One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 108 Heading to Nine Snakes Island

"Publish domineering?"

Riley raised an eyebrow.

"That's right."

Bright sat on a stool in front of the bar and said calmly, "There are not many people in the entire Fish-Man Island who know how to use Haki, so I thought I could start with children and make Haki popular in Fish-Man Island."

"Oh, do you want to be like Nine Snake Island?"

Xia Qi dusted off her cigarette at the bar, "Almost all warriors in that country can use Haki."

"That's it."

Brett nodded, "But I'm worried that the practice of domineering is too heavy for the children, so I came to consult Rayleigh."

How did you learn to be domineering?

Get spanked, get spanked, get spanked.

How could children be treated like this?

"If you want to learn domineering, the best way is of course through fighting."

Rayleigh took a sip of wine and said casually, "Haki will continue to become stronger in battles with powerful enemies, but,"

Brett cast an expectant look at him.

"In the final analysis, domineering power is a force that naturally exists in living things." Rayleigh wiped his mouth, "Fighting and training are just to guide the domineering power out."

"In this case, of course there will be other gentler guidance methods."

"What method is it?"

Brett was looking forward to it.

"I remember that there is a special kind of meditation used on Nine Snake Island, right?"

Xia Qi recalled, "They will find the domineering energy hidden in their bodies through meditation."

"As for the government navy," Reilly interjected, "the Sixth Form seems to be used for this."

"Six forms?"

Brett thought for a while. In the original work, Jinbe did seem to say that the iron block was the weapon's color, but it was a bit difficult to get the Six Styles. So, should he still choose the teaching materials from Kuji Island?


Brett looked at Rayleigh with expectation in his eyes.

"I can't."

Rayleigh waved his hand, "I do have some friendship with Hancock on Nine Snake Island, but that is the secret of Nine Snake Island, or in other words,"

There was a smile on his face, "Bright, how about you go to Nine Snake Island in person and see Hancock in person?"

"Hey, hey, Lao Lei, do you want to start a war?"

Xia Qi rolled her eyes, "Everyone knows that men are prohibited from landing on Nine Snakes Island, not to mention that Hancock's temper is one of the worst among the kings in the past."

Nine Snake Island?

Brett was lost in thought.

"You can give it a try!"

Brett curled his lips.

Rayleigh, who was drinking, almost spit out his drink.

"Are you serious, Brett?" Riley said in disbelief, "Do you know what kind of country Nine Snake Island is? That Hancock girl has a very bad temper!"

"I want to try it."

Brett smiled and said, "I will impress her with my sincerity."


Riley was almost speechless, and then he twitched the corner of his mouth, "Say, Brett, you kid, don't you want to meet Hancock because of her reputation as the most beautiful woman in the world?"

"Oh, that's not bad."

Xia Qi also smiled and nodded, "We are about the same age, and Brother Bright is also young and promising. Go and give it a try, Bright, and chase your love bravely. This is how heroic a man at sea should be!"

"how come."

Brett rolled his eyes, "I already have a girl I love."

I am a childhood sweetheart.

"I just want to talk to the empress about cooperation." Bright said seriously.

There is also an indelible hatred between the Empress and the Celestial Dragons, and they are so powerful that they are definitely one of the best partners.

The only troublesome part is that the woman has a very bad character.

All I can say is, sooner rather than later, give it a try.

"Rayleigh, take me to Nine Snake Island."

Brett said seriously, "I can provide you with a year's worth of wine later."

"Oh, this is an offer I can't refuse!"

Riley laughed, and then he said seriously, "But Brett, have you really made your decision?"


Brett nodded solemnly.

In order for the children to use better teaching materials and for Fish-Man Island to have a strong ally, this trip must be made.

The worst possible outcome is a fight with the empress.

"There's really nothing I can do about you,"

Rayleigh shook his head, "Then prepare a boat. Nine Snake Island is located in a windless zone, so you can only rely on human power to row, and there are sea kings everywhere. It will be very troublesome to reach it."


Brett smiled and said, "No need for that kind of thing."


It was night, and on a deserted coast somewhere in the Chambord Islands, Rayleigh, who was holding a wine bottle, gradually widened his eyes.

The sea surface in front of him gradually became undulating, and a huge creature slowly revealed its true appearance in the water.

It has a body length of at least several hundred meters, huge pincers, and a ferocious head.

"Sea, Neptune type?"

Rayleigh was stunned.

Just a single Neptune-like creature was nothing special. He had seen countless of them.

But the problem lies in the man standing above the head of this Neptune creature.

"What are you still doing? Come on up, Rayleigh!"

Brett shouted to Rayleigh below, "Alexander will take us across the windless zone."

"This guy is so awesome!"

Alexander's voice sounded, "Partner, can I fight him?"

"It's too early."

Bright smiled and said, "You will be killed instantly. Let's get stronger."

"Wow wow wow, it's so touching!!"

Warrior Shrimp was moved to tears, "The road of a warrior will never end! There will always be more powerful enemies waiting for us in front! Friends! Let's become stronger together!"

"Okay, okay."

Brett said something perfunctory.

Rayleigh jumped up, directly jumping a hundred meters high, and landed next to Bright.

"Let's go Alexander."

Brett said.


The giant shrimp turned and swam toward the depths of the sea.

"What's going on Brett?" Riley asked in shock, "Are you talking to him?"

Could it be that this kid is actually Neptune?

"It's just a little special experience, nothing special."

Brett said calmly, "Reilly, remember to keep it a secret for me."


Riley was stunned.

Is it possible to be able to talk to Neptunes? This is to listen to the voice of all things!

This kid actually has such ability!

Riley couldn't help but smile, "That's it."

He even had some doubts that this boy was the one Roger was waiting for.

But it doesn’t matter whether it is or not.

One thing is certain, this man, Brett, will indeed play an extremely important role in the subsequent changes!

"Rayleigh, why are you still laughing? Give me directions, I don't know how to get to Nine Snakes Island."

"Hahahaha, are you so impatient? But indeed, Hancock is an incredibly beautiful woman."

With laughter, Alexander disappeared at the end of the sea.

The target is Nine Snake Island.

Thanks to book friend ‘20210705105207195’ for the 100-point reward, and thanks to ‘Xucun’ and ‘Smelly Yo-Yo’ for the 500-point reward, thank you!

General, my general, why did you stretch your hips? It is recommended that Lu Niu be expelled from general status.

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