One Piece: Tale Of An Unparalleled Legend


authors note : only two more recruitment chapters , I wanted to introduce the commanders and stuff before I started my adventures and world building arcs because it would be weird if I just randomly tell they were just there from the beginning , and frankly I wanted to experience writing backstories so yeah....

the whitebeard pirates were sailing peacefully while around them were dozens of destroyed marine battle ships and even more pirate gallelions burning in the sea and the cries of extreme pain were echoing the ocean .

this was not even disturbing the dark and starry night for the whitebeard PIRATES who were enjoying a song being played by Lincoln on a guitar he had Been given last year by the string pirates on his birthday , they used to be on the same ship before and he was newgates friend so to show the wonders of music he gave Lincoln a guitar and he has been playing it ever since .

the pirate ships were from the shiki grandfleet , shiki has been pestering both whitebeard and roger since the start of the year to join his fleet and become his right hand men to swallow the world and become what XEBEC wanted to be , the ruler of the world .

but compared to whitebeard and roger , shiki didn't have even half their strength , he just had the numbers and he wanted to fight the marines with numbers.

so his dreams were just that ...dreams and it will stay that way if he doesnt grow stronger.

Charlotte linlin or nowadays called big mom had been a constant title in the newspaper due to her conquest to overthrow the bengium kingdom(totto island in the future ) in the new world and take it for herself for her new pirate crew that was rapidly growing in strength and was a contendor for the seat of emperor of the new world . she was also attacking kingdoms that had monopoly in certain foods and brought them under her rule to satisfy her pregnancy cravings .her right hand man was the father of her strongest child , katakuri . His name is shritakuru , a man who is known as the Poseidon's halbred for his mastery with a halbred and water ki maipulation .he is also a prominent user of observation haki which allows him to see the future for 10 seconds .

but he allowed linlin to have other men because he only saw her as a toy that could be easily manipulated but he loved his son and daughter sincerely and ever since his daughter Brulee had gotten scarred on her face his son has been very quiet but his will to grow stronger speaks in volumes .

since he is a water ki user he can heal people and when he told that Brulee could be healed they were very happy but linlin intervened and told that this should be a lesson for the kids and since brulee basically worships her mother she agreed

all James could do was shake his head in disappointment which was also shared by his son .

back to the present.

after the crew had finished Thier food and listened to the songs they all went to Thier places to sleep comfortably except for vista who was the night scout till 4 in the morning.

he slowly jumped on the deck not making any noise and started tip toeing to the rooms where no one was sleeping .

he had a sack , he filled it with all the stuff he could carry.

and by some stroke of luck when he hit his toe on a ċhėst , it opened and inside it was good and jewels of rare kind.

the man's eyes had a conflict of necessity and guilt

he started loading the sack with the goods from the ċhėst trying to make as less as sound as possible and when he had finished filling up the sac and he turned his head to run away but he felt cold metal touching his throat and small drops of blood was drawn .

"who are you ..." a cold voice brought him out his stupor and he saw a young man with dim blonde hair and tall frame he was very intimidating and the theif almost shit his pants.

" p-please have mercy !" the thief bowed his head while he was sweating .

but as the young man who was kingdew was about to reply the whole ship started shaking , alerting the whole crew and all of them came to the deck where kingdew also arrived with the theif in tow.

what they saw or in Lincolns and whitebeards case sensed was a single man standing on water and looking at the ship like he hit a jackpot .

fingermarks appeared on the man's neck and he started suffocating and finally he died while his eyes jumped out the sockets .

" do you know what you have done !!" the thief shouted as he squirmed in kingdews hold .

" don't you know who we are ? we don't need to fear anyone ...we are pirates .." Lincoln said while looking the theif straight into his soul and reading all his emotions .

"but most importantly why is a member of the water tribe here ? us and the CHINJAO family are good friends does don want to break it ?"

whitebeard asked while he sat down on his seat and his children surrounding him with the theif in the middle .

