One Piece: Tale Of An Unparalleled Legend


the big mom pirates were in shambles after the curse of big mom , she didn't eat anything for 2 months hoping to get rid of her fat and it spoke volumes of the desperation she was feeling.

It didn't work and she was still a fat hag, that day she ran around her newly established toto island she took from bengium kingdom and killed thousands in her frenzy , her children couldn't stop her and she was screaming bloody murder to Lincoln .

The man in question just sneezed thinking who had insulted him.

kaido heard of the news while he was in the island of yubari , the kingdom of aloc , the makers of the most premium sake in the market .

he started laughing and thought how it would be good to have some fun with linlin .since he basically fuċks everything that moves and talks he stole a ship and made his way to toto island .

he reached toto island piss drunk and shouted to linlin " LINLIN COME LETS HAVE SOME FUN !WORORORO!!"

linlin blasted forward with her Napoleon and slashed KAIDOS ċhėst which shook the island due to its might .

kaido bȧrėly had a scratch and he looked at big mom tauntingly and laughed like a maniac saying


linlin was fuming and steam was coming off her ears her right hand man had just dies and she was cursed how can this year get any worse ?

kaido kicked linlin in the stomach making her fly and she collided with her cake palace , her homies began to surface giving an eerie glow to the island and all the objects dashed towards kaido , kaido snorted as he let out his haki that flattened the objects and destroyed more of the palace as well as killed all the island dwellers .

kaido started marching towards big mom while taking gulps of his sake and he saw that Linlins children were in front of him covering their mother .

kaido just smirked and with a grunt swiped his kanabo which made the kids fly away with just the wind pressure .

the winds started to pick up and the surroundings began to chill .

kaido readied his kanabo and dashed towards linlin ready to finish Thier tie of matches and engrave in concrete who was stronger .

linlins hair started to become fire and her whole attire changed from her palm a dark cloud of lightning appeared and became a cape while a blob of sun appeared from her palm and coated her sword and fist like gauntlets .

kaido smirked and let out his hybrid form of a mythical dragon .

linlin abruptly stopped , her whole transformation stopped and she looked at kaido with wide eyes almost like saucers .

"how.....?" she asked still stunned at the devil fruit .

"WORORORO !! ITS LUCK WENCH !!". kaido laughed and swung his kanabo which was blocked by linlin at that very instant .

the fight went on for days and like always buggle spread the news to the world about KAIDOS new devil fruit and who owned it before him

.it even reached the ears of XEBEC who was playing with a three year old boy , he just laughed and laughed at KAIDOS luck but he clenched his arm and the whole island shook from his aura even managing to change the weather .


a womens voice screamed at XEBEC who smiled wryly and this was shared by his son , they both thought in their head

'women '

while shaking their head .

the whitebeard pirates were sailing the William current to their next island shown in the log pose , the island of usuni which housed a huge tourist attraction , called one of the 14 wonders of the world

it was the statue of the 13 th king of usuni , made 450 years ago , the king was the person who introduced institutions for education to the world and he was a person who had tried his best to spread knowledge and education to the whole world and as his first achievement he brought the best scholars and thinkers of his generation and conducted debates of logic and science , topics of life death the afterlife , and so on.

and the island of usuni was hailed in the new world as the smartest island in the world due to its rich heritage in education proclaimed by the world government .(which it isn't)

and as the island was aslo affiliated with the world government ,the talented usuni people were given high jobs as advisors for other government affiliated countries as well as high position jobs in world government and temple of the light dove .

but on the dark side they also killed small children who were born with impairments or were mentally special ( retarded).

the white beard pirates docked at the poet's dedicated for shady people but the broken ship gained a lot of attention due to the flag it represented.

a man with a small mustache approached the crew while twirling his mustache and asked

"what can we do for you mr.newgate and your crew ?"

Whitebeard narrowed his eyes and looked at the lanky man and snorted

"get out my way boy...I've never liked people who are too smart for their own good ...I might not like it and sink the island so scram lanky boy!"

the man was visibly sweating bullets and ran away to complain to his father .

The crew had a good laugh at the scurrying man and marched forward ignoring the looks the people were giving them , they had become used to the weird stares they received on every island they visited.

on the other side of the island were three boys , one small boy with brown hair and big eyes while the other two were big kids and their frame told that they were born strong .

the small kid was pick pocketing and the bigger kids were covering him from others .

So you're the ones that have been pick pocketing this island ? I find it utterly displeasing ....follow me I will give you children to the authorities so that they can give you an adequate punishment"the man said wearing exquisite clothes and a expression that said 'fucking hell'.

the kids were taken to the authorities /the street police .

"Mr. dranko ? these kids have been pick pocketing the tourists and civilians of this island , and I know they are upto no good they might even be related to the stupid society "

the man said .

