One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 109 The Pirate Empress

The Windless Zone is the narrow sea area that surrounds the Grand Route from both sides.

For some unknown reason, there is no sea breeze blowing here all year round, and there are no rough sea currents on the surface. There are no waves on the sea, and it is as calm as a mirror with no end.

However, it is not without any troubles.

The behemoth broke through the water quickly.

"Hahahaha!! Warrior Alexander rides the wind and waves!!"

The Warrior Shrimp laughed loudly, and kept banging his four large pincers in the water.

"Oh, it's so fast!"

Reilly sat on Alexander's head. He couldn't understand what Alexander was calling. He just sipped the wine and said with interest, "If that guy Roger had such ability back then, our voyage would not be as good as before." I know how smooth it will be."


Brett, who was standing aside and looking at the sea, turned around and said, "How strong is Roger?"

Who is the strongest in this sea?

People on the sea have been debating this issue endlessly. Even now that Whitebeard is still on the tail end of his peak, many people believe that Kaido has strength that is not inferior to him.

Bright had never fought against the top masters in the sea, and the only Rayleigh he had ever encountered was a master of tempering. He was really curious about what kind of power the real monsters had.

Especially, the man who conquered the Grand Line and was ranked among the top two among the known masters no matter how strong he was.


Rayleigh wiped his mouth, and then said with some nostalgia, "Although that guy is unreliable many times, he is indeed the true overlord who has defeated all the storms on the sea."

He said seriously, "Bright, even now, it will not be easy for you to stand firm in front of his courage."

Brett was stunned for a moment.

Reilly wasn't good enough to make such a joke.


Brett said with some sigh, "Are you so strong?"

It’s hard to imagine, doesn’t that mean he is stronger than Kaido?

At least Bright doesn't think that Kaido can make him unsteady just by his courage and overlord appearance.

Of course, there is also the factor that Rayleigh is not aware of his true strength.

"The world is still very big."

Bright looked at the end of the sea, "There is still a long road ahead."

"That's right, partner!!"

Alexander responded loudly, "It is precisely because the road ahead is long that we cannot stop moving forward! This is the romance of a warrior!!"

His heroic words sounded like unexplained howls to Rayleigh.

"I have never seen such an active Neptune." Rayleigh said with a smile.

He has been sailing on the sea for decades and has never eaten or seen anything.

But I have never seen such a lively Neptune.

"He's definitely a little bit different."

Brett said.

Alexander is a proud deep-sea warrior.

Not long after continuing to move forward, the outline of an island appeared at the end of the sea.

Brett estimated that it took about ten hours to set off from the Chambord Islands. He set off at night and arrived in the afternoon, which was not too far.

But of course, considering Alexander's speed, an ordinary ship would take much longer.

Riley looked at the increasingly clear island in the distance and stretched lazily, "Bright, it's still too late to regret it. That Hancock girl has a really bad temper."

"It's all here."

Brett smiled and said, "Let's meet again before we leave."

Rayleigh shook his head helplessly, "Then let's log in."

He jumped up and fell into the sea, "It's better not to expose yourself to things like being able to control Neptune."

Bright thought the same way. Although the security of Nine Snakes Island in the original work was not very strict, even a blind man should have noticed the approach of a huge sea king.

"Alexander, wait for us here now!"

Brett turned around and warned Alexander.


Alexander responded loudly, "But if you are in danger, just call my name, my friend! The proud warrior Alexander is always ready to answer your call!"

Brett couldn't help but smile, "Okay."

After saying that, he turned around and swam to Nine Snake Island with Rayleigh.

Although the distance is still far, both of them have superior physical strength, and Bright is even a fishman, so there is certainly no chance that they will be unable to swim across.

Soon, Nine Snake Island arrived.

However, they did not land. They stopped some distance away from the coast.

"That's it."

Reilly said, "If we log in directly, Hancock will probably be very angry."

Bright knew that the rules of Nine Snake Island were that men were not allowed to land on the island.

Just think of it as doing as the Romans do.

"Well, say hi."

Rayleigh looked at Bright, "Watch Bright, that's how the domineering color is used!"

Black lightning shot up into the sky instantly, radiating in all directions like a frantic black dragon.

The sea surface boiled directly, and countless water droplets flew up against the gravity of the sea water.

The lush coastal trees not far away were blown almost to the ground by the strong wind, making it impossible to straighten up.

Brett felt a little palpitated.

What an amazing overlord color!

Rayleigh's overbearing look only lasted for a few seconds, and then subsided.

But that's enough. How could the residents of Nine Snakes Island not notice such an earth-shattering movement?

Soon, several figures ejected from the jungle, and several thin, tall, or strong women landed on the coast.

Brett looked at them. They were all wearing very simple bikini-style clothing, with a snake beside them, and their faces were filled with extremely horrified looks.

