One Piece: Tale Of An Unparalleled Legend


the whitebeard pirates were sailing the sea , the calm and quiet atmosphere was what was the norm of a typical morning for the whitebeard family since they wake up at noon always with a hangover .

this morning was different .

newgate and his eldest son could be seen standing on the vast expanse of the ocean looking at the family they had gathered who had Thier jaws on The floor.

L - pretty cool right ....ok to do this you need to unlock your ki , if haki is the spiritual energy then ki is the physical energy manifesting .

there is also ki transmutation which is the mix of both ki and a little spiritual energy and also further on the way of energy mastery you have ki condensation.

N - to unlock ki you have to concentrate and open your ki core , first I will send a little ki so that you can be familiar with the energy coursing through you .you pull out the energy and course it around your body ,that is the basic manipulation .that is the begining and if you reach. a stage like me who is at the peak of manipulation then you will have telekinesis and pyrokinesis .

L - if your a weapon user then you will have to choose your path , to follow the path of skill or tye way of the weapon

V - what is the difference ?

Lincoln looks at his younger brother and says

L - as a swordsman myself , tye difference I have found is that the path of skill is where you take a sword and swing it with the only intention of harm there lies only one path that is to kill and a person becomes better with more battles and massacres ,they follow a technique and go through it and maybe put Thier own twist to it ,even if they make thier own style , it is a path of ambition like to be the greatest in the world or protect certain people and not to be helpless .but the way of the weapon is different , every swing is not on the intention on kill or harm instead a look of ourself and finding our way with the sword , the battles they fight are purely Thier own finding in life , they start off with one sword swing and then they fight after practice with the most basic stance .and after battle and battle you sculpt your style with your personality and use the values you find on the way of making the style better and make yourself a person of better confidence , standard set of values and being a person true to your sword .

V - what path so you follow linc bro ?

L - I follow the path of impossibility , the path that has no road and no one to follow it is the merging of both paths of the weapon mastery , the ones who followed thos path didn't reach far due to the impossible work ethic and constant fights you have to go through not only that ,you have to read and learn ,lose and experience life to its fullest to gain progress in this path and so far I have progressed smoothly without any bottlenecks.

V - I hate books ... so I'll follow tye way of skill

W.- I'll learn the way of the sword.

M - I don't. nee weapons ,my fist will work yoi

thatch - I use a knife so I'll make the path of dicing into my style like I've always wanted

N - we can talk about that oncr you are strong now make your foundations strong and build upon that.

L - don't talk too much and come at me .

without any hesitation they all dashed towards Lincoln with Thier beginners Haki and determination not holding back anything since they won't even make Lincoln get a scratch.

Marco appeared before Lincoln being the fastest and punched with all his speed but it met air and he felt the air leaving his lungs and hi stomach caving on impact with Lincolns palm.

jozu was next , he ran and jumped from the deck and rolled like a cannonball in high spee but Lincoln just redirected his back to the ship ,whitey bay swung her sword with gusto but was also met with air and she got her leg grabbed and flung away .with Lincoln evading thatches knife with ease he punches him in tye stomach and make thatch fly away , RAKUYO also tried to attack Lincoln but missed ,can you blame him ? Lincoln can see 9 seconds into the future that's how profecient he is in observation haki and fighting beginners like his brothers and sister were like playing with kids .

by tye time he was over with the fight everyone was knocked out .

whitebeard and Lincoln just laughed and went back to the ship and dock on an island .to teach them more .

at night everyone got up from being knocked out .and the moment they woke up they were attacked by a delicious aroma ,one by one they stood up and followed the aroma and they reached the bonfire that was cooking some lion seaking meat ,

M - big bro linc ,I didn't know that you knew how to cook ?

L - you don't even know little marco ,I use to make this specific seaking meat almost once every week since I was 5 and I learnt through trial and error .

V - whatever it smells like heaven I hope it tastes like it too

Lincoln cut tje meat into pieces and gave his brothers and sister the food.

they all ate the food with blissful emotions and drank alcohol with it and after they were done the crew fell into a comfortable silence

everyone was quiet and looking at the sky with a determined but list gaze .seeing this look Lincoln and his pops understood and Lincoln started speaking .

L- Even though the world is fuċkėd up the sky is sure beautiful like we are all living in a wild dream.

this sudden conversation got the attention of the others and they looked at Thier eldest brother with an understanding gaze .

L -looks like you guys have a lot on your minds's hard trying to live your life following your heart's dėsɨrė right ..?

by now everyone was giving lincoln Thier undivided attention because this was one of the few times where Thier eldest brother had turned serious and not a goofy and lovable brother .

but how many of them do you think actually used Thier skills to attain that position?.

I'm sure it took many years of careful planning and calculation in order to achieve it .

in the end ,the system revolves around these people and the ones who are at the top are the marines , the central heavenly alliance ( the light side of martial arts as a whole ) and the hell's kingly alliance ( the dark side of the world of martial arts as a whole ) the philosopher's aren't a threat until you play with them .

you need to understand how they are able to control this system.but how much longer will this system continue to exist ?

if the ones who have the power are the only ones to survive ,then what will happen to the rest of the people of the world ? maintaining order gives birth to opposition how will the people of the world deal with the people that govern them, when they posses strength equal to the marines and the alliances of the martail arts world ?

at first it will be hard but as days pass they will eventually come up with a solution.when that time comes the world will once again enter a into new era .it'll be the prelude to a dynamic shift in my point is ...........of you want to live your life to your heart's dėsɨrė need eyes that can read the flow of this world !

someone who has the knowledge and insight of everything that goes around us .

keep in mind that this is only the beginning with that you just need to focus on your goals since you guys have me ,your eldest brother and pops .who can ȧssist you and make your dreams reality .

after saying this Lincoln and NEWGATE got up with smiles etched on thier faces to go and drink Thier daily dose of alcohol .

what they didn't see but feel was the happiness and various emotions of satisfaction,relief , determination and great will to grow strong.

they retired to sleep while Lincoln and Newgate got drunk reminiscing and looking at the stars .


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