One Piece: Tale Of An Unparalleled Legend


two weeks later ....

the rocks pirates ship is seen to be lifted by Lincoln and is being taken inside a cave where there is a stand to put it .

then Lincoln and Newgate came out and packed Thier stuff and went to meet XEBEC and askansa .

when they went there they saw XEBEC sitting beside askansa and eating food while she feeds shanks .

XEBEC looks at his former crewmates and asks

X - you're leaving ?

N - yes.....

L - we can't visit often considering marines will always be on our tail but we will visit you sometimes other than that of you need anything contact us with a snail ..

X - thank you Newgate ,Lincoln I will contact you guys now set to sea and live your life HAHAHAHA

askansa - it was nice sailing with you blonde fuċk and tall brat ,visit once in a while ok .shanks likes you guys

L - how can he not Like this handsome man

X - you mean boy?

L - oh ...XEBEC TAICHOU you're more of a child than me I'll call you a manchild more than anyone .

Newgate - we have our small boat docked here we will go to the nearest ship building island and buy a ship for sometime use .

X - I see...

newgate - so see you XEBEC TAICHOU

Lincoln - see ya !!

newagte and Lincoln walked away with both of them putting up a happy façade

Lincoln looked at the boat and grinned ....

L - the world is waiting to be explored pops aren't you excited !

N - of course I am son what else you'd expect from me GULALALALALA!!

they jumped on the boat and sailed going further and further away from the island.

they had some fruits and spices as provisions and a whole lotta apples .

they sailed for 1 week before they found a island with town in it . they docked Thier ship and went into the town to search for provisions and a temporary ship,the boat was too small for both of them ,one was 20 ft and the other was 11 ft. it was too small like I said.

The moment they entered the town they caught everyone's attention ,one had a huge standing and big ȧss bisento while the other had a Naginata and a sword they looked peaceful by Thier faces but Thier bodies said otherwise even a blind person could feel the strength rolling off them ...

one brave old man confronted them ,behind him was every capable man with some sort of weapon .

old man - how can we help you misters?

Lincoln - hey old guy nice to meet you ! I'm Lincoln and this is my pops !! we were wondering if you guys have any ships or shipbuilders here ? we also wanted to buy provisions so help us out will you ? .

old man - umm....sure we can help you ! but I hope you don't have any bad intentions do you ?

pops - nope ... GLALALALALA

old man- then .....Marco show them the way our shops and introduce then to dreybal the ship builder

Marco - ok ojisan ...

Marco was a young man a year younger than Lincoln ,i.e he was 15 years old .he had a pineapple head and had baggy eyes but built nicely for his age .

Marco - come along here ...the provisions you can get it from old man job his wife Ann's shop they're good people and stuff ...I'll wait for you go and buy ...

Lincoln moved forward and bought all of the shops fruits and veggies along with salt ,pepper and spices .

Lincoln was back after 15 minutes and saw Marco sleeping on the ground ,Lincoln poked him with a branch and marco woke up instantly and stood up staright .

Lincoln - let's go dude

Marco nap...

Marco took them to the ship builder dreybal who was a 8 foot tall man with a buff torso and hands and tiny face and small legs .

dreybal - what do you want Marco and who are these people ...

Newgate - I am Newgate and I want a ship ...

dreybal - tuner of earthquakes Newgate ?and blade of heaven Lincoln huh guys are alive kinda wished you guys died ...

newgate - try us old guy're past your prime knight of sea dreybal even your armour has been rusting just build us a ship and we'll be on our way ..

Marco - hey uncle dreybal ,they bad news ?

dreybal - nah.... I hope not . well give me 3 days I have a ship for you guys I'll fix it up and it'll be ready ...

newagte- we can do that ...

when the 2nd day was over ,Newgate and Lincoln were getting ready to leave but the town was eerily quiet .

so Lincoln and Newgate went to remind them that they were about to leave and give some seaking meat .

but when they got there they sensed a group of people in the mountains

them feeling something wrong ran towards the mountain . when they reached there what greeted them was dreybal fighting with someone who was laughing and eating the corpse of a woman .

appearing beside dreybal they saw that around 10 people had been eaten by the maniac cannibalistic person .

Lincoln - where are the rest of the people.

dreybal - they are hiding in a cave the old man gave us time to escape and now. I am .

Newgate just swung his Naginata killing the cannibalist and ending his rampage.

they went together to the cave and saw all the remnants holding each other close and shivering due to fear .

they ran over to dreybal and cried for their lost people .

Lincoln looked at a kid huddled in the corner and saw it was Marcus who had a face that showed he was scared out his mind.

L - get up brat ....stand up ,it's all over

Marco looked at Lincoln and Newgate towering over them and the feeling of safety washed over him and he along with the others in the town bowed down and thanked Newgate and Lincoln profusely .


L - you're weak kid you'll die in the first day ..

Marco looked like someone kicked his dog

L- but we can fix that hop on kid ...



Marco - yes I will make you proud pops! big bro linc !!


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