They noticed Bright and Rayleigh in the sea, and the snakes following them immediately straightened their bodies and turned into long bows. Then the ladies opened their bows and nocked arrows. The sharp arrows were wrapped with invisible air currents and aimed at the two Brights. .

"Who are you!"

"Oh oh oh, don't get me wrong,"

Leiley raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, "We are not here to cause trouble, we are here to find Snake Lady. There is an idiot who wants to talk to her."

"With Lady Snake?"

The ladies were stunned for a moment, and then the leader stepped forward and further tightened the bow string. She exclaimed, "No, look carefully, you are not women!"

"You are men!!"

Should I say that I am worthy of being a soldier of my country?

Brett thought in his mind.

Except for the members of the Nine Snakes Pirates, the people of this country will probably never see a man in their lifetime.

This soldier is keen and knowledgeable.

"Eh? Is he a man?"

"Sure enough, it looks a little different from us."

"He's got a beard!" referring to Rayleigh.

"My body looks tough too."

The female warriors began to whisper, looking at Bright and the two with extremely fiery eyes.

It’s the kind of heat you get when you see a rare animal.

Brett is actually a little curious. Most of the women living here have never seen a man in their lives. So, how do they reproduce?

Is it possible that there is also a Zimu River here?

"Men are not welcome in this country!"

The leading female warrior said loudly and righteously, although her eyes were curiously scanning the two of Bright back and forth, "No matter what your purpose is, leave as soon as possible! Otherwise -"


She let go of her hand, and the arrow shot out, then hit the sea on one side, exploding a column of water.

Oh oh.

Brett sighed in his heart, the domineering power here is really worthless.

This is also one of the purposes of coming here.

"No need to worry, little girl."

Lei Li smiled and didn't care at all, "Wait a moment, Snake Princess is already here."

The girls were stunned for a moment, and then immediately understood, how could the adult not notice the movement that they could all detect?

"Since we know that Lady Snake has been alarmed, why don't you leave quickly!"

The female warrior shouted loudly, "When she comes here, you will only die."

"Hahaha, don't worry about it little girl,"

Reilly smiled nonchalantly and pointed at Bright, "I'm just leading the way. This guy is the only one who is going to die."

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth.

Then, suddenly.


Brett raised his head and looked into the depths of the forest.

An amazing sound is coming!


A black shadow jumped up from the depths of the dense forest far away, jumped hundreds of meters into the air, and then quickly fell towards this side.


Even though she fell from such a high altitude, she seemed light when she landed. Her red high heels only lightly left a shallow mark on the shore.

With her long black hair flying, the woman's extremely beautiful face was revealed in front of Bright's eyes.

It's hard to describe it in words, but it's just beautiful.

Soon, a big snake sprang out from the dense forest, wrapped around the woman, stretched out its head and spat vigilantly towards Bright and the other two.

"Who do you think it is? Isn't this Rayleigh?"

Woman, one of the Seven Warlords, the most beautiful woman in the world, and the Pirate Empress, Boya Hancock has a cold expression, and her voice is even colder.

"Hahaha, long time no see Hancock!"

Rayleigh didn't care at all about the indifference in the empress' words and just said hello to himself.

"Stop smiling in front of me, men are not welcome in this country."

The empress said coldly, "Even you, get out!"

What a bad attitude. After all, Rayleigh was her benefactor.

Brett thought about it again, as if this was not something incomprehensible.

Rayleigh was indeed the benefactor of the Empress, and sent the three little girls back to Nine Snake Island when they escaped from Mariejoia and were at a loss.

But just because of this, the empress would think of that unbearable past whenever she saw Rayleigh.

"Don't worry, don't worry Hancock,"

Rayleigh waved his hand, "It's not me who wants to come here, it's this guy, Bright from Fish-Man Island, who wants to see you."

The empress finally turned her head and looked at Bright, who was floating next to Rayleigh.

"Hello, Pirate Queen."

Bright smiled and greeted, "My name is Bright, from Fishman Island."

"Who allowed you to talk to me? Man!"

The empress raised her head and nostrils to look at people, her attitude was much more arrogant than towards Rayleigh.

"How about talking to him?"

Rayleigh said seriously, "Bright was once a member of the Sun Pirates and is now the guardian of Fish-Man Island. He came here for the cooperation between Fish-Man Island and Nine Snake Island."

"Sun Pirates——" The Empress was silent for a moment.

She thought of that unforgettable night five years ago, and that silhouette that she would remember forever.

"Just think of it as a favor to me," Reilly said. "Brett is an extraordinary man. Give him a chance."


The Empress frowned slightly, then showed a disgusted expression, "Troublesome old man!"

She finally looked at Brett and said, "I can give you five minutes."

Brett breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you very much."

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