One Piece: Tale Of An Unparalleled Legend


the island of FELORA .one of the most important islands in all of the world .everyone in the grand line ,even a good portion of the south and east blue people know of the island of rebels ,FELORA .

Most of the threats against the world government have all originated from FELORA ,the people there are highly educated ,famous and influential businessmen ,famous blacksmiths , authors of world renowned books and one of. the few people who has had enough of the world government and wants them down .there are other very prominent revolutionary armies other than the FELORA people but not as consistently from one island .

This island also holds the record for most buster calls performed on an island .they have been buster called almost 997 times from the 800 years of world government rule.they always prevail and mostly the losses are always on the marines side.

the people here are very important to the world too ,Thier influence and knowledge are second to none (except Babylon)and also they are in contact and alliance with the island of himinsomar one of the few well known sky islands and they also have been in a huge battle with the world government since way back. and they have been attacked by the marines sky unit plenty of times but the himinsomar people have geographical advantage due to less air for the marines and the cloud water obstructing them.

the people of himinsomar are people of great poetic and mathematic heritage ,they have been left with ancient rituals and machines that allow them to harness the spiritual energy and create machines ,barriers and create more devised mechanism.the collection of knowledge had Been shared by the himinsomar people and FELORA people due to them being alliances since way is said that the first king of FELORA , GREGLIN was the baby brother of the much more advanced island of himinsomar king ,GREGARIOUN and since both of them had gained inheritance from Thier father the famous and renowned mighty king who appear in mythologies all around the world ,GREGYLION the master alchemist and staff master and forseer of the legendary kingdom of FEMISLORA which housed the library of GREGYLION said to be the greatest library in existence after Babylon's and said to house secrets to immortality and rituals to summon the devil.

the prosperous island of FEMISLORA was subjected to a once in 20,000 years phenomenon dividing the island of FEMISLORA to FELORA and himinsomar.

but the bond between the brothers turned kings still stand to this day and it is shown in Thier military might , rich knowledge and thier good decisions in battle.

the island of FELORA has gave birth to almost 68 revolutionary armies but only 14 of them were really a threat ,the rest were dealt with by the respective times fleet admiral .but the 14 revolutionary armies made the top of the world government move because whatever they did against the revolutionaries always backlashed them severely and it ruined Thier reputation a massive amount.the latest one was the revolutionary army that made the top of the government(IM and the 5 elders personally moved and wiped them out ) move was the "equal importance union army" ,that housed people that had only a little less power than Henry in his prime about 35 years ago .the battle was more of a battle of wits but at the last the marines ,IM and the 5 elders moved ,Thier battle was in the Bermuda rectangle(yes,its a rectangle) making it easier to cover up since they lost around 750,000 troops but they get. 25,000 recruits every year so they didn't care for the lives lost .even the 5 elders and IM had serious wounds and had to recuperate , and this time was the golden age of the fleet admiral claro black ,at this time claro moved and cemented his place which also gave his massive support from commoners but not celestial dragons since he refused to send his best men as bodyguards when they can kill ruthless pirates .

At this moment we find a tall man with a beard and scar beside his eye holding a bouquet of Lilly's and beside him is a just as tall man silently standing Infront of the grave.

These people are recently promoted tier 10 vice admiral MONKEY .D.GARP and recently promoted tier 9 vice admiral MONKEY .D. DRAGON and the grave they are standing Infront of says 'TO A GREAT WIFE AND MOTHER WE WILL SEE THOU AT THE HEAVENS...MONKEY ARITINOL .D. PRECANIL

NEZAVISLY ' the wife of garp and mother of dragon

D- There is no point in staying here anylonger ,the moment the people see us they will stone us ,the only reason we can stay here is because of Mr .GIORs goodwill .

G - can't you just be a nice son and shut the fuċk up for fuċkɨnġ 5 minutes ..? huh ? thats all I'm asking 5 fuċkɨnġ minutes ...let me see her grave and engrave it in my head .

D - shes just as important to me as she was to you don't pull that on me..just meet me in the restaurant and don't forget your disguise.

G - fuċk off kid I'll be there just leave me alone you prick ...

D - dad her blood runs through me and her bloodline influenced me more than yours that's it can't change my decision ,I will follow my grandfather's path goodluck ..I will be leaving the marines as soon as possible after squeezing as much information as I can

GARP stood there for about an hour more and went into the restaurant nearby to meet up with his son ,when he entered the restaurant what greeted him was two very familiar people .

the Last people he wished to meet especially today .it was whitebeard and Lincoln also with them was ferarin and his right hand woman / lover Livia .they were drinking and eating food like nobody's business completely ignoring thier surrounding customers who were having difficulty eating their foods due to the noise .but the moment GARP came inside the restaurant ,the whole gang quieted down ,inturn quieting the whole restaurant.then garp got cold sweat on his back because 4 pairs of eyes traced towards him and in an eerily low voice whitebeard said N - what a pleasant surprise .....garp...

G - same Newgate ,same

N - what is a world renowned vice admiral doing here ,in the hub of rebels ?

the moment he said that the whole bar shook due to the other customers overhearing to release thier auras ,they didn't last this long without strong civilians...thier eyes shined in rage showing Thier deep hatred to marines and if looks could kill garp would have died 1000 times over .

G - we can talk and discuss this like civilized people Newgate ...

L - unfortunately for you we aren't civilized people ,we are hardcore pirates MARINE ...

GARP and the gang appeared in a isolated place instantly due to a devil fruit .

L - so you are the BACKSTABBERS son huh .monkey .d.dragon.dont think you achieve to catch us off guard....the moment you came in your signature was locked you ate the air air fruit and manipulate ki and Merge it to transport us here huh ...

