One Piece Talent System

Chapter 74: Lieutenant General

The aftermath waved away.

The whirlpool of the earth has returned to calm, and its interior is dead. The ground in the entire area is full of bright red color, among which is the bones with the white white.

In the center of the area, Rhodes is standing there, keeping a punching position, and opposite him is the Admiral Dal Messia, who also maintains a punching position.

The two men's fists met, constantly trembled, apparently in a stronger position.


Rhodes swayed and stepped back two steps, and Dalmesia also stepped back, both sides of the arm slightly shaking, can not see who took the upper hand.

Dal Mesia was angry, and this attack was almost exhausted in order to interrupt Rhodes’s massacre. In the end, it was only a slap in the face of Rhodes’s eddy current strangulation, which did not occupy any upper hand, which made him a little surprised. .

"Lieutenant General Dal Mesia!"

The surviving Rohan and Heze looked at Dalmesia, who had confronted Rhodes and prevented Rhodes's ability. His heart was relieved and there was a feeling of rest for the rest of his life.

Dal Mesia stared coldly at Rhodes, indicating that Rohan and Heze had retired. Rohan and Heze looked at each other and quickly retreated to the side to deal with their injuries.

"Lieutenant General..."

Rhodes, who had stepped back two steps, calmly looked at Dal Mesia in front of him and glanced at the other's epaulettes, which was the senior epaulette representing the Admiral.

From a small area in the West Sea, the four sides have become famous, and now they can finally face the naval lieutenant. Although it took him nearly two years, he relied on his own efforts to fight step by step instead of the aura like straw hat. Various hanging.

Dal Mesia glanced around and looked at the sights. Even though he had chased countless pirates, he had seen many villages slaughtered by pirates and could not keep calm in front of the scene.

"Sure enough, this department is defined as the most ferocious and dangerous pirate, it is not unreasonable, so cruel means... I will never let you go to the sea again!"

Dal Messia’s heart was burning and his eyes stared coldly at Rhodes.

Listening to the words of Dalmesia, Rhodes has no fluctuations in his heart, and those who dare to deal with him will be regarded as enemies by him, and he will not have a trace of kindness in dealing with the enemy.

"Let me go to this step, it has always been your navy, isn't it?"

Rhodes looked at Dalmesia calmly.

Upon hearing this sentence, Dalmesia’s face instantly became a bit gloomy. As a naval lieutenant, he had the power to contact many insiders. For the truth of the Rhodes incident, when he received an order against Lodz, He has already understood it.

He doesn't really think that Doberman's choices and judgments are wrong, but no one can think of it. An ordinary West Sea pirate hunter can kill the naval branch and grow at an almost unbelievable speed. More and more headaches exist.

"More than nothing, let's just let it go!"

Dal Mesia didn't want to think more about it. He rushed to Rhodes and then slammed into Rhodes.

As a master of physical and domineering, he can pass through several streets in a few seconds, rushing into the battlefield, preventing the vortex strangling of Rhodes, and saving the two major generals of Rohan and Heze, Dal Messia The speed is naturally not small.


Almost in an instant, he crossed the five-step distance from Rhodes and punched him at the face of Rhodes.

Rhodes’s heart is always in a calm state. Under calm conditions, it’s natural to be the best launching state. Even though Dalmesia’s speed is faster than him, he’s by the perception of domineering, he Still reacting.


This is the second confrontation between Rhodes and Dalmesia. Dalmesia is a full-speed raid, while Rhodes is a counter-attack and a confrontation.

The two men's fists collided together, Dalmesia's domineering failed to reach the limit, Rhodes's twisting power is also a bit of a mobilization, and the fight is equally divided.


This time, Rhodes did not let Dalmesia take the initiative, but at the end of the fight, the power of distortion was fully stimulated, and the fists swiftly swung away and rushed to Dalmecia.

Dal Messia snorted and did not have any fear. Both arms were attached to the black-black armed color domineering and confronted Rhodes.

Boom! boom! boom!

In the fight, Rhodes gradually recovered from the state of excessive explosion, and the twisting power began to play freely. After more than a dozen punches, Dalmesia’s armed color domineering clearly fell into the wind and eventually became a hard earthquake. Retreat.

Dalmecia's domineering and strength is stronger than a ghost spider, but since he is not a swordsman, the attack power is not much stronger than the ghost spider.

Compared to it.

The strength of Rhodes is already a lot stronger than that of the ghost spider. Even if it is attacked by Dalmecia, it will be able to cope with Dalmesia after a firm foothold!

Dal Mesia, who was repulsed by Rhodes, felt a slight tingling feeling in his arm. He couldn't help but change his face. Looking at Rhodes' eyes, he also showed some dignified color.

"Twisted the fruit, I didn't expect you to develop this fruit to this extent."

The power of twisting the fruit, he once saw it, when he was still in the a pirate who had been killed, is the user of this fruit ability, when the fruit brought him No small trouble, but it is just a problem.

How many years have passed, his strength has been tens of times stronger than the original, but after the fruit reappears and falls into the hands of Rhodes, the strength exerted is far from that of the pirate he once encountered. !

"Looks like you have seen the ability of this fruit."

Rhodes calmly responded, and there was not much unexpected emotion in my heart.

The devil fruit will reappear somewhere in the world within a few years with the death of the abilities, and it is normal for the first user to distort the fruit.

"Yes, that guy is a lot weaker than you... It’s really hard for you to develop such a weak fruit to this extent." Dalmesia spoke indifferently.

"Do not."

Rhodes has a gentle tone. "You are wrong, there is no weak fruit. Any devil fruit has its effect."

Of course, the ability to develop the power of twisting the fruit to this level is inseparable from his own hard work and hard work.


At the moment when the voice fell, Rhodes suddenly rushed to Dal Mesia, and launched a counterattack.

Even though Dalmesia is faster than him, but with the sensation of domineering, catching each other's movements in advance, even if the speed is slower, can still keep up!

"Twisted Punch!"

Rhodes clenched his fingers and slammed it out.

Dal Mesia looked at Rhodes coldly, even though the power of Rhodes was a little better than that he had shown before, he still showed no fear.

"The devil's fruit... can be more than one person."

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