One Piece: Tale Of An Unparalleled Legend

Chapter 16 - 16 LINCOLN VS COMMANDERS and after math

*Lincoln Vs commanders pov **

lincoln jumped towards the commanders and said

Lincoln : A pŀėȧsurė your majesties ! HAHAHA!!

toth : my pŀėȧsurė too ,kind psychopath Lincoln !

lincoln : hey why the hell do y'all think I'm a psychopath , huh? it's mean and it hurts my feelings~~

horus loses his patience and lunged towards Lincoln ,Lincoln dodged calmy and punches horus in the cheek and instantly dodges an attack from Anubis's sickle. lincoln then leaps towards the commanders again and punches geb in the stomach while dodging sackhants touch and toths thrust from his staff . he leapt backwards to dodge an attack from horus headbutts the ground destroying it. while Lincoln gave an uppercut to horus toth came beside him and used his dagger to cut Lincoln ,Lincoln punches him but it only hits his afterimage and Lincoln was surprised so he was too late to dodge sackhants punch to his gut ,sackhant used a reverse effect punch so it made the condition of audies stomach really bad . lincoln was sent back but regained his balance and got his foothold . and at that time he dodged an attack from the earth at a hair's breadth but it scraped his ċhėst giving a shallow wound. horus took out his sword and slashed at Lincoln ,while toth and sackhant leapt towards lincoln at breakneck speeds and geb going to the ground to prepare an attack and Anubis going into his electro mode enhancing it with ki and sending off ki blasts ,the combination of all these attacks made audies observation haki confused because his senses were screaming danger from every angle so Lincoln went for the most safest route, time slowed down for Audie and he saw all the commanders sending off Thier attacks he concentrated ki and did an attack

lincoln - death wheel strike !!

death wheel strike is when lincoln condenses ki at his palm in a certain pattern and condensing it in such a pattern gives it a miniature black hole look and the area of destruction is massive .

the moment he attacked the commanders saw a black current blinding thier sight and Thier observation haki flaring at them especially toth so toth called out ASAP


the attack sent all them flying back bypassing Thier haki and making Thier skin burnt and paralyse for a moment and destroying all the trees and leaving a deep crater with deferent magnitudes on the ground . they looked at the grinning pirate warily .Lincoln breathed out and took a stance of a crane and let out his aura of equilibrium . the commanders saw him preparing for an attack and got up but when they saw again , a image of a crane in water was being seen and the moment lincoln opened his eyes his blue eyes gained an even more blue look and he swiftly ran towards the commanders seeing his coming towards them ,toth sent out a telepathic message to all the commanders using observation haki and they all got Thier spirits on fire again.

Anubis being the fastest sped towards him and sent out a punch which lincoln redirected and caught Anubis's hand and flung him away he also redirected a sword attack from horus at the very next moment and let his body flow with the attack dodging the punch from sackhant to his liver and tilting his head to dodge a staff thrust from toth after all this he jumped to the air and did a back flip to dodge an attack from geb ,geb kept on attacking by producing hands and spikes with his fruit covered in haki . getting fed up with dodging Lincoln took out his Naginata and took his stance

all the commanders coated Thier bodies and weapons in haki and leapt towards him ignoring thier observation haki and lincoln moved


the attack uses a lot of ki but is very useful for long range attacks sending a literal rain of spear intent ,

the attack completely destroyed all the surroundings for 50 kilometers and left huge gulfs where the attack fell on .

the commanders were panting heavily while having Thier guard up ,evading from that attack had brought sacrifices like Anubis losing his arm and geb having a huge wound on his ċhėst

horus transformed into his full down form and let out his conquerors haki ,Anubis stopped his bleeding and took a stance with his leg up and hands making a strange sign ,sackhant brought out her domain and started suckung all the properties of healing from nearby trees and coated her fists with it she coated her fists in all types of haki except ryou ,toth took his dagger out and put it in his mouth and he stood in the famous pharoahs throne style and let out his conquerors haki .

lincoln despite his fatal injuries looked at them panting and took a stance with his Naginata sending ki to the weapon he brought the blade down with ferocious intent at that moment the commanders brought out all Thier reserves and attacked , lincoln completely destroyed all the surroundings and when the commanders came near almost instantly Lincoln brought ki into his hands and punched all of them coated in haki , all of them got sent back but not before fatally injuring him .across audies ċhėst were huge scar starting from his shoulder to his packs it was overflowing with blood and it was weakening lincoln . lincoln panted heavily and took out his sword and jumped towards them after stopping the bleeding all the commanders were exhausted and they fought for another day but it needs when geb took the slash for toth and died and Anubis lost his ear and eye making a huge scar from his ears to his packs .toth and horus also got various scars from Lincoln along Thier hands, knuckles ,chest and legs . after the 2 day fight all of them fell unconscious with one dead , lincoln limped towards the infirmary where the doctor was fighting after killing around 199 pirates on his way there he was even weaker with all the usage of semei keikhan he was wrung dry and his scars sling his torso will continue bleeding . he reached the infirmary and the doctor treated him . he was in coma for the next eight days and once he was out he saw his pops fainted so he brought him back to the infirmary and treated him . he then joined the others in the utter massacre. the only ones who survived were the commanders except geb and Osiris and some of the stronger people ,this event marked the end of the kemetism pirates

toth , horus , sackhant ,Anubis **

By the time they woke up the whole world was made known of the demise of the kemetism pirates. it shocked the common folk and the marines on the fall of tutankamun and his armada .in the Nile island the people were mourning for the death of Thier king and preparing the dead body of the king to be put to rest among his predecessors.

