One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 114 School starts!

"Partner, it seems that you were fighting a very powerful enemy before!"

On the way back, Alexander said excitedly, "Although I can't see your fight with my own eyes from a long distance away, it already makes my blood boil!"

"He is indeed a very powerful guy."

Brett flipped through a pamphlet in his hand, "But she's not an enemy, she's already my friend."


Warrior Shrimp was immediately moved and said loudly, "After a fierce battle, a powerful enemy turned into a friend. My dear friend, isn't this so cool? It's exactly the same as before!"


Bright said with a smile, "The more friends the better, the fewer enemies the better."

It's just a pity that he is probably the only one who regards Snake Ji as a friend, and she does not regard herself as a friend.

That woman is really troublesome.

But it's okay now, at least her brain is normal. It would be more troublesome to really turn her into a love brain.

"Hahahaha! That's right! Fight against powerful enemies and then make friends with them! It's so romantic, my friend!!"

Alexander was excited and making waves.

"I'm very excited."

Raleigh again expressed surprise at how different Alexander was.

Brett just laughed.

Alexander is a very interesting guy.

"So, Brett, what did you see?" Riley asked with a smile.

"It feels fun."

Brett smiled.

The booklet he was flipping through was a copy of the Nine Snakes Meditation Technique, which can be regarded as the unique martial arts secret book of the Nine Snakes Island.

Really interesting.

Find and guide the domineering energy in your body through methods similar to psychological suggestion and self-hypnosis.

You don't need to go through any training to channel your domineering energy. Just like the knights in Bright's previous martial arts novels who practiced internal strength, they just need to sit cross-legged and practice their skills.

But of course, it is inevitable that the domineering intensity induced in this way will not be enough.

Fortunately, it can be compensated for through exercise the day after tomorrow.

Brett was smug.

In at most five years, Fish-Man Island will have a fully domineering army!

This country will become stronger.

Then, you have to keep up with the pace of getting stronger.

Bright looked at Rayleigh and said, "Rayleigh, don't waste time, continue your training in Overlord Color!"

"Oh? Are you so impatient?"

"The current me is far from strong enough!"

Now I can only say that I have the strength of the Shichibukai level, which is still far behind the real monsters.

If you want to achieve your goals, you must become stronger.

Let’s start by being able to master the overlord color skillfully.

It took almost the same time to go back as it did when we came. It was already late at night when we returned to the Shampoo Islands. Brett said goodbye to Rayleigh, and then returned to Fish-Man Island with Alexander.

Early the next morning, he went to find Jinbei, and then together they went to find King Neptune.

He told the two of them exactly what he had done in the past two days.

"Nine Snake Island? That pirate empress?"

Neptune was very surprised, "That is a very powerful woman. She is one of the Shichibukai along with Jinbei. Is she actually our ally now?"

"It's not easy to convince her."

Brett smiled and said, "We had a fierce fight with her, but in the end it was Reilly who made peace."

He did not reveal the true method of persuading the empress.

"That's great!"

Neptune was beaming, "Do you want me to contact her too?"

"As for the empress, I'd better contact her personally." Bright's smile froze.

If Neptune really went to chat with the Empress like he did with King Riku, Bright would be afraid of a direct war between the two countries.

"But Brett! Does this really work?"

Jinbei, who had been silent all this time, stood aside and flipped through the booklet that Bright had brought.

The book was not very thick, so he quickly flipped through it, closed it, and asked in surprise.

“What works?”

Neptune was still a little confused and didn't know what Jinbe was talking about.

Jinbei raised the pamphlet in his hand, "Bright got it from Kuji Island, a Haki training manual that children can also learn."


Neptune was stunned.

"That's why I came to see you, Neptune. When will school officially start?"

Brett asked.

I can’t wait to get the children practicing.

Not only the children, but the army on the island can also try to get them to practice.

But be aware of confidentiality issues.

After all, this is a secret method obtained from Nine Snakes. If it is really leaked, it will be difficult to explain to Hancock.

So the three people discussed it carefully, and the final decision was to not tell the children what it was when teaching it, and let them practice it on their own and remember to keep it secret.

As for the soldiers, they must be carefully selected, and only the most loyal warriors can get the meditation method.

The matter was settled just like that.

Neptune turned around and began preparations for the opening of the first school, and at the same time began preparations for the construction of more schools.

