"Brother Bright, is this the legendary daughter's country?"

The murloc warriors who followed Bright looked at the lush island on the sea not far away, their eyes filled with anticipation.

"Can we go up and take a look later?"

Even if it is a fish-man, as long as it is a man, who would not be interested in the daughter country?

"Don't have any expectations. The owner of this island has a very bad temper."

Brett said casually.

If we really want to take these guys to land on Nine Snakes Island, there will definitely be a conflict.

"Isn't the owner of this island the legendary empress Boya Hancock, the most beautiful woman in the world?"

The soldiers looked forward to it even more.

Then we can't take them ashore.

Brett took out his phone to contact the Empress.

"Sheji, I'm outside Nine Snakes Island, and I've brought the things I agreed upon."

The woman hung up the phone directly after hearing what Brett said, without any intention of talking nonsense.

Then, without letting Bright wait too long, a group of people came out of the forest.

The leaders were two tall women, the second sister of the empress, Sandasonia, and the third sister, Marigold.

Behind them are the pirates of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

The empress didn't come.

That's to be expected.

"Sorry, Brett, Princess, she——"

Sundar Sonia was a little embarrassed.

After all, they are partners, and Granny New said that she can trust this man. My sister's attitude is indeed a bit bad.

"It doesn't matter, come and hand over quickly."

Brett didn't really care.

The Empress' usual attitude doesn't matter, as long as she can come in handy at critical moments.

"Are they all sea beasts?"

Looking at the ten sea beasts floating on the sea, Sandasonia said in shock.

The Nine Snakes children behind her were also amazed. The Nine Snakes Pirates also raised two poisonous sea snakes, but they were just two.

"As expected of a fish people! They are actually able to tame so many sea beasts!"

Some people exclaimed, "In this case, maybe we can really develop the shipping industry in this windless zone and make this country rich."

Didn't they work hard as pirates just to feed this barren country?

"Is it really all for us?" Marigold was very excited.

"This is an agreement. Let's just say that she was tamed by Snake Princess. She is a master of overlord color. It is not impossible to do this kind of thing."

Bright warned, "It's better if our alliance is not exposed."


Sundar Sonia nodded solemnly.

"You should listen to them carefully in the future."

Bright warned the sea beasts.

The giant monsters nodded in unison.

Those who had tried Bright's Iron Fist did not dare to have any thoughts of resistance.

"Then there are some agreed-upon materials and technologies, including some basic processing technologies and supplies necessary for daily life, food, clothing, medicine, etc."

Bright pointed at several large ships floating on the sea, "I will deliver supplies to you once a month from now on. Until your industry develops, think of it as aid between friends."

Sundar Sonia was a little moved, "Bright, thank you very much."

As Granny New said, there is nothing false about this man’s willingness to cooperate.

He is really willing to help Nine Snake Island become prosperous.

In order to achieve his goal of overthrowing the Tianlong people, he really spared no effort.

"No need to be so polite."

Brett smiled and said, "We are all friends and partners fighting for the same goal."


Sandasonia nodded heavily, "If you need any help from us, just contact us. Although the princess has a bad temper, she will never sit back and watch her friends suffer."

"Then I won't be polite."

Brett laughed.

"As you said, why are you so polite with friends?" Marigold also smiled.

Brett sighed a little in his heart. Compared with his stunningly beautiful sister, the two sisters who were not astonishingly beautiful made people feel much more comfortable getting along with each other.

Then Bright said goodbye. Although the soldiers were disappointed, there was no reason to stay. Could it be that he wanted to see the empress' stinky face?

The two sisters wanted to stay, but when they thought about their sister's character, they could only watch Bright leave apologetically.

All the way back to Fishman Island, life became calm again.

Every day he just dealt with official duties, went to practice with Rayleigh, discussed with Alexander, and had breakfast, lunch and dinner with Charlie.

Time passed slowly like this.

Two weeks later, Bright saw a news in the newspaper that the Kuji Pirates hijacked several merchant ships and entered the windless zone.

A few days later, the merchants of those merchant ships took the initiative to publish a report in the newspaper saying that the Nine Snakes Pirates had created a company to help merchants travel to and from the Windless Zone.

Bright guessed that this was the handiwork of the empress. Although she was arrogant and willful, she was not without brains.

It turned out to be very effective, and Donald said that even many businessmen in the Shampoo Islands tried to contact the Kuja Pirates.

That is a trade route that can directly connect the Grand Route and the South China Sea!

What businessman can say no?

Isn't this a good job?

Brett sighed.

Then half a month passed.

During this month, Fish-Man Island continued to develop steadily.

Many of the technologies obtained from the government last time have been put into use, making Fishman Island's industry more complete.

What is even more gratifying is the school. Four more schools have been completed one after another, and the preparations for one have been completed and are waiting to enroll students.

Master Tom's research is also going very well. The blueprints for underwater combat ships have been completed and the first experimental ship is being built. As for the weapons to equip the sea beasts, he left it to two disciples to finish, and it went smoothly.

Someone even sent supplies to Nine Snake Island again, but this time Bright didn't go there in person and let his subordinates go.

When the subordinates came back, they said that the attitude of the Nine Snake Islands was very good, and they even opened a temporary settlement on the shore for them to rest.

Brett then understood that friendship was finally established bit by bit.

Everything developed quietly like this.

Until one day.

Brett's office.

Brett raised his eyebrows and opened the pink envelope in his hand, took out a piece of similarly pink letter paper and opened it.

"You've already read the invitation, that's what mom means."

There was another man in the office, well-dressed, with a gentle smile on his face, but this smile was a bit creepy, as if he had used a paintbrush to paint on a puppet, without any change at all.

"A week later, mom will hold a tea party at Cake Island. Mr. Bright, please be sure to enjoy it."

On this day, this man appeared in front of Bright with an invitation letter.

Invitation letter to the BIG·MOM tea party.

"Then I'll take my leave now."

The man's invitation was delivered and he said goodbye without hesitation.

Brett had no intention of keeping him, but he was a little hesitant.

Should I go or not?


The sound of a phone bug.

Brett connected.

"Bright! Have you received Charlotte Lingling's invitation?"

There was an urgent voice from over there.

"So you received it too, right? Tezolo."

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth and delivered the letter at the same time, which felt quite ritualistic.

"That's right."

Tezzolo's voice lacked confidence, "Damn it, that guy Cracker really wasn't kidding!"

"Brett, what did you say? Do you want to go?"

Without waiting for Bright to answer, he immediately said, "Forget it, I'll come to Fish-Man Island right away. You send someone to pick me up, and we can discuss it carefully."

After hanging up the phone, Brett fell into thinking.

What should I do?

To go or not to go, that is the question.

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