Mr drank the officer looked at the kids with his eyebrows raised and back to the man and said

" Ah ! Mr. Cuck ! how is your wife and children doing ? it was good that you left them in our care ..we will take care of this issue " he said as he bowed to cuck.

the man smiled and exited the station giving looks of disdain to the kids who had aloof expression

"yo unc dranko ! isn't that guy...." the short boy asked

"'s not unknown information that he want his wife to cuckold him but his wife is against it ...and has locked herself in her room ,....such a faithful wife ..." drank said but his tone turned firm when he said the next words .

"that it's bad ?" Atmos said tilting his head

*sigh* stop it you kids one day it won't be me that will catch you will be the officers of a noble in disguise or something...and I am gonna retire and go back to my farm at the countryside I can't handle the hustle and bustle of the wife and son have been calling me to come home .."

the kids flinches at the thought of them having no help from now on and it urged thier minds to think of another way of getting money so that they can escape this kingdom and find happiness in the vast world .

they were silent for a while and nodded with their heads down looking at the ground .

dranko sighed and got up shooing then away from the station .

The whitebeard crew or specifically Lincoln and newgate were here to meet Thier previous ally in the underworld the uncrowned underworld king known as 'THE PLUG' GENIS KRATAL.(more about him is there in the rocks auxiliary chapter ).

he had gone under hiding after the war against the marines and the rocks pirates , he was also the one supplying XEBEC with necessities but he had gone to hiding not out of fear but he refused to do business in the underworld since indirectly it was funding the government through the CPO spy emperor stelly

but Newgate and GENIS kept in touch , GENIS had been progressing more on strength to make his foundation more sturdy in the underworld when he becomes a dealer again.

he owns a bar called the canine council in the middle of the capital and he can change his face through semeih keikhan so no one will find him except whom he wants.

" how's buisness krat ? " Lincoln asked as he took a bottle of blood sacrifice whiskey kratal had placed before him.

"good thing your taste hasn't detoriated brother Lincoln " kratal said with a wry smile

"your twist on the blood sacrifice whiskey is always the best ah! it's hitting the right spot " Lincoln said taking huge gulps of the whiskey , drinking it like water .

"so Newgate San this is your ?" kratal asked while eying the crew with his eyebrow raised .

the crew felt weirded and felt like their souls were being seen through and all their thoughts were being projected to kratal, this was due to the mastery of observation haki of kratal that allows him to know the secret thoughts of people one of the reason he gained the position he had.

" yes ..kratal did you think about my offer ?" the towering man asked kratal as the bar quieted down one again.

" honey ? who are these people ? are they trying to extort you ?" a woman came running from the back and asked seeing the crew who looked notorious to her and asked kratal.

Lincoln glanced at the woman looked her up and down and gave kratal a thumbs up and said

"glad your taste hasn't detoriated either brother kratal RAFAFAFAFA!!"

kratal blushed to his ears , only Lincoln could get that reaction from him

"is that your answer ? " Lincoln said calming down and taking a slice of pizza from the counter .

kratal nodded his head hesitantly

Lincoln and newagte smiled and said

" then so be it ,I wish the best for you kratal and I hope she knows who you are ."

"she knows ...she is yuel ...she retired from you know ..."

as kratal said that name both newagte and Lincoln froze and looked at kratal with admiration

" you bagged her ? Sheesh thats some ..skills man " Lincoln said eying yuel

" I remember you now brat ! I'll cut your dɨċk off you fuċkɨnġ playboy !" yeul said grabbing her knife

" huh ? what did I do ?" Lincoln asked almost jumping in his seat .

" what happened ! she is in love with you you fuċkɨnġ dunce !"

Lincoln was puzzled and said shamelessly

" woman ...I have had so much women I can't even think of ..and even more admirers ..I mean I can understand who wouldn't love my handsome self ?"

the whole bar just deadpanned at the shameless man .

" ugh !! I'll rip that head out you fuċker "

" I think it's better we leave ...good luck kratal ...isn't it a love story ? the boss and the secretary ..happy love life ! keep in touch "

the crew scurried before yuel could do anything .

they went to a restaurant and started eating food .

" do you want to put out hands in the underworld ?" whitey bay asked

" RAFAFAFA how do you think we will gain a constant income ?"

"well by stealing of course we are pirates "

" it will only lead to an empty vault , If you are stealing then steal from the rich who can afford to be stolen from not some poor chap "

"can't we do some business franchise or something ? " jozu asked tilting his head thinking over the idea

" huh ? let people have jobs dude , if we put our hands in buisness no one will buy from us even if we try to cover up the traces once it's big enough that bug or the marines will report it to the world ..and the underworld is where we pirates belong ...we sell everything except slaves ...we live off violence and sins ...that's how life goes but always remember the dealer Never uses his merchandise so Never use it...."

"so what is the plan ?" asked vista

"when starting an underworld empire always look for the best people to swallow ....the pearl mafia have been growing recently and their marriage alliance to Henry pirates is helping them ...but we have the backup to swallow them so I will send some of my homies totake care of that ..after taking over their base we will start playing with the neutral organisation that is allied with no one but is influential...then finally we will upsurp the throne of one of the emperor's ." he said as the table grew silent but not because of Lincolns words but their senses were saying something was about to happen and they were being quiet to see the spectacle.

a wealthy dressed man entered the restaurant with guards and looked at the owner saying

" have you seen three boys ? one small and the other two tall and strong ?"