" I am sorry whitebeard Sama I desperately needed money to fund our share of the hippo navy and our normal water crops have been destroyed due to the infamous big mom frenzy and the tribe has been split into two because of the support of the hippo navy , the anti - hippo navy and the hippo navy faction the son of the tribe leader I had no other choice ..." the man now named jalwer said without hiding anything hoping for some sympathy from the whitebeard pirates .

"jozu set sail to the CHINJAO family....I will protect them for some time so that this won't affect them ....Don's father Ali CHINJAO used to be my mentor ...this is the least I can do to that pirate legend "

newgate Said with his eyes silently glowing.

jalwer was stunned and he froze ..

the ship sailed to the ice continent where the CHINJAO family lived ... Don CHINJAO had recently got his head punched in by garp and the family was suffering the CHINJAO family asked for protection money or security money from the people they had been looking over.

this was all okay until the big mom frenzy started and a lot of the families were struggling with crops and shops .

the CHINJAO family was slowly falling and the hippo navy alliance couldn't fathom the 12 generation navy family collapsing .

The CHINJAO family is the last family alive from who had joined the Schopenhauer faction and ruled the new world after kicking the marines from there , during and after the "peoples restricted liberation movement " the CHINJAO family flourished and the heads of the family were the ones who were seated at the top position in the hippo navy which at that time ruled the seas and took care of people , it contained people frim all the factions that took place in the movement and with that influence the CHINJAO family ammased a humungous fortune which was hidden to be used for the CHINJAO family's future prospects .

the CHINJAO family had forseen the fall of the hippo navy and the disagreement between the factions so when it ended they walked out with the least losses , this was at the time of the 7th head , khan CHINJAO and. he was a genius in trade routes and buisnees so he formed a structure and plan that allowed the CHINJAO family to ammass more wealth .

despite being attacked by every factions against them , Ali CHINJAO was the one who made the business flourish more since he was known for his elbow attacks which helped him to expand the buisness due to strength and he passed it down to Don CHINJAO .

the CHINJAO family would have survived if the buisness wasn't also being disrupted by big mom.

and the recent damage to the head also gave don brain damage which forced him to stay in bed more .

the ship sailed to the ice continent of ariflia where the CHINJAO family had lived along with Thier alliance tribes and species .

a figure was in the middle of all this , she had a voluptuous body and her pink hair excluded great charm if she wasnt chomping humans left and right .

the once mighty force had been brought to their knees by big mom and she had no intention of stopping .

whitebeard sighed and he let out his haki which roared and forced the attention of linlin towards whitebeard.

she gained little control and her smile widened almost splitting her face , beside her shritakuru was also there and he was alarmed by the interference of whitebeard so he summoned his halbred and he started powering up .

but he could only gawk as his sensation of his right hand was absent ....he had is hand severed and he couldnt even forsee it he saw that Lincoln had just sent an intent attack and his arm had been severed he could only gawk at the display of power .

Lincoln narrowed his eyes at the man and woman disrupting the island and his blood was boiling seeing all the innocent people die but he controlled himself and stopped himself from being a hypocrite .

this couldn't be said for the others in the crew they all had cold sweats seeing the destructioj caused by a single woman .

"LINLIN ! STOP THIS WE HAVE THIS PLACE UNDER OUR PROTECTION !! IF YOU LEAVE RIGHT NOW MAYBE YOU WILL SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY !!" Lincoln shouted at big mom hoping that he wouldn't have to draw his blade .he could bȧrėly hold his masamune from blasting and killing linlin , since his sword was benevolent and good in nature forged from the soul of a man who devoted all his life to god the sword couldn't bȧrė to see this many civilians dead due to. a single woman's behaviour.

"TRY TO STOP ME LINCOLN IM THIRSTY FOR SOME BLOOD AND YOURS IS THE BEST !!". big mom said as she powered up her Napoleon with haki causing the surroundings even more chaos and it formed a crater under her .

