One Piece: Tale Of An Unparalleled Legend


authors note :

a lot of people told that the population and the number of people fighting in wars us way too much. so after posting this chapter I will fix all that and make a normal population and the wars won't be overexaggerated.. but the tiers will remain it sounds cool and that's it hmph...(not because I'm lazy definitely not..) point out more of my mistakes so that I can better my story and thanks for all the compliments and powerstones


the whitebeard and Cornelius pirates separated Thier ways after the FELORA island and they sailed from the north blue to the south blue in 6 months . during this time vista gained whitebeards approval and became his son ,that day everyone except the younger ones got piss drunk and laughed happily .

when they reached south blue they docked on the island of freskal ,a poor island which supplies wood for various merchants .the people there lived under tyranny of a cruel pirate by the name of Charles 'slaughter ' frangrid captain of the fangrid pirates and a mass murderer and has a hobby killing people and hiding thier limbs under thier loved ones pillow and write a note saying ' the limb fairy was here '

so yeah a lunatic in all senses and a pirate in all senses .he has a bounty of 70 million berry and is very ċȯċky about it.

the people there are bulkier than the normal people ,no one has a physique pointing towards strength instead they have physique that says they spent most of Thier time in a couch instaed of working day and night cutting of trees and lifting them like no one's business.they are a peaceful bunch so they don't go against fangrid even if they did fangrid leads a crew containing almost 100 people which is double the people' they just sit quiet and do Thier job and turn a blind eye to fangrids hobbies that's all they can do.

and when the whitebeard pirates were docked on that island ,Thier aim was to obtain wood to temporarily fix Thier ship before they got another one . when they stepped on land what greeted them were fearing eyes which wasn't that unusual for them ,whitebeard stopped on this island specifically because the shipbuilder of his previous crew had settled here in the mountains teaching her son her techniques in ship building.

her name was tessaril frailey a huge muscular lady with a seakings strength . she is a wood collector and she was a shipbuilder in whitebeards previous crew due to her craze about collecting all the different woods in the world . when she had her son she stopped piracy and settled in South blue to teach and carry on her dream .she didn't eat any devil fruit but she was very specialised in armament haki and her observation was focused on minute concentration than future sight.

whitebeard and the crew ignored the people and went to the mountains where he had sensed her .A person in a pirates attire ran away to alert his captain but before he could even turn and run a bullet was shot through between his eyebrows ,spilling his brains .the sound of a gunshot ran in everyone's ears ,while the crew ignored the dead pirate the rest people were pissing Thier pants and praying to whatever diety to save them from fangrids wrath.what they nor fangrid knew is that these people were pirates who stand on the top of the world restricted by none .

Lincoln blew the smoke coming from his guns nozzle and put it back in its holder.

M - look pops ! big bro linc is acting like a cowboy again -yoi

W - ha ! cowboy wannabe ,you'll never be able to wear a cowboy hat like me !!

L - fuċk you guys not a cowboy wannabe ! I'm a fuċkɨnġ pirate I use guns makes me look cool .

newgate just laughed and moved forward.

they reached a small house painted white and surrounded by high trees of various kinds .and a continuous sound of chopping and axe was being heard nearby the house . as they were about to walk towards there a muscular lady jumped in front of them and shouted


N - frailey .still loud I see , completely different from your brother .how is he ?

frailey - he's doing fine but he's not in this island he married elsi and had a kid .he's in the island of campel .

N - I frailey I needed help repairing my temporary ship and give me the snail number of old man pots druff ..

F - why do you want old man's snail number ? don't you know he doesn't know how to operate it ?

N - oh yeah ...

??? - MOM !! IM DONE

N -. is he it ?

F - ...yes.

N - what's his name ?

F - BLAMECO , now come I'll give you guys some tea .

they entered the home and BLAMECO also came in at the time ,he was surprised seeing all the new people and was shy

N - hey frailey !! are you sure this is your kid ? I thought being silent was a sin deserving a guillotine in your family ?

F - frafrafrafrafra !! it's true he's a little silent and introverted but he's my son I love him to death !!


they passed the day talking ,drinking and reminiscing memories in newgates and fraileys case while the family of the whitebeard pirates were trying to get BLAMECO to open up.