"um .no sir I haven't .." the owner said nervously

the man nodded and left but as the owner was about to go back to his work a spear grazed his cheek and passed through him destroying half his shop

terrified the owner looked back and saw the wealthy man looking at him with a glare

on the rubble of the shop the whitebeard pirates got up and faced the wealthy man .

everyone was livid especially Lincoln who spilled his drink on the floor .

Lincoln appeared before the wealthy man , towering him and his blue eyes glowing in red and grabbed his throat bringing him up to eye level ,the man was clearly agitated and Lincoln threw the man to the floor and he grabbed the two guards and popped their head spilling blood and freezing everyone there.

Lincoln just stomped the ground on rage and left the shop with his crew following him.

they went back to the ship and what greeted them were three boys in the ship that were not supposed to be there .

they were hiding inside barrels and being quiet as they can but it was obvious tgwy were there from the whispers that could be heard .

Marco walked forward and broke the barrels by picking them up and throwing it to the ground , the barrel broke and the three kids were groaning in pain

" why did you have to do that ?" the short brown haired boy asked but was meat with a blank stare by everyone .

the two boys were quivering in fear from getting caught .

" who are you guys and why are you on our ship ?" spoke whitey bay

harutas eyes gained a glint as he saw whitey bay and said with the puppy eyes

" pretty onee Chan we had nowhere else to go so please let us stay in the ship ...please?"

" ok " whitey bay said unable to resist the boys cute look

"wow haruta I knew you were a genius !" a tall chubby boy said

"right harutas a genius !" the other tall boy said

Newgate sighed and asked " what are your names ?"

"ah ! I'm haruta , the fat tall guy is Atmos and the other tall guy is fossa , please take care of us !"

" you're in the crew for now but follow the rules ok and earn your place in my family "

" family ?" asked Fossa tilting his head along with Atmos until haruta gained a face of understanding

" are you guys the .... whitebeard pirates?" he asked quietly

" yes you regret it ?"

" absolutely not!! we wanted to roam the seas and we can and also getting a family is a plus !"


just as they unwinded the sails and were about to leave a huge army of soldiers marched Infront of them on the docks

" stop swine!" a man clad in expensive knightly armour shouted

Lincoln looked at them and it sent chills down their spine and almost pissed themselves .

the man continued" you have children in the ship that we have to apprehend ! surrender of face the wrath of branch 46 of the light dove knights !"

Lincoln had enough and jumped to the front of them towering them and swung his fist

"dragon claw Swipe "

the whole army's heads slid off and the docks were coated in fresh blood , spilling to the seas and attracting more people and as Lincoln was about to leave he was shot on his ċhėst bȧrėly hurting him .

Lincoln looked at the man and he saw a tier 10 vice admiral beside him .

"sasli! how is it going !' Lincoln said with a wave

" shut up scum " she said glaring at Lincoln

" hehehe ok " and appeared before her and knocking her out , he looked at the wealthy man and said

" dude you must have not known who I am ...I am Edward Lincoln I killed the fleet admiral and hundreds of tier 10 vice admirals do you think the weakest of them could hurt me ? think again " he took the dagger that was around the wealthy man's waist and impaled his throat killing him.

he jumped back to the ship with sasli on his shoulders like. asack of patatoes and sat down and the people saw as the sip sailed away , traumatized forever by the whitebeard pirates

the three boys were stunned and froze seeing all this violence ..

" this island is weird " kingdrew said

" I know right ...before this a guy called me to his house and said to fuċk his wife .she had locked herself and when she saw me she agreed to fuċk ..oh man one of the best I have ever had ..and sasli is a sėx friend too that's why I didn't kill her " Lincoln said

"oh that is the woman on your bed eh !"RAKUYO said laughing

"pervert playboy !" CURIEL said

" that's not how you treat women Lincoln ! how would you feel if someone wanted to do that to me !" whitey bay said

the whole crew quieted down when she said that and the three new boys could see the crews eyes glowing

" what happend to the last one " all the boys along with Lincoln and Newgate said

especially Newgate and Lincoln

" just more cruel " newagte added with a grin

" whitey bay shook her head " I will die alone "

" everyone dies alone kid .... atleast you'll have us beside you when that happens GURARARA!!"

" Lincoln ~ " a seductive voice said grabbing attention , sasli was awake and looking at Lincoln with bȧrėly hidden ŀust

Lincoln grinned at her and swept her off her feet to the bedroom where another woman was sleeping .

the crew dropped off sasli and ate the food made by thatch at night .

but at midnight a Lincoln woke up and blocked a blast of energy on the deck

"WORORORO!! YOUR SENSES ARE STILL GOOD EH LINCOLN!!!! a gigantic gragon asked as it hovered above the ship

Lincoln narrowed his eyes and looked at the creature and said in a low tone


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