right Chest and gaban on his obliques ,the attack was called light anihilation it destroyed the whole landscape and formed a crater 20 feet deep and 20 kilometers wide basically half the island was destroyed I jumped to the sea and saved them both from drowning and threw them towards Rogers feet and sat beside my pops taking a swing of a barrel of rum

lincoln -ah! that hit the right place ,right pops ?

Edward -glalalallalalal right son !!

lincoln-fuck you mate ! ya think imma say my attacks to ya like sum cheeky bastard ? ya prick !! fuċk off ya fruity dɨċkhead !!! HAHAHAHA!!!

roger 'twitches eyebrows in irritation and burnt smell intensifies ' we'll keep ya secret ya ċȯċky son of a bitch I'll stick me sword up yer arse the next time yet Gon fight me !!

lincoln: ha fuċk you ya fruity bastard we can go right now yer ȧss Gon be on her knees blowing me mate !!

Edward -glalalallalalalaallaall !!!!!!! roger mate yer gettin roasted by me son !!!!

roger - ya know what fuċk yer both slimy pricks imma Dip before some crazy motherfucker loots me ship !!

Lincoln - yea fuċk off ya small mustache man !!! don't come back I might just steal ya girl if ya have one ,slimy bastard !!

roger - bye bye whitey and darkie

Edward & lincoln - fuċk ya ,ya soonova bitch

Edward and Audie look at each other

Edward &Lincoln - GLALALALALA!!/HAHAHAHAH!!!!

and they both got drunk and went on to continue their orgy

the next day

you find Lincoln mediating and sea gulls sitting on top him he was enlarging his ki pool and opening his ki points , he went int the ocean and trained his body and came back Inthe sip to train his diamond body and weapon mastery.

Lincoln finished training after a 4 hour work out and 1hour meditation and looked calmly out at the sea . XEBEC came behind him and asked

XEBEC-what are you thinking about ?

lincoln : fight me TAICHOU !


lincoln proceeded to get his ȧss beaten

like that the next few months Lincoln trained mostly in his ki and fist attacks while polishing his blade mastery not rushing it at all .

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