F - Newgate.....take my son to sea with you ....

N - I have no preference but is he ready?have you taught him your axe wielding techniques?

F - yes....I have he has learned the difficult ones in theory but he knows the basic ones .

N - go to sleep , BLAMECO is the one who should decide whether he would be my son or not , for me I'm happy I get another son to dot on...

the next day ,

F - BLAMECO! come here !

B - yes mom ?

F - do you want to pursue my dream as yours too ?

B - yes mom ! I will find all the different types of wood and be a great shipwright!!.

B - waht about you mom ?

F - I have sailed all the four seas and have seen too much I just want to rest now ,but you have your whole life ahead of you ...i won't be passing anytime so go for it .

N - if you join my crew then you will be my son !and me your dad!

B - ..... dad ?

newgte just nods his head

BLAMECO smiles widely and hugs newgte sayimg dad and dad again and nods happily accepting to sail as a member of the whitebeard pirates.

the night was eventful and everyone was happy even the introverted BLAMECO .

after getting the materials ,getting the ship fixed and getting the directions of the old man pots druff .

when they were about to go sail ,what greeted them on the deck of ther ship was fangrid sitting on whitebeards seat .

but fangrid let it flow all of it over his head completely ignoring the looks and looking at the frowning whitebeard.

F - ey you tall blonde prick ! join my crew ! or I'll kill you and r*pe that wench

the moment he said that a huge pressure crashed upon him making him fall on his knees and the people that followed him dead.

fangrid looked like he just shitted his pants .

but he saw his dead comrades and smirked .he took a gem necklace from his pocket and threw it to the pool of blood and a bloodthirsty aura burst from there showing a huge creature spilling saliva from its mouth and has lifeless eyes .

N - interesting....Marco ...defeat him ...

M - * sighs * troublesome- yoi...

Marco looked the towering creature and his demeanor changed to a warriors .

he dashed towards the creature with his fist back and haki shining and gave the creature a uppercut making the creatures legs lift of the ground due to the force .

and he then cupped his hands and slammed themto the creatures liver making it spill blood but the creature didn't even feel it even though he was sprouting blood through his mouth .be just kicked Marco on his stomach and it send Marco flying towards Lincoln .Lincoln sighed and caught him.

L - little marco use your brain .. aim for his head and smash it in instead of dragging it on .if it's too hard just say I will take over .

marco nodded and dashed again and this time jumped and sucker punched the creatures face making it stumble and stunt for a moment marco used this moment and ripped his eyes and half his head off ..Lincoln all of a sudden grabbed Marcos collar and punched the creature making the blood splatter on the deck ,he then stomped fangrid on the head spilling blood and killing him .

M - Why'd you interfere big bro linc !!

L - my future sight hinted the creature to explode , taking you and the ship with him ,I can't live with that guilt call fraily again we need some fix again

jozu called fraily and BLAMECO over and she just sighed saying Newgate was a trouble magnet .

she started fixing the ship and the whitebeard crew just chilled eating food they got from the local people for killing the tyrant pirate .


Roger hasn't been the same after the rocks Vs marines war ,he has pushed his body to go through rigorous training for a year along with Rayleigh and has gained another level of strength ,enough to make him as strong as to take on all three admirals and survive , making him about to reach pre whitebeards strength. Rayleigh is also no push overr just behind hi captains strength ,the whole crew has been gkingvujder Training and roger also recruited some more people , before there were only 7 people now it is 15 .

after a year of training they have started sailing again ( this is pre - nerfed roger ).and they have sailed to the island of freskal so that they can kill fangrid and get cashed by giving his head to the marines via non bounty crew members but what they saw was a very familiar face and a familiar flag .


the Oro Jackson docked just beside the ship of the whitebeard pirates .

roger saw whitebeard squinting his eyes and giving him a scrutinizing look.

roger and Rayleigh looked at each other and sighed .gaban was reaching for his axe but just as both lincoln and Newgate was about to let out Thier aura and so was the roger pirates . a small voice got Thier attention.

jozu ( the youngest ) : pops are they our friends ?

this voice got the roger pirates attention and roger screamed

R - newgate is kidnapping children !!pedophile !!

