One Piece: Tale Of An Unparalleled Legend


**third person pov**

the huge ship of the rocks pirates and it's subordinates were sailing towards the sandy and humid Nile islands to engage in war with the kemetism pirates,with rocks looking forward to the island and his right hand man and left hand man beside him ,they were all grinning like madmen and was preparing themselves for a crazy fight there was so much excitement building up in their heart that they were this close to letting lose Thier haki and intent .when the island of Nile came into view what greeted them was the image of all the forces of the kemetism pirates leading them towards the isolated island .

the moment they stepped on the island they unleashed their haki from both sides ,on one side ,Amun ,horus ,toth,sackhant and on the other side ,rocks ,Newgate , lincoln ,kaido ,linlin,Wang zhi ,shiki ,John released Thier haki which made the sea turbulent and the whole earth shake from its might the earth was tearing up ,fissures were happening between the clashes of haki and lightning was flaring from the skies

on one side were complete lunatics with crazy grins and eyes begging murder and the other side were having grim but confident faces indicating they were going to overcome this battle and reign victorious and at that very moment rocks and Amun who were in a stare off suddenly grinned and shouted " come at me Rocks!!" and they leapt at each other ,at the same time all the commanders leapt towards Lincoln and Osiris leapt towards Newgate . and the stronger opponents fought against kaido linlin. shiki Wang zhi and John while the Rest were just murdering without break .

**POV****XEBEC Vs tutank Amun -440th pharaoh and 42nd pharaoh of Amun Ra, god of sun **

As XEBEC and Amun leapt towards each other they brought out Thier elbows and coated it in haki and clashed this clash was enough to break the earth underneath and make trees fly !!. both of them leapt and look towards each other ,XEBEC was grinning like a madman (which he is) and he brought out his sword the Akatatsu no ken,a supreme grade sword that brings out the aura of the individual (will) enhancing ones haki ,he sword

ln haki giving it a red hue and menacing aura . Amun took his sekhem sceptre ,made when he ascended the throne 51 years ago called the Nubia sceptre (gold sceptre ),the sceptre doesn't lose against the supreme grade blades with the blacksmith pouring power from the Amun Ra god blessed by the priests and the blacksmiths soul has been sacrificed to make this sceptre ,he too coated it in haki and leapt towards rock and so did XEBEC ,when they clashed the sea split ,the sky split an dthe island split ,stopping all the fight around them and all of them looking awe at the sheer power of these monsters ,the clash was won by Amun and XEBEC was thrown back for 400 metres and collided with a huge mountain destroying it.

XEBEC jumped out of the mountain remains and flared his aura making his hair float and eyes shine in red ,he ran towards Amun with his arm swing back and his sword in haki and went for amuns ċhėst . Amuns eyes shined and predicted xebecs attack ,he swung his sceptre and blocked the sword. attack with ease ,sending XEBEC back but this time he prevailed and didn't get blasted off like last time . XEBEC went for it again jumping towards Amun and kicking amuns neck but all it hit was an afterimage ,Amun transformed his hand into claws and swiped towards XEBECS ċhėst leaving a shallow cut on his ċhėst . XEBEC then spinned mid air using geppo and charged a haki punch towards amuns head completely ignoring the ċhėst pain ,Amun blocked it with his forearm and caught his wrist and pulled him closer sending a punch towards XEBECS guts which made xebc lose air in his lungs and the outline of the fist was been able to see through his back . XEBEC got flown awayfor 2 meters and blood was leaking our of his mouth .XEBEC again took his sword and charged towards Amun ,Amun completely dodged it with an millimetre width and punched XEBEC using his right hand which made XEBEC fall on to the floor and making a huge crater ,Amun leapt backwards and breathed out ,old age was getting to him and his back ached a little bit . XEBEC jumped out of the crater looking towards Amun and kept on staring ,Amun also stared towards XEBECS eyes which showed insanity and bloodlust .XEBEC started changing into his hybrid form but as he was about to change ,a golden sceptre coated in haki stabbed him in the gut and dragged the sceptre which destroyed his intestines and Amun kicked him on his ċhėst sending him back a little ,with a fatal injury on his ċhėst and stomach he changed into his full Zoan form and leapt towards the sky and wait for the injury to heal ,it had stopped bleeding due to utilising semmei keikhan ,on reaching the sky XEBEC charged a solar attack towards Amun . the pharoah looked calmy towards the flying red Eastern dragon charging an attack aimed at him he closed his eyea and changed into a stance ,he then jumped towards the dragon flaring his Cape and his multi coloured garb and geppoed towards the dragon he then coated his body in ki and his sceptre changed into anhur the spear of Ra ,an ancient weapon wielded by pharoahs following sun god Ra . he muttered some words and called out his attack, "pharoahs style :concubines linen ". this attack creates a huge gulf in the middle of the opponents attack and distorts the space between them , completely absorbing the attack and converting it into energy usable for the pharoah ,in this case the solar blast was absorbed by the gulf and charged to the spear of Ra and Amun geppoed instantly and appeared at the dragons ċhėst and sent the attack enhanced with xebecs attack and his won attack and lashed it towards XEBECS ċhėst which destroyed 4 ribs of XEBEC and Amun did a bicycle kick towards XEBECS head sending him towards the ground with an unstoppable momentum. the moment XEBEC reached the ground he changed into his hybrid form and blocked a spear with his sword . Amun calmy looked at xebec and asked

AMUN-What is your ambition rocks .d.xebec ?


AMUN-Such a vulgar mouth ,what will you do after you get your dream ?


