One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 113 The Empress, Teacher Rayleigh, Returns

During the preparation time for the banquet, in the palace built on the cliff on Nine Snake Island.

"Sister Huang, are you kidding, right? How could that man know-"

The second sister Sundar Sonia looked pale and her body was trembling slightly.

The third sister, Marigold, behaved even more unbearably. Her legs were limp and she sat on the ground. She was holding her head in fear and her eyes were extremely empty.

Their reaction was almost the same as that of the previous empress.

The secret you least wanted anyone to know was revealed.

Granny New, who stood silently in the corner, nodded and looked at the frightened girls with some distress, "I see, Hancock, is this the reason that boy used to threaten you?"

The depressed empress raised her head, looked at Granny New, and then frowned, "Who allowed you to come in? It's really an eyesore."

"Damn it! Snake Girl, you stinky girl!"

The old lady who had a serious face suddenly went crazy, "I'm here to discuss business with you!"

The Empress strode up to Granny New and looked down at her with her nostrils condescendingly, "Gloriousa, the previous emperor of Amazon Lily, I am now the emperor of this country. The affairs of this country are not I need your advice!"

"Snake Princess!!"

The old woman had a huge headache, "At least tell me what happened just now!"

This girl was obviously very gentle a few years ago, why has she become like this now?

The empress snorted lightly, and then said, "It's not a threat."

"That man also revealed his secret to me. He said that he wanted to overthrow the world government and was here to find a partner."

"Push, overthrow the world government?"

Granny New was stunned.

What an incredible purpose.

"That man said that he wanted to let the former Draco slaves on Fish-Man Island know that the nightmare was completely over," the empress' voice deepened, "He wanted to create a world where there would be no more slaves, and there would be no slaves on Fish-Man Island. A world where people will no longer be discriminated against.”


Granny New felt a little shocked. She thought for a moment and then said, "If it is true, then he must be an amazing man!"

So, are what that man said true?

I'm afraid so.

He was brought here by Rayleigh.

"Who knows? Let's do this for now,"

The empress said coldly, "If he breaks his promise, I will kill him no matter what!"

"So," she looked at her two sisters and said softly, "Mary, Sonia, don't be afraid anymore. If you want to ask why, because what we have to do next is to completely eliminate those demons!"

Her heart was full of anxiety, and she didn't know whether this decision was correct or not, but in front of her anxious sisters, she had to be the perfect sister.

"Destroy the Celestial Dragons?" Sandasonia opened her lips slightly.

"Can that kind of thing be done?" Marigold also regained some sparkle in her eyes.


The empress was categorical.

If you want to completely eliminate that unbearable past, you can't bury your head in the sand and pretend to be an ostrich.

As the man said, the source of the tragedy must be completely eliminated!

In this way, the empress inexplicably strengthened her belief.

She was very afraid of the Celestial Dragons, but she didn't want her sisters to continue to be afraid of them.

At the same time, on the coast.

Brett and Raleigh were still not allowed to enter the interior of the island. They sat on the shore and waited for the party to begin.

"But Brett, you hide it very well."

Rayleigh soaked his feet in the sea and said leisurely, "You can actually fight Hancock to that extent."

“Just trying to do what I can.”

Brett smiled, "And you can't beat her."

"It's already amazing. Hancock is very strong." Reilly said with a smile.

The Empress is indeed very powerful.

She is only twenty-one years old, but she is already extremely domineering, and her strength is definitely not inferior to Doflamingo's.

In the original work, she didn't take any serious action, but when she activated her ability, even an elite lieutenant general like Flying Squirrel couldn't resist it. She could only prevent herself from being turned into stone by self-mutilation, which shows her strength.

I'm afraid she will be powerful enough to compete with Yamato Momo for the position of the second most powerful woman in the world.

"It is indeed very powerful."

Brett nodded with deep understanding, "Especially her Haki. It's more agile, more active, and much more powerful than my Haki."

"That is a more advanced weapon coloring technique than hardening and entangling," Rayleigh said casually, "allowing the domineering energy to flow can further increase the power."

"Hey - that's really amazing." Brett looked at Rayleigh with burning eyes.

Reilly was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing, "Hey, kid, are you a little greedy?"

"Anyway, Teacher Rayleigh, please!"

"Hahaha, teacher or something, you better practice hardening first. If you haven't laid a solid foundation, don't rush to higher-level moves." That's what Rayleigh said.

Brett nodded solemnly.

It means that after laying a solid foundation, you can learn more advanced techniques, right?

Soon after, the Nine Snakes Pirates arrived.