N - fuċk you roger ,this is my son.

R - wasn't Lincoln your only son ?

N - that was before ,now I have 4 sons and 1 daughter. aren't they adorable? they are the pride of my life .

the said people were behind Lincoln acting all shy from praise .

but Lincoln wasn't having none of that friendly bullshit.

L - roger .....why have you confronted us ? you betrayed our trust before have lost all friendly ties with us .

R * sighs * - just give me another chance newgate ....I will make it up to you ...I have repented upon my mistakes and I was going to find you in the grandline ,it was fate that led me here .....Newgate , Lincoln we are sorry ...ywe didn't see xebecs purpose and we thought of him as a. threat to the balance of the world.

N - this balance was set by the enemy of your family and you aided them in protecting the balance they made so that they can rule the world ....your apology might sound sincere and stuff but it still hurts when I thoughy of you as a friend that would newer aim your sabre at me .

R - give me a chance newgate , Lincoln ..

newgate looked very convinced but Lincoln had an ugly expression on his face ..

L - why are you here apologizing for huh ? it was you that betrayed us ...when we fought almost 300,000 top tier marines instead of aidingus you aided the enemy and took your sabre with the intent to kill. The moment you agreed to join the marines In the war is when you chose your path and we chose ours and they don't meet anywhere.

Rayleigh- kid just try to forgive us we made a mistake and want to repent on it please forgive us so we can go back to being friends .

L - you made a mistake and now you are facing the consequences of it , have you grown so old and strong that you decide to run away from all the consequences? you , gaban and roger were trying for a fuċkɨnġ week to get us killed !!! like murder !! forgetting all the times we sparred , I gave pointers and drank together to sleep , you pointed that longsword to my neck with the intent to kill mate !! how would you feel when your closest buddy betrays you just because he needs to keep the balance of the world !! fuċk that bullshit !! the reason the sea is chaotic is because of that balance you incompetent glass monkey !!


gaban - kid you're getting way ahead of yourself I would watch what I say if I were you ..

L - and I would remember the scar on your ċhėst and arm I I were you can't do shut mate ....nothing ..all talk no bite ...all liars like your captain here ...

R - Newgate I know that you want things to go back to normal so please make Lincoln change his mind so we can be friends ...


R - I under stand that but I will repent on my actions so please forgive us

L - your actions have consequences that's the worlds law ! are you so scared of facing those consequences tat you rather bow and ask for forgiveness? fuċk you prick and get off my face ... TOU SHOULD BE GLAD I DIDNT KILL YOU THE MOMENT YIU CAME INTO MY RANGE !!!!NIW FUCK OFF BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND !! AND REMEMBER THIS THE MEXT TIME THE MAIDEN OF THE OCEAN INTENDS TO LET US MEET IN THE VAST OCEAN , IT WILL BE DYED. IN EITHER YOURS OR OUR BLOOD!!! SO FUCK OFF !!

roger and his crewmates hung Thier heads low and scrambled to escape from Lincolns wrath before he changed his mind .

newgate sighed seeing his eldest son panting from talking for him , for everything else Lincoln was calm , ruthless and smart but when it's something related to his pops then Lincoln is short tempere , impatient , ruthless and just outright scary.

Marco , jozu ,balmeco, vista ,thatch and whitey bay all hugged Lincolns big body frame and stroked his back to relieve stress.they were quite worried about Lincoln since the side of Lincoln they saw today was eye widening . the Lincoln they knew was the kind ,calm , caring ,funny and loving elder brother but they forget that he is a world renowned pirate who has taken down 100s of thousands.anx has a bounty of almost 4 B .

Lincoln finally calmed down and he went out the cabin where he found his stress relief , the girl from kelvar he took it out on her and came out a. fresh man .( not beating , se3/


authors note ( again )

should I give whitebeard a love interest ?

comment the mistakes and suggestions .😊

I changed the ending due to a comment from allheavens ,thank you for the splendid idea 👍😊

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