As for Bright, he will be responsible for supporting Nine Snakes.

Supplies, technology, and of course the most important thing are sea beasts.

It’s really impossible to catch all of this sea beast, there are always gaps.

The whole day was spent in busyness, and it wasn't until evening that Brett had time to see Charlie.

"We haven't seen you for a while, right?"

Brett sighed.

Ever since the trouble with Sea Transport King last time, I haven't met Charlie again.

After returning that time, he ran to Nine Snake Island again without stopping.

"How is it?" Charlie asked with a smile.


Brett was a little confused, but it was really rare for Charlie to smile.

"How about that pirate empress?"

Charlie smiled.

Has it been predicted again?

Bright's face remained unchanged and he said calmly, "The harvest is quite big. With an ally at the level of the Shichibukai, this trip was not in vain."

Charlie snorted softly, and then she said, "By the way, in the afternoon, Dragon Palace City announced that the first school has started enrolling students."

"Miriam asked me to ask you, can you let little Nana enroll? There are too many applicants, and she is afraid that she will not be selected."

I want to go through the back door.


Brett gladly accepted.

I had promised little Nana before that she would go to school quickly and start studying.

Big brother will never break his promise.

It only took one day to register, and the first batch of 3,000 students was already filled.

Parents on Fishman Island are still very enthusiastic about letting their children go to school to study.

Then a week later, school officially started.

On the morning of this day, Brett went to the scene in person.

This first school was built in Coral Hill, the most prosperous area of ​​Fish-Man Island.

The building is quite spacious and can accommodate 3,000 people without any problem.

When Brett arrived, a parent was walking into the school with their children laughing and laughing.

"It's brother Brett!!"

Familiar voice.

Following the sound, Brett looked over and saw Miss Miriam walking over holding little Nana.

Little Nana was carrying the small schoolbag her mother had sewn for her. She turned around in a circle with a smile and patted the schoolbag back with both hands. "Look, look! Brother Brett, you are very beautiful, aren't you?"

"very beautiful."

Brett smiled.

"I've been very anxious since the past few days."

Miss Miriam said, "Every day I carry my schoolbag and walk around the house, eagerly asking me when school will start."

"That's good."

Brett leaned down and gently rubbed little Nana's head, "You must study hard after you go to school."


The little girl nodded heavily with bright eyes.

"Hey, Brett, whose child is this?"

Another voice sounded, and Brett turned around.

"King Neptune!"

Miss Miriam was a little alarmed.

Neptune came, holding a little girl in his hand, Bai Xing.

The little princess timidly hid behind her father, carrying a big package on her back.

"No need to be polite, today I am just a father sending his children to school."

Neptune said with a smile.

Yes, Shirahoshi will attend this school as well.

If you want to become cheerful, enthusiastic and brave, you need to have contact with more children.

"Are you a princess?"

At some point, Nana had already approached Bai Xing, curiously looking up at this mermaid sister who was much bigger than her, "You are so big!"

"Hey, I'm Nana!"


The little princess was a little embarrassed and lowered her head nervously.

"My, my name is Bai Xing...Hello, sister Nana."

Little Nana was stunned for a moment, then turned around happily and said, "Mom, the little princess calls me sister!"

"Then Sister Nana, how about you take Bai Xing to the school?" Bright said with a smile.


Nana grabbed Bai Xin's hand and fingers and pulled her towards the school, "Let's go, Bai Xing, let's go to school!"

"But, but-"

The little princess turned to look at her father with some fear, and received an encouraging look from Neptune.

"As I said, I'm going to school! Playing with a lot of people!"

Nana's laughter was very cheerful, "I will be very happy!"

Xiao Baixing didn't speak, but there was some expectation in his eyes.

A mother and a father quietly watched their children run into the school.

Then Miss Miriam turned around and said apologetically to Neptune, "Sorry, King Neptune, my child doesn't understand the rules."

"No, it's better to say this is the best,"

Neptune smiled and said, "I hope Bai Xing can make many friends like Nana in school."

"There will be no problem!"

Miss Miriam said seriously.

To explain why, that princess is the child of King Neptune and Princess Otohime.

He will definitely be a very good child.

"I think so too." Neptune smiled confidently.

Then, on the way back.

"Baixing won't be bullied, right? How about I send some guards to protect her?"

Looking at the worried Neptune Bright rolled his eyes.

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