Amun looked at XEBEC unamused and the way he talked about it made him sure that he's serious . Amun sighed and blocked a punch and sent a counter to his nose making it bleed .he then turned into an avatar of Amun Ra. he swirled his spear around his hand and looked at XEBEC the amount of pressure rolling off him was enough to make people like emperor Mike suffocating for air .XEBEC in his hybrid form elongated his horns and blocked a intent attack which caused him to be pushed back . XEBEC swung his sword and clashed with Amun and sent solar energy into his sword . he used his swords ability to enhance haki especially dragons and swung his sword, Amun redirected his attack to a nearby mountain destroying it .and XEBEC sent an attack for his cheek and it hit .but that that moment XEBEC kept on punching towards his face . Amun leapt backwards and swung his spear but it couldn't block the sword attack and it hit amuns ċhėst making it into a wound . Amun retracted his spear and rotated ki around his spear and thrusted it in seven simultaneous motion sending 7 chained attacks which destroyed that part of the island . XEBEC was panting heavily and bleeding through a lot of places . XEBEC decides that he will finish this fight as soon as possible . Amun meanwhile, charged his spear in heat energy and ki enhancing the it and thrusted it towards his head which ended up hitting an after image . this fight went on for on and on which lasted for 10 days ,at the end of the tenth day ,Amun decides that he will drag XEBEC with him to afterlife and charges an attack which burns almost all his life force and ki pool . Amun takes the stance of the technique : god of sun series : solar plasma ,the heat giving off was so hot that it melted xebecs skin and destroyed all the surroundings ,XEBEC seeing this attack felt excited and grinned he took his sword and charged it in haki and leapt towards amunn rating and said :new world order series :supreme light of anihilation!! when both attacks met it shook the world and caused the sea waves to destroy other islands and the might of both attacks was felt to the whole world the island that they were fighting was destroyed and also destroyed 5 islands around them the result of the fight was amunn standing in a lone piece of land with his sceptre stabbed on the ground and his garb completely destroyed but he slowly sighed and breathed his last with his whole body full of wounds and stabs not falling but planting himself into the ground.


the whole surroundings were silent except the commanders and Osiris who were fighting Thier opponents . rocks grinned and went towards askansa and she leapt towards him and he feel unconscious in her hands ,she brought him to the ship doctors and protected him from people attacking

**POVNewgate Vs doghead osiris **

Osiris : Newgate a pŀėȧsurė meeting you here I would be happy to see you if not for the death match we are fighting.

Newgate :same here Osiris ,same here . if you survive this I will do a favour for you in the future if not then pass this onto someone you can trust ,if there is a case where I have to shelter your kind I will do it but it is not my obligation to protect them from the celestial dragons.

newagte : yes we will fight I know this will be a tough fight so I will go full power from the get go

Osiris:me too!

the both pirates looked calmy at each other and Osiris leapt backwards he started moving is fingers like he is practising ninjutsu (vegetable vegetable fruit ,a paramecia fruit that allows you to grow vegetables in the plant version or in the awakened case allows you to grow vegetables from heaven and hell a special paramecia fruit since it is almost like a logia since all his body parts are regeneratable and he can make clones of himself with seeds with 10 percent of his strength the most he can make are 8 . Osiris has awakened this fruit making him able to Create wood golems of hell and heaven ,a seemingly useless fruit has made him an mid emperor level pirate in 42 years. he uses his fingers to make signs like ninjutsu and moves his arms in controlled manner which allows him to control his attacks more and effeciently). he then called out his attack


Newgate reeled his bisento and charged a concentrated quake Bubble along with sending tremors around his body to prevent the pollen from infecting him and he attacked

Naginata series :hell's guardian cerebus .

the attack completely destroyed the wood attack and destroyed the landscape ,he then leapt towards Osiris while Osiris leapt towards him and swung his sickle while he parried for the bisento and he thrusted his staff ,Newgate dodged it and punched Osiris in the face sending him back into a tree where he merged with it and went incognito . whitebeard had a hard time locating him and he was struggling to prevent the poison thorns scraping his below his knees .so Newgate jumped to the air and sent a punch to the ground using momentum ,Osiris jumped from the ground and did a handsign to control the surrounding trees to make a movement to trap Newgate . Newgate calmy punched and destroyed the wood . Osiris sighed and his whole demeanour changed he started glowing in brown and green and his aura flared making his hair fly and eyes glow . Newgate grinned and flared up too making his blonde hair fly and his body giving of whiteish gold hue .both of them leapt towards each other and punched . the punch wasn't just one Vs one fist but one Vs 200 fists ,Osiris made the plants to grow and make into hands coated in haki ,newgates punch destroyed all the hands and Osiris and him came into a stalemate . and when Osiris took his sickle and swung it at an insanely fast speed Newgate tanked it and caught it ,pulling Osiris he punched him in the nose and kneed his stomach .making Osiris gasp for breath ..then Osiris leapt backward using his plants. Newgate made a quake Bubble and punched the air while Osiris mad a dome of the strongest tree he can muster .the dome was destroyed but he prepared a ki attack and destroyed the surroundings and negated newgates attack . Osiris jumped to the air and swung his sickle and staff and attacked downwards in a pyramid style

"pyramid style : sphinx fire " Newgate made his attack too

"spear style :Gabriel's message "

they fought for twelve days and at the end they were exhausted and could bȧrėly move as the final attack both of them instead of using Thier devil fruit came into a fist fight which Newgate won after punching Osiris through his gut making a hole .with Osiris dead Newgate became unconscious, standing..audie quickly caught Newgate and brought him to the ship's doctors and went onto fighting after asking askansa to protect him too.

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