They brought tables, chairs, utensils and sumptuous food, and a simple banquet began.

"Is it a man?"

"It's unbelievable, it's actually a man!"

The members of the Nine Snakes Pirates are different from the ordinary residents of the Nine Snake Island. They followed Hancock to the sea to plunder, and of course they had seen men.

They were just surprised why Lady Snake would entertain men!

The empress quickly explained the reason, "Next, Amazon Lily will cooperate with the Dragon Palace Kingdom. This man," she pointed at Bright rudely, "came to cooperate with us."

"Hey! Cooperation?"

"Dragon Palace Kingdom? Fish-Man Island?"

"Lord Snake Princess, do you want to cooperate with a country dominated by men? Is this-"

"Isn't this a good decision?"

The empress bit her lip lightly, frowned slightly, and said with some grievance in her eyes.

"Of course! Because it's so cute!"

"That's right! No matter what decision you make, Lady Snake, it is the right one!"

"Ah! Lady Snake! You're so cute!"

Everyone, except for Bright and Rayleigh, were all excited and cheering for the Empress.

This is what idols govern the country and fandom politics.

Brett's mouth twitched as his heart beat faster.

No wonder the empress became so willful and self-willed.

Who can keep this thing in their possession?

In short, after the Empress' performance, the atmosphere at the banquet became harmonious, and the members of the Nine Snakes Pirates immediately regarded Bright as a friend.

They were curious and asked Bright what Fish-Man Island looked like.

Although the Kuji Pirates sail across the sea, there are still many places they have never been to.

Bright told them about the appearance of Fish-Man Island in detail, and invited them to travel to Fish-Man Island when they have time.

The girls all said they were looking forward to it.

Rayleigh was even more at ease with himself. Even the pirates of the Nine Snakes Pirates were also curious about the Pirate King's deputy. The old man laughed and told some stories about their past adventures while drinking heavily.

Bright was listening with rapt attention, not to mention the eyes of all the pirates of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

Only the empress remained calm, as if Rayleigh didn't exist.

"Bright, can we talk?"

In the middle of the banquet, when the atmosphere was very lively, Granny New, who arrived at an unknown time, quietly sat next to Bright.

Brett lowered his head and glanced at her. Although she was disliked by the empress and was often thrown out of the palace, in fact, this old woman was a military advisor to the Kingdom of Nine Snakes.


Brett nodded happily.

"I already know the matter from She Ji,"

Granny New said, "I have to confirm something, Brett, are you really confident?"

That's a world government!

The terrorist force that has ruled this world for eight hundred years!

No matter how powerful the overlord of the sea was before, he could not shake them in the slightest.

"It's impossible to be 100 percent sure about this."

Bright said, "But don't worry, our alliance will not be exposed until absolutely necessary."

In the original work, even if the world government is overthrown, it will inevitably go through an arduous battle. But after his arrival, will it bring about a butterfly effect and lead to changes?

Even with Charlie's prediction, Bright didn't dare to guarantee it.

Maybe it is indeed possible to reach a better future, but what happens after the update?

Granny New nodded slightly, "If you don't have enough confidence, why do you still need it?"

"Because someone has to do it."

Bright said this, "I want the children on Fishman Island to be able to breathe the sea air and bathe in the warm sunshine freely without fear of being kidnapped by slave traders. I want them to feel the kindness of the world. Rather than a discriminatory look.”

Groliosa looked at Bright in surprise and heard him continue, "The World Government is blocking my way, so I have to do something, even if it may not succeed."


Granny New smiled heartily, "I understand! Enjoy the banquet, Brett!"

She jumped off the stool and ran to She Ji's side.

"That man is worthy of trust!"

Granny New smiled and said to She Ji, "That man, Brett, has extraordinary courage! Perhaps, he will really bring about a change!"

The empress glanced at her sideways, then stretched out her hand to grab her head and threw it forward, "How many times have I told you not to disturb my meal!!"

"Wow!! Snake Princess!! Anyway, try to trust him!!"

With the scream, Bright raised his head and watched Granny New flying across the sky like a meteor, and then disappeared deep into the jungle.

Terrible woman.

Charlie is better.

After the pleasant banquet, Brett and Rayleigh rested on the shore for a night. The empress had some conscience and provided them with a tent, so that the ground and the sky would not become a blanket.

The next day, it was time to leave.

Before leaving, the empress did not come to see him off, but asked her two sisters to come over and gave him the copy of the meditation method that Bright wanted.

Then, the two jumped into the sea and left Nine Snake Island.

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