Lincoln ,Marco and newgate were sailing the sea and looking out for ships when they came across a barrell floating in the sea,

Newgate and Lincoln sensing a life sign in it told Marco to take it and bring it on board.

when the barrel was opened ,inside it was a tall kid around Marcos age dozing off .

he was thrown out the barrel and Marco splashed water on his face .

???- A-ahhhh!!

Marco - chill dude what's going on ?

???- who are you guys ! where's my friends !!

Marco - you were floating in the sea dude we saved your ȧss ..

???- floating in the sea ? I was playing hide and seek with my friends !!

Lincoln - how old are you kid ?

???- I'm 14 !!

Lincoln - wtf were meeting younger and younger people stranded in the seas .

Newgate - introduce yourself kid !!

???- A-ah ! I'm JOZU !! they call me rock breaker JOZU because I could break a rock and save the village .

Lincoln - oohhh pretty cool ...what island are you from kid ?

JOZU- I'm from the island of Torre rochosa !

Newgate - that's a day away from here !

JOZU- how did I reach here ?

Newgate - sigh ...I will take you back kid ....

jozu- really !! thank you ,oh wait your guys didn't tell me your names

Lincoln - I'm Edwards Lincoln ,that's my pops Edward Newgate and this is my younger brother Marco

jozu- nice to meet you !!

Marco took JOZU to the kitchen and went to feed him while Lincoln and Newgate sat on the railings , Newgate passed the sake he was having and Lincoln took a huge swig of it and passed it back

N - youre thinking what I am thinking right

L - I hope not pops ...I hope not.

the ship sailed for a day and reached the docks of Torre rochosa .

what greeted them were small humans with the claws of a crab and walking like one too.

they had dead eyes with mandibles and were very short but really wide and moderately fat .when Thier ship came close and docked to the port a crab man walked sideways and stood in front of him .

jozu jumped out the deck and onto the land shouting




the whole town was dead and the only sound was of mating (in the night) and stepping sounds .

Lincoln had his eyes basically sparkling seeing these people and went towards them and started asking questions - how are you guys seeing what's ahead of you ?

how do you use knifes ?

how do you guys kiss ?

do you guys poop ?

Newgate : shut up brat ...they can bȧrėly hear you that's why jozu is shouting ...

Lincoln hearing this stood up straight and Marco came beside him.

L - it wasnt my imagination huh .....

N - let's explore brat ....



Lincoln Newgate and Marco ran towards deeper inside the island and reached into a cliff where there was a treehouse ,they went into it and saw all the things made for kids and accomodation for a family properly maintained.

and behind the tree was a dense jungle that spelled bad news ....

at that moment jozu came into the treehouse and was surprised seeing the crew there .

Jozu - welcome to my humble abode !!!janananananana!!!

jozu - you guys can stay here till your log pose is set so no. probs !!

Lincoln - thanks kid ..

late at night when Lincoln and the crew were sleeping , a crab guy came and woke jozu up and told him to follow him.

the moment jozu stepped outside all of them opened Thier eyes and looked at each other and nodded .

they followed them masking Thier presence ,with Marco being helped by pops.

they followed jozu and the crab guy till they reached a temple in the deep mountains .

there were a mountain of human bones towering them .

at that moment we also see a huge animal eating the corpse of a young woman and man .

crab guy - LWORDIE OANTHERIOM OFFERING HERE MARINATE SEA WAYER !!!(that's how they speak ...I know not cool ...but I think its cool so ....)

the huge animal looked at jozu with his golden eyes and 6 other smaller eyes started opening the moonlight shed light upon the creature showing its humungous size even for grand line and on it's purple body started appearing red glowing markings ....

Newgate - an enchanted creature huh what sort of crazy animal tamer did let loose a creepy fuċk like this

Lincoln &Marco - enchanted?

Newgate - people who go against the laws of nature and see the Future or curse someone using something that goes against the rules of the god of everything and everyone.they are enchanters ,they live long lives in misery and trouble and won't find peace even after death

Lincoln - that's not cool but shouldn't we help him ?

newgate: wait....I want to see it's intention ...if it has intellect or not.

at that moment tye golden eyes gained more aura and bloodthirat and hit jozu point blank making jozu weak in the knees ..

jozu - what's going on Cranmer (crab guy) help me !!

Lincoln appeared beside jozu and said

L - fuċk this cat I'mma kill her I don't care if you have intellect or not..

the purple beast stood on its four legs and growled and let out its conquer haki .

Lincoln looked bored and let out his aura making the cat whimper from the killing intent ..

L - tch.. such a waste of time .

Lincoln took his Naginata and swung it beheading the cat .

Lincoln then looked at jozu and said

L - kid if you want to survive runaway . the cat will get its head back on its body in about 2 hours so run away...

J - but the people .....

Newgate : they are all puppets with distorted souls being used as servants to bring offerings and make the cat stronger ,this is the work of the sky poison sect..specifically the dead poison taming squad....that means everyone you knew is a fabricated person and you were being lured as a offering .most probably your parents have also been subjected to this

jozu began crying and crying ,the slim but tall boys voice was heard all around the island ....and his grief was immeasurable...

Newgate saw the look of despair in jozus eyes and called him out .

N - brat stop crying ....

jozu stopped crying immediately and sniffed .

N - join my crew ....and be my son ...make your life meaningful and be happy ,what if you lost your parents kid .....we are all children of the sea ,reunite with her and find out your destiny...

jozu - will you do that for me ?

L - say the word and I will sink this island to the ocean floor HAHAHAHA!!I'm not some pipsqueak like you ...!!!

J - .....then please take care of me mister Newgate !

Newgate - call me pops kid ,you're my son from now onwards and Lincoln is your eldest brother and Marco is your direct elder brother ,pack your stuff son were waiting ...

jozu ran away to his treehouse to pack his stuff.

Lincoln looked at his pops and nodded.


the attack completely destroyed all the surroundings and blew the creature to smithreens and died permanently.

after 15 minutes jozu came to them and they went towards Thier ship .

when they came aboard the ship all the crab people and seahorse people were on the shore slowly following them like zombies .


this attack completely destroyed the island and all its inhabitants ...and the island sunk down to the ocean floor ..

jozu and Marcos jaws were on Thier floor and the ship sailed , and the whitebeard pirates had gotten another crewmate


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