One Piece Talent System

Chapter 61: Step into the great route

The first to come back was Robin, who took a team of porters and carried fresh water and food along with the handyman on the ghost screen, constantly filling in the cabin of the Ghost.

"After passing through the branch, I explored it and found that the navy inside has all been assembled. Maybe I will come over and ask us for trouble."

Standing next to Rhodes, Robin, who supervised many porters and handymen carrying food and fresh water, looked at the naval branch that was standing in the middle of the town.

Lodz sat on the guardrail of the Ghost Deck and said, "Come on, come and ask them for trouble. It is already lucky."

Robin smiled slightly and held his chin on his hand:

"The Navy here is mostly afraid to come to trouble, but the news that we have come here must have been passed back to the Navy headquarters. Most of the great routes will have the Navy's heavy troops waiting for us."

She naturally knows that the navy here does not have any trouble with Rhodes. It only takes into account the naval layout on the great route, so it will be reminded.

However, how could Rhodes not understand her reminder, he turned to look at Robin, a little playful finger sticking a light on her chin, said: "I still can't think of these... the navy wants If it is arranged, let them slowly arrange it."

After being teased by Rhodes, Robin didn't have any blushing expressions, but instead smiled and stared at Rhodes.

Rhodes looked at her for a few seconds, and naturally recovered his gaze and looked at the distant sea. He said: "It is already the end of November of the eleventh year of the thief era."

If you remember correctly, Robin is 17 years old and his birthday should be February 6. That is to say, in another two and a half months, you can take off Loli's title.


Robin always thought that Rhodes had a meaning in this sentence, and there might be a second half, but Rhodes did not say it, and she was confused.

After half an hour.

Lafite returned to the boat and came to Rhodes. His wrists swayed and he didn't know where to pull out a watch-like thing, but the center was not a dial, but a ball and a pointer.

"Is this the case? Captain."

Rhodes took over the things in Lafite's hand. After a little observation, he nodded and said, "Yes, this is what replaces the chart and the compass on the great route."

Rhodes handed back the record pointer to Lafitte and let it save it.

Half a day later.

The food and fresh water filled the ghost room's reserve cabin. Under the order of Rhodes, the ghost figure untied the rope, set sail, left the town of Beros, and went straight down the hill!

While the ghosts left the town of Beros, the navy in the town of Beros also immediately reported the situation to the naval headquarters, but all this has nothing to do with Rhodes.


As the ghosts gradually approached the great route, the weather and currents began to become difficult to ponder and predict, and the waves gradually became turbulent, with undercurrents flowing under the sea.

Rhodes came to the deck and watched the heading of the ghosts with Lafite. Under the control of the two, the ghosts did not drift into the windless zone, but instead went up the hill by the wind and waves. .

"The great route and the red earth continent divide this planet into the east, west, north and south. The ocean currents of the four seas will gather at one place, and finally flood into the great route... there is a mountain upside down."

With memory, Rhodes calms and calms the changes in the current, although it is the West Sea, not the East China Sea where Lu Fei and others traveled, but it is the mirror gap.


In the fog in front of the sea, there has been a magnificent, red land that stretches all the way to the end of the line of sight, which is the red clay continent.

Robin stood on the deck and looked at the red clay continent, saying: "A spectacular sight."

"That is, the red clay continent..." Lafite's face was full of strange smiles, but the eyes that were not calm, exposed his heart as a torrent of waves.

Even Rhodes, looking far away from the world, the spectacular and magnificent red earth continent, there is also a wave of heart, the eyes and memories are different after all.

Looking at the red clay continent, Rhodes glanced in the direction of the parallel great route.

Upside down the mountain is the starting point, the starting point of the first half of the great route, and the end of the second half of the great route. The final island, Lavdru, is mostly hidden in the fog.


Without the guidance of the historical text of the road sign, even if there is no wind belt directly cut into the end of the second half of the great route, you can't find Rafdru, you can only go around like a headless fly.

Rhodes only took a look and regained his gaze because he was not interested in the so-called Rafdru, the so-called ONEPIECE, only a hint of curiosity about what it was.

Oh la la!

As the Ghost Shadow gradually approached the upside down the mountain, the currents became more and more turbulent, and the entire ship slammed into the direction of the red clay continent.

Under the control of Rhodes and Lafitte, Ghosts drove into the canal of retrograde currents, climbed all the way to the top of the mountain, and finally rushed into Great route!

at the same time.

In front of the twin gorge lighthouse on the hillside, an old man sitting there watching the newspaper sunbathing turned his head in the direction of the upside down mountain canal. He is the guardian of the Shuangzixia lighthouse, Kolokas, and also the One Piece Roger. Ship doctor on board.

"Hey, there are new people stepping into the great route. I don't know which step this batch can take."

Kulokas put down the newspaper, his eyes rushing down the hill and gradually heading for the ghost on the distance for a moment.

He often reads newspapers, and newspapers from all over the world have read them. He has a slight impression on the ghost pirates, but it is only a little impression.

Because this is the starting point of the great route, there have been countless pirates from here in the eleven years, but there are very few people who can name the great route. Perhaps the ghost pirate group is only one of them. An inconspicuous spray.

So just looking at a few eyes, Kulokas regained his gaze.


A few days later.

The news that the Ghosts and Pirates left the West Sea and sailed into the great route spread throughout the West Sea. Numerous pirates and the Navy sighed with relief and their eyes converge on the great route.

The great route known as the ‘the pirate’s grave’ has swallowed up many sea thieves who ruled the West Sea for more than a decade. There are many pirates in the pirate group with a bounty of more than 780 million.


The Ghosts and Pirates Group has also stepped into the great route. It is turned into a small wave that has been annihilated on the great route. It can still rise with the wind and turn into a storm that sweeps the great route. No one has an answer.

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