One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 117 Preparations, departure for all nations

Being invited to attend BIG·MOM's tea party would of course be a very dangerous thing.

Who knows what will happen at the tea party, if Charlotte Lingling is angered by something and makes her revolt on the spot, she doesn't know how she will die.

But if you don't go, there's no need to worry about something that will definitely anger Charlotte Lingling. That old woman will never allow anyone to refuse her invitation to a tea party.

A headache.

Tezzolo arrived quickly. He had already moved the company headquarters to Delosrosa, which was not too far from Fish