One Piece Talent System

Chapter 60: Are waiting

After a little half a month.

When Rhodes finally came to the edge of the armed hardening for the first time, the ghost image arrived in the town of Beros, the island closest to the inverted hill in the West Sea, also known as the starting island of the West Sea, and the East China Sea. Rogge Town was worse than the execution of One Piece.

Although there are often pirates landing here, but after the ghost shadow arrived at the port, it still caused a shock on the pier. As the number one pirate in the West Sea, the name of the ghost pirate group has gained a lot of reputation and has already covered it.

“Add enough fresh water and food first.”

When the ship docked, Rhodes stood on the deck and yelled at Lafitte and Robin and said: "There is also a record for the pointer, which is a must for the great route."

"Understand, Captain."

Raphat shook his red cane and smiled and walked down the ramp. He said, "As a nautical person, the matter of recording the pointer is given to me."

How can Lafite become talented and even become a cadre of the Black Beard Pirates? Nowadays, he is only a native of the West Sea who has not stepped into the great route. He is not very familiar with things like recording pointers. Here, of course, there will be no unprepared steps into the great route.


Rhodes nodded and handed the task of recording the pointer to Lafitte.

Robin smiled and walked toward the ramp. He said, "The fresh water and food purchases will be handed over to me."

The two crew members took over a task, and Rhodes found that he seemed to have nothing to do. He didn't have the interest to go ashore, so he took the ghost shadow and waited for the two to complete the task.

at the same time.

The news that the Ghosts and Pirates arrived in the town of Beros quickly spread to the naval branch stationed in the town of Beros.


The highest sergeant of the division, the navy colonel Yukimura, slaps on the table and makes a slamming sound. At the same time, he stands up violently and says: "Ghost pirates are here?!"

"Yes... found their ship at the port."

The head of the Navy, standing in front of Uchimura, was overflowing with cold sweat. He asked nervously: "What should we do, Colonel, to surround them?!"

Yukimura is also a serious and nervous expression, shaking his head in a dignified manner, said: "No, I will report to the headquarters first."

As a branch colonel stationed in the town of Beros, his strength is not comparable to that of the West Sea School, and the next step will not be promoted to the branch major, but will be transferred to the Navy headquarters to serve as the head of the school.

Even so, in the face of the ghosts of the West Sea Fleet led by the Major General's ghost spiders, in the event of a conflict, he still has no grasp of victory.


The information was relayed from Uchimura to the office of the Navy in the West Sea, and the atmosphere in the entire office was suppressed.

The office is working with the Navy's major generals. The ghost spider was also a member of the office before, and it was the best job. No one expected that he would fall into the West Sea.

From the initial disregard of Rhodes, the pirate who changed from the pirate hunter, to the whole office, it was a mess. Now that the name of the ghost pirate group is mentioned, the whole office is awesome.

Doberman quickly came to the office. Since the defeat of the West Sea Fleet led by Ghost Spider, he was personally responsible for everything about Ghost Hand Rhodes.

"Beros Town... It seems that it is finally to enter the great route."

Listening to the nervous voice coming from the phone bug, after Doberman was indulged, he said: "Colonel Yukimura, for the time being, do not move, do not conflict with the Ghosts and Pirates."

"Oh... yes!"

Yukimura heard a sneak peek at Dobman’s order, but he immediately responded.

Almost any pirate appearing in the town of Beros will be encircled and chased by the navy he led. At least three or four of the ten pirates will be defeated by him in the town of Beros, but they will encounter the pirates. This is the first time that the soldiers are not moving.

He also knows clearly that with the arrangement of the Navy in the town of Beros, he can deal with the pirates with a bounty of 30 to 50 million, but it is still far from enough to deal with the ghost pirates.

"Since you want to come to the great route, let you come in, I am waiting for you on the great route... The great route is not the place that the West Sea can make you feel good."

Doberman squinted on the phone bug.

Not afraid of Rhodes to the great route, I am afraid that Rhodes will not come!

Rhodes stayed in the West Sea, and it is really difficult for him to dispose of it. Any branch base in the West Sea does not have the strength to annihilate the ghost pirates, and it is not a sentence to do it from the headquarters or the great route. Yes, it is very troublesome to handle.


It is different to step into a great route!

Once in the great route, it officially entered the area where the Navy was heavily guarded.

The strength of the great route is far from being comparable to that of the West Sea. The highest officers of each branch base are lieutenants, and their qualifications are deeper than ghost spiders.

Coupled with a large number of pirates, which are louder than the name of the Ghosts and Pirates, perhaps Rhodes simply did not reach the jurisdiction of the Navy branch and was already ruined in the sea.

"Notify the distance to the nearest naval branch of the mountain, and stare at the movement of all the pirates who have stepped into the great route. Once the ghost pirates are found, they will immediately attack and be sure to annihilate them quickly!"

Dobman does not intend to give Rhodes any chance to grow.


Many naval majors responded by dialing the telephone bugs of each branch base, passing Dolman's orders, and the look gradually relaxed from seriousness.

As soon as Rhodes reached the great route, it was no longer within their jurisdiction.

Secondly, the strong cross-force configuration on the great route, even the pirates with a bounty of more than 120 million yuan, have not suppressed much, and a ghost pirate group in the district cannot be disposed of in the West Sea, but placed on a great route. But it is a shallow spray.


Bellos town.

Rhodes is naturally unaware of the actions of the Navy headquarters. Even if he knows, he will not care. The Navy is waiting, and he is waiting, waiting for the meeting on the great route.

The great voyages of the great route, 100 million, 200 million, 300 million sea thieves, and even the king of the seven seas... For Rhodes, it is like a hunter walking into the hunting ground, looking far away at the prey, Grinning a smile.

Those existences will be a cornerstone for him to climb the apex of the world.

From the beginning of the great route, the end of the naval high-level who ordered him to be insignificant, will be getting closer and closer.

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