One Piece: Tale Of An Unparalleled Legend


the whitebeard were sailing towards the island of robben , the pirate hub and underworld island of the east blue .

they were here due to buggle calling newgate urgently to say some important news that can't be said through a snail and the shipbuilder pots druff was last seen here .

when they reached the island of robben ,it was what you thought of a pirate hub but 1000 more brutal .

there was public r*pe , gay pirates making out on the middle of the street ,give them a rain and moonlight and it will be straight outta movie .there were children being dragged and some small boys and girls crying out due to pain and r*pe .the prȯstɨtutės flashing passerby's to get attention and most disgustingly drunk people shittimh and pissing in the middle of the street .

the moment the crew stepped there they wanted to be gone. except Lincoln and whitebeard everyone else were trying their best not to puke thier breakfast which would get them a scolding from Lincoln and thatch about not wasting food.

Lincoln and whitebeard didn't even bat an eye and started walking . they wanted directions so they asked a person for it .

he was a fishman and he was a porter loading and unloading goods .

L - excuse me where is the zeinla bar ?

fishman guy : just go straight and go through the alley on your left and when you go 100 meters into it take a sudden left and on your right the bar will be there .

L - thanks man !!

f g - you're welcome.

they followed the directions and reached the bar . they entered it and all eyes were on them .whitebeard was half his size due to his trying to not break the ceiling and bending his upper body , Lincoln and the rest were okay but they smelled like the sea and the people in the bar looked like they were seeing candy.

Newgate ignored them and looked at the bartender and smiled and lincoln also noticed him and smiled too ,tauntingly

N - lemlos how you been?

L - more importantly how is your daughter ? I miss her everyday ..

Lemlos - fuċkɨnġ brat ....she's dead ....and I've been feeling shit .

L - how .?

Lemlos - those dove of light factions fuċkers had a priest ,he liked her and she didn't in the end she was r*ped and killed by the priest .

lemlos had a doughter he had adopted , her name was eriu she was a tall and cheerful woman but she was in the wrong crowd .being crewmates of Lincoln and Newgate before XEBEC they were close

Lincoln - are they dead ....?if not .. where are They ?

Lemlos - I killed the temple people and brought the priest here , druff is having his time with him .I'm sure you're here to meet druff so meet him before he gets too crazy from ecstacy . he was grinning when the priest came and you know what happens when he grins .

hearing this they shivered and busted open the door behind the counter .druff was taking his time using the priest ,and Lincoln just blasted his haki alerting druufs and seeing Newgate ,he sighed and came out to grab a drink

druffs - how can I help you grumpy brat ?

Lincoln- pshh pops he called you a grumpy brat

N - he was talking to you son ... whatever druffs I have the materials make me a ship

Lincoln- then you won't be stepping outside this bar with your head on your shoulders

Druffs - oh. a threat ? that won't work with me kid .

L - I'm sure you know who we are old man ..don't fuċk with us and do what pops says if not you wont see the light of day

N - druff I'm serious and you know what happens when I'm serious , so stop the bullshit and get on with it .

give me. a huge ȧss ship don't fret about the materials just ask and it will be bought .

druffs - your stacked now Eh....well I'll do it I have no other choice anyway

N - okay then , son give it to him

Lincoln gave druffs a blueprint of the dėsɨrėd ship and druffs nodded his head and sighed .

L - we will be leaving , send us a messanger and we will supply the materials

N - understandable....let's go children , buggle has reached . the island.

they went outside the bar but Lincoln felt something wrong so he told others to go to the ship and guard it since he had a bad feeling that we will have to fight.

they looked very disturbed but seeing Lincolns guts have never abandoned him they accepted and went to the the ship .

newgate and Lincoln went outside the alley and they used Thier haki to search for buggle ,they didn't do this for druffs since his life sign was different from before.

they saw him in an underground room and sitting with someone beside him.they followed the life sign and reached a staircase and going down saw buggle waiting ,paitently with his finger crossed and Morgan's beside him.