D - as expected of heavens blade lincoln your deduction is correct

G - guys before you jump on me ,listen to me...

N - oh .. talk garp.

G - I had no other choice son and wife were hostage and with NEZAVISLY in sickness ...I couldnt go against my own blood

Newgate and the rest looked garp in the eyes and saw his despair and self loathing and it greatly shocked them ,sure what he did would make GARP very upset but this was too much of a change

N - did she pass away ?

G -.....

newgate sighed and said

N - *sigh * it's fine all said and done and we won both the battle and the war so it's okay

G - no ! I participated in killing your captain don't forgive me so easily

Newgate looked at garp and smirked and seeing him smirk garp had a disbelieving stare.seeing the smirk.

G - you're kidding me newgate..

N - GLALALALALA!!! don't spread this to your superiors though.

G - did that fuċker drink some immortality drink , like what the fuċk ?

L - what are you doing here ...these people will slaughter you ,don't think you can kill them also...there's too much innocent people involved .

G- I don't want to do any thing like that....

F - what was your wife's name ?


the moment he said those words newgates eyes widened and laughed out loud along with ferarin and Livia .

N - such a coincidence!!

F - yeah ! what a coincidence!

L - why are you guys laughing ?

N - son , the previous revolutionary army , the equal importance union was led by the strong ,influential , undefeated and wise ARTINOL .D. PRECANIL CORAJOSO THE COURAGEOUS !! THEY MADE THE WORLD SHAKE AND THE LEGS OF THE WORLD GOVERNMENT TREMBLE!

L- so your wife is this guy's daughter ? wouldn't they kill all the family members of the leaders family ?

at this point they were sitting on logs and drinking alcohol. there wasn't the before hostility displayed and all of them were chill .for some reason dragon was just standing there with his arms crossed.

N - he was a fuċkɨnġ legend bro ! I remember still when I was 7 years old 38 years ago CORAJOSO came to my island and made the previous war settle with words and a silver tounge it was so cool to see.but after being in my first pirate crew I learned about his demise I was saddened greatly .

N - it was him and his executives. vs 75 million marines ,the 5 elders and someone else they were killed in the Bermuda rectangle so they could cover it up and since the marines were mostly orphans no one really cared.all the marines except the elders died along with the revolutionaries .

dragon widened his eyes on the new information and clenched his arm , the dėsɨrė to gain power to go against the world government blazing in his heart.

all of them got up and went to the nearby village to get some flowers to put on the grave of Thier friend's wife's grave .

they entered the village of pretali ,this village has a lot of statues since the village sculpts for a living and is known to all in the island of FELORA and himinsomar .but they also grew very rare pink petals that cured a lot of disease due to Thier very special weather and atmosphere the flowers flourish here and is a doctor's best medicine .

Newgate and the rest along with garp and dragon were going to the flower shop to buy some flowers.the moment they entered the whole shop quieted down ,these people are world renowned except for garp and dragon who were in disguise everyone else had seen the bounty of the people standing before then but they also knew about their good behaviour since the FELORA news agency is different from buggles and boasts no lies and manipulation and is uptofront with Al the correct information around the world .

N - give us 5 bouquets of the lalpris flowers .

shop keeper - yes ,it will be 400,000 berry please .

whitebeard just nodded and placed a bag of Berry's on the table.

the shopkeeper nooded and gave them the flowers .

when they came out what they saw was Marco ,jozu , thatch and whiteybay coming over dragging someone.

N - who is it Marco ?

M -. a brat thought he could rob the great Marco ,can you believe that ?

J - you're a brat too big bro Marco !

M - you said something JOZU?

J - nothing big bro Marco .

M - exactly ....nothing yeah this BRAT tried to rob us but I stopped him without opening his eyes .

W - he almost did but we woke up by then.he was very crafty I will say ..

L - what's your name brat ?

???- I am very sorry I was trying to board your ship to embark on my voyage to get name is vista ,the son of pista and kauliflawa .

G - my condolences ...

V - there's no need for that they have been dead for a decade .

M - who is pista and kauliflawa ?

L - famous authors who were killed 10 years ago during Thier journey.

N - kid ...don't be sad ...why do you want to go on a voyage ?

V - to gain knowledge and learn how the world runs and become one of the best swordsman to support my passion for books and architecture..

N - ...say what ...I'll let you join my ship as a cabin boy ...prove yourself worth and I'll make you my son and give you all you need while we travel about that . and mayaboutbe better your skills and write a book our will be splendid its name will be 'the tales of the great whitebeard pirates'

V - I'll be your .....son ?

N - yeah and these kids will be your brother's and sisters

M - I will be your eldest brother !!

*bonk *

M - owie~ big bro linc

L - I am the eldest, brat .....

V - will you be my father ?

N - yes

V - I will join you and become your son by proving my worth ...please take car of me .

N - ok vista go back to teh ship and familiarise yourself with it while we go to a friend.

they went to the ship and Lincoln and the Rest went to the grave .

when they reached there they placed Thier flowers on the grave and prayed for her soul.

L - what are your plans now garp .

G - do my duty ...I have no other option ..

L - can't you retire ?

G - I know too much.

F - interesting, your son is not going to stay in the marines are you .

D - no.....

F - kid whatever you do, do it better than your predecessors have done .your going to follow your grandfather right ....first have power then influence then army ....goodluck kid...

N - since you are Garps kid contact us if you need help .....

L - man every D is troublesome ....

authors note

MY LONGEST CHAPTER.. , pretty proud of his chapter but if you guys see any mistakes comment it and let me know ,thanks for all the powerstones.😊

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