One Piece Talent System

Chapter 75: Strong suppression


Almost in the blink of an eye, a force surged from the body of Dal Mesia, his skin suddenly changed, turning into black and white spots, and the ears were pulled down and hanged on both sides of the cheeks. Two long strips of ears.

At the same time, his upper body muscles also swelled for a half circle.

Animals, dog and dog fruit, Dalmatian form!

As one of the weaker animal dogs and dogs, the ability of this demon fruit can be increased by a limited amount, but after all, there is still a certain increase, especially for the strong Dalmesian domineering class. This increase is an all-round improvement.

"The lieutenant will use the ability..."

"If you don't use the ability, even the lieutenant will be difficult to deal with the guy... but in the form of a half-orc, the power and speed of the lieutenant are not comparable."

Rohan and Heze have simply handled their injuries and are standing not far from nearby, blocking the position where Rhodes might escape.

The power of Rhodes can't resist it, but they don't need to resist for too long. They just need to be able to stop for a moment. When Dal Messia catches up, there is no possibility to escape.

In the field.

In the form of half-orc, Dalmesia, the finger has become a half-claw and a half-handed form. He clenched into a fist, and the entire arm was instantly armed with hardening, and rushed up against Rhodes' fist.

The double fists collided in the air. This time, the two sides almost all went all out. They each exerted their strength to the limit. A roar of buzzing sounded in the field, and the two sides of the central part of the broken land, once again appeared a crack.

This time.

Rhodes did not retreat, but his body was slightly swayed, but Dalmesia was a shackle, stepping back, apparently on the positive side of the all-out effort, even if he launched the demon fruit ability and entered the half-orc form, Still not as good as Rhodes!

This scene falls into the eyes of Rohan and Heze and others, so that they all show a few surprises. I did not expect that the frontal hard fight Dal Messia will fall into a trace.

"No wonder the ghost spider will be defeated in your hand, and it really has some skill."

Dal Messia screamed openly, and there was a sigh of sharpness in his eyes. He did not retreat. At the moment of retreating, he bent his fingers and slammed at Rhodes.

Flying finger gun!

Nourishment and nourishment.

There were two holes in the clothes of Rhodes's chest, revealing the light skin inside, but the killing force was comparable to the bullet's flying finger gun. When it touched the body of Rhodes, it was annihilated by the twisting force.


Rhodes did not pay attention to the flying guns of Dalmesia. The fists that were thrown out quickly changed. The single finger pointed out, and the fingertips gave a ray of light, and Daermecia closed his eyes in an instant.


Rhodes rushed to the front of Dalmesia and slammed it out.

As a master of physical and domineering, Dal Messia naturally has a sense of domineering, but this sudden flash makes him somewhat unprepared, and he can't avoid it for a while. He can only rush to put his fists on his chest and cast his arms. Domineering and hard resistance.


Under the punch of Rhodes, Dalmesia flew backwards, even if the armed color hardened, the arms were faintly numb.


His eyes are still a little inextricable, and he can't help but sneak a sigh. He can only perceive Rhodes' actions and respond to them by knowing the color.

Rhodes rushed up against Dal Mesia and continued to punch out with a punch.

The strong ones that deal with pure surgery and domineering are undoubtedly the most effective in twisting the power of the fist. Other means are more suitable for creating opportunities.

boom! boom! boom!

Dal Messia and Rhodes made a few moves in a row, and the arm became more numb. He knew that the situation was not good, and he jumped up and stepped up on the moon.

However, Rhodes snorted, but he also stepped on the ground, rushed into the air, chased the air, and continued to punch at the top of Dal Mesia.


Rhodes's degree of difficulty clearly exceeds that of Dalmesia's expectations. Although his eyes have recovered, his face of Rhodes's air pursuit is still a headache.

He decisively cast a lame, kicked a sword and slammed into Rhodes's head, but Rhodes restrained the sword with his hands, and smashed it into a ball of shimmering light, slamming his backhand Throw it out.


Dal Mesia punched out and smashed the sword of the sword that Rhodes had thrown away, but he was therefore passive. Under the continued pursuit of Rhodes, his shoulder slammed a punch.

Even though he used armed color hardening on his shoulders to resist, Rhodes's tyrannical twisting force still invaded the inside of his shoulders, leaving one of his arms completely numb and difficult to move.


Dal Mesia didn't even think about it, and immediately fell to the ground. Rhodes would also use the moonstep to carry out the air battle. It was obviously a stupid choice because he needed to use his power to throw a punch and his power was greatly reduced.

And Rhodes's demon fruit ability can ignore everything. Whether it can borrow or not, it can break out with all strength. The strength of each punch is not much weaker than standing on the ground.


See Dalmecia fall ~ ~ Rhodes did not hesitate to follow, almost at the same time fell to the ground, and in the moment of landing, Rhodes lifted his foot, the ground under the foot of Dal Messia Suddenly twisted and collapsed.

Directly transmitting the force of twisting through the earth, because the distance problem will become weak, it is not very effective for the strong body of Dalmesia, but it is just right to make the battle space.

This made Darmésia's soles suddenly fall, and he was caught off guard.

Rhodes stepped forward and rushed up. Dal Messia was difficult to dodge and was forced to use another slightly better arm to punch.


Rhodes fell with a fist, and Dal Mesia once again flew backwards, one arm was heavily numb, and the other arm was slightly better, but it was also difficult to clench his fist.

The ability of Rhodes to flash was not noticed by his domineering color, so that after the move, Rhodes decisively seized the opportunity and pushed hard.

After being in trouble, Dalmecia appeared to be somewhat difficult to deal with Rhodes' offensive, becoming left-handed and squatting. He could only escape halfway and try to recover his arm strength by avoiding it. Rhodes would not give him a chance to recover. Chasing.


"How could this be, the lieutenant actually fell into the wind."

Many navies watched Rhodes obviously pressing the Dalmecia chase, which is unbelievable. The strength of Dalmesia is undoubtedly the strongest in the G8 branch. Even if other majors join forces, it is not the opponent of Dalmesia.

But now, from the beginning to the present, Dalmesia does not seem to have the upper hand, always suppressed by Rhodes!

"Oops, the lieutenant can't resist it."

"Let's go on like this... I'm afraid the situation is not good."

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