B - why did you take so long ...

N - we had some business to take care of.

B - whatever .... the news is that sphinx island is going to be buster called ..

Newgate had a but slight frowned face outside but the people in the room felt something else .... unadulterated rage from Newgate and Morgan's and buggle was holding onto Thier lives bȧrėly just from the rage they felt from Newgate using haki.

B - t-t-they will m-move out i-in 4 d-days .

Newgates bangs covered his eyes and his eyes shadowed .

N - son how long will it take to reach the headquarters from here on sea running ?

L - 2 days pops.

N - let's go.....and buggle supply me with 700 tons of treasure tree Adam .

buggle - you're making a ship ? who's making it ?

N - old man druffs ....

B - d-d-druffs ??? the legendary shipwright rumoured to to surpass the shipwrights who made Pluto ?.... I have been searching for him for decades ...

N - he was an old friend so I contacted him..

L - who's this birdie ?

M - let me introduce myself ,I am Morgan the albatross or fredrick Morgan .I am the apprentice of buggle sensei.a pŀėȧsurė to meet you newgate San , Lincoln san

L - same here ...let's go pops ...

B - I see ....Newgate will you take care of him or should I ?

N - kid ....spying on ȧduŀts ain't good , reveal yourself before I kill you ..

???- I -iam s-sorry ...

N - who sent you brat ..and what's your name ..

?? - my name is Namur and I was sent by the slaves ȧssociation of the robben island ...

L - such a pathetic bunch ....the people around these parts don't know ther place ....I want to slaughter everyone here ....

N - you can do that ...I also wish to see this island reminds me of the island I don't want to remember.....kid are you a slave .?

Namur - u-um y-yes ...

N ewgate - what happened to your parents..

Namur - they abandoned me when I was 3 because I couldn't learn fishman karate....

Newgate- you're a fishman you acn escale with the sea...

Namur - I am not allowed to swim outside the island parameters ...the nearby fishman colony hates me ...and since my parents were part of the dark Star haven society they didn't need a weakling as Thier son when my younger sister was born they abandoned me..

L - what are your motives by saying all this to us ....

Namur - please accept me into your crew ...

Newgate - why should I make you my crewmate,why should I make you my son ?

Namur - I wish to prove my parents and the people who looked down me wrong and stand atop the world ....I will stay loyal to you and follow all your commands ..I won't ask for the privilege of being your son but please make me atleast a janitor at your ship ,I feel I can make it out there .

Newgate looks at Namur calmly and sighs nodding his head and saying .

Newagte - okay ...welcome to the crew ..prove your place there Namur and be my son ...

Namur started bursting out crying and thanking Newgate profusely ..but during this Lincoln was thinking about the buster call and was quiet ,still he had. a smile on his face face .

they left and reached the ship , when they reached the ship they saw mountains of corpses beside it and floating on the ocean .and tye crew was injured and heavily wounded .

the news and before and seeing this sight now

enraged Lincoln and Newgate and Thier aura blasted alerung everyone .

seeing thier pops and brother the crew was relieved .

newagte jumped on the ship with Lincoln carrying Namur.

and used his ki to lift the island rage fuelling his strength and teh while island started floating ,druffs out of nowhere jumped to the ship and landed beside Lincoln and muttered

D - toublesome brat...

then Newgate clenched his fist muttering .

N - gods authority

and the whole crew saw as the people and the island get crushed and turn into a huge ball of mass with blood seeping through the cracks endlessly and he dropped it in tye sea spitting out saliva ,disgusted by the island and getting his hands dirty .before it was going to fall to the ocean 14 balck spots appeared on the ball of land and it exploded into nothingness and blood dying the sea , Lincoln landed back on deck with his Naginata ..

N - we are going to tye Marine headquarters ,ready yourself and sail out .

hearing this they were stunned but still did as he ordered and kept quiet seeing that Lincolns and pops mood were not the best .

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