toth- where am I ?

queen - son ! you are awake !!

toth looked beside his bed to the voice and saw his mother with tear stains on her cheeks and bags under her eyes with dishevelled hair .

toth- I am sorry mother *sob* I couldn't prevent father's death !

queen- no point in talking about that now ,I am happy that he died fighting a worthy foe and not in bed .but even though I was prepared for the news of his death when it came it hit way harder than I thought it would just thinking of his absence has tore apart my soul !

toth - *looks down ashamed and cries silently*

a while later all the commanders wake up .

toth - he has left us ,sackhant....

horus - brother now isn't the time for crying ,father wouldn't want to see us in this miserable state pull yourself up after 31 days of mourning you will be crowned the 443 pharoah . you should think which god to crown yourself with

Anubis - I will help you with anything you need your highness ,my mink tribe will always be in debt to the pharoahs you have the same loyalty that we have for the kozuki clan .

toth- I value your words greatly Anubis ,let us prepare for the talks . and since we don't want to be pirates anymore we will bribe the world government with money to take away our bounties since no one is alive it will be fairly cheap .

sackhant - yes I don't want our children to be chased after because of our circumstances.

horus - brother ,what is my role in the future of the kingdom ?

toth - be my right hand man horus , be my general while I am the chief commander you will be the vice commander and give me some nephews

*after a wholesome conversation later *

Abdullah (chief of mink tribe ) - my condolences my queen on the passing away of the pharoah *sniff*

queen - thank you for your and your tribes support in this sad day I hoped to encounter you with good news but alas fate did not see fit to it .please come with me to greet the guests and my father along with my son's .

Abdullah - yes your highness the queen

the funeral of tutank Amun was done after 31 days of mourning ,the body of tutankamun was properly preserved and buried in his very own room in the tomb of pyramids the islands that had been with alliance with Amun gave Thier condolences and left .

now we don't toth ,horus and sackhant in the royal chamber .

toth - has the Marines bounty issue Been solved ?

horus - yes brother we are now free men .

toth - make sure the circumstances that led to the kemetism pirates doesn't happen again ,the marines will take care of XEBEC we are too weak to hurt even lincoln.. do not get on Thier bad side I saw a dream that that crew will make the world go.upside down and the powerhouses will scatter and give rise to empires . we have to make sure that our island and alliances can adjust with the changes in the sea .and grow stronger horus I want us both to be as strong if not stronger than our father was in his peak ! do I make myself clear !

horus - yes brother !

*pov end *

**the fleet admirals office pov**

Kong - should we move fleet admiral Sama ?

claro black- no...he will fall down on his own ,going after him will only result in our loss of numbers

jeninin- why not send our soldiers are you saying that we will lose soldiers ? we have almost 270 million of them the lives of our soldiers should be laid down for The good of the future

Volta - are to saying that Thier lives don't matter jeninin? all the lives of the marines are accountable to the fleet admiral .and sending massive amounts of marines to capture one pirate crew ? even if we try to manipulate the news that insect buggle will get hold of the information and send it to the public destroying our image

SENGOKU - how should we proceed then ?

*soldier breaks in room panting heavily *

soldier - fleet admiral Sama !!

all the eyes turn to the frail soldier and it makes the poor man nervous because all Thier eyes are shining and he feels nȧkėd in front of them like all his secrets have been discovered .

tsuru - what is it commodore state your reason to bȧrė into this meeting and state it clearly !

the whole room was in silence all of Thier faces showed complex emotions and all of Thier brains were making thousands of plans at every second

kong - shall we tail them and slaughter them ?

claro black - no my haki is saying that askansa is guarding them and under the rocks flag she has gotte stronger than Sam . if you have confidence you could destroy Sam then proceed

the room continued in silence

Puru puru puru puru~~*kacha *

tsuru waved her hand to let the soldier go outside and so did he .

???- claro black withdraw the bounties of the following people - toth ,horus , sackhant and Anubis

claro black - five elders is it necessary ?

5 elders - yes ..

C.B- it shall be done ! *kacha *.

Jennings - how ? why ?

C.B.- you are forgetting something ,the queen of Nile was the daughter of the nefratiti family and you know Thier contact with the celestial dragons ,they are basically celestial dragons without any of the superiority complex .and nile.islans has plenty of money they probably paid the celestial bastards money and stuff.

Volta - it seems so . so we aren't going to move now ,then when will we move claro ?

C.B- I don't think we will have to move anytime soon ,the gap between Henry and XEBEC is like heaven and earth so no hurries I think the best year will be a perfect time to attack them because considering the goal of XEBEC he will come for the celestial dragons and we can lure him there ,I will be sending all the people here to fight the crew ,that crew has a lot of conquerors so make them betray each other I think if that happens you can bring the to your side and kill the rest .the only people that won't betray XEBEC is Newgate and his brat and considering his accomplishments he will only grow stronger .so one of the good pirates and your good friend will also help GARP since he also aims to kill XEBEC ,it will be a tough fight for all of you and I hope I will be able to see your faces after the legendary fight . meeting adjourned comrades ....

pov end

Chapter end

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