Lincoln let out his haki as the surrounding started to change he was beyond furious and linlin was bȧrėly able to move under all the pressure.

the survivors saw the young man glaring at the woman and behind him a visage of a humungous tiger dragon hybrid appeared growling and the surroundings were tainited in red haki .

in just a second he appeared before linlin giving her an uppercut breaking her nose and jaw .

whipped his body to kick he man beside her , shritakuru forsaw it but couldn't move due to the pressure and got kicked in the jaw like linlin , his title and infamy couldn't stop this outcome .

Linlin jumped back up from the rubble she had fallen to with her nose broken and jaw broken her ribs were also broken from the impact .he spat out the blood and jumped towards Lincoln , with anger bȧrėly contained .

Lincoln just looked at her blankly and caught her fist pulled her closer and kneed her so hard her eyes threatened to jump out its sockets she was sent flying out again .

Lincoln sensed an attack and dodged easily , he snorted at the man's attemp and dashed to him with his fingers coated in haki.

nearby katakuri was seeing all this and he saw before his eyes as Lincoln disappeared and appeared before his father and thrusted his fingers with a grunt .

he could only freeze when the fingers broke through his father's flesh and the fingers appeared on the other side of shritakuru.

shritakuru died with a smile on his face , satisfied that his son could gain something form his death .

Lincolns blue eyes glowed dangerously as he looked at katakuri , meanwhile linlin dashed towards Lincoln with her Napoleon on full blast to stop katakuri from being hurt.

Lincoln looked at the small boy with sharp teeth and said

" kid're father deserved to die ....thank God that I didn't torture him to death .....he has done too many sins and todya it came to bite him ..... remember kid etch this in your brain .....the strong survive while the weak get gobbled's the law of the world and it is your choice to be the one to rule or the one to be gobbled " Lincoln said this and grabbed Linlins face and brought her to her knees .

"listen here bitch ....your charm is the. reason you have so may baby daddies so ...." as he was about to say that the whole atmosphere froze and two pairs of eyes appeared from the sky .

blood red in colour and it penetrated Linlins soul. oh the irony ...

Linlins devil fruit was weathered useless and the eyes focused on her as Lincoln said

" I Lincoln the blade of heaven curse CHAROLETTE LINLIN of eternal unpleasantry...your charm will fade your smarts will fade and none of your children will ever surpass katakuri ..... CHAROLETTE LINLIN your soul is in the hands of the devil so enjoy your Last moments of sanity before that too will fade " Lincoln dropped linlin and the eyes in the sky disappeared while shining in a golden light . linlin was lifeless , dead inside her face began to change and her height began to increase , her beauty and intelligce faded and what was left was a ugly hag that no one would want to look at "

Lincoln walked away like a total badass and Newgate grinned happy that his eldest was strong to this degree .

Whitebeard then let his aura and enveloped the whole ice continent the surroundings began to change and everything went back to normal despite a good chunk of people dying they could get back on their feet in a year's time .

don who gained his consciousness ran towards whitebeard and hugged him with joy .

whitebeard laughed and patted his back .

whitebeard then looked at the devasted big mom pirates and kicked his foot which caused the air to push them into their ship and leave .

as the crew was about to leave a small kid bumper into jozu and he got up and bowed down in dogeza .

" allow me to join your crew !!" the kid said

"what's your name kid and where are you from "

asked vista like a responsible ȧduŀt .

" I'm jiru , they call me penguin jiru because I'm the slowest of the water tribe gliders !"

" that's not something to be proud of -yoi "

Marco said deadpanned at the energetic individual.

Newgate just grinned as he had thought of a test for jiru

'kid learn how to glide and be the fastes in your tribe in six months ....and you can join our crew " whitebeard said as he laughed the faces of his family


the crew laughed as they went to the feast the people were about to serve to show Thier gratitude

(comment if you guys want me to release a power scaling chapter .... believe me when I say this I am about to exploit will power in every way possible lol, will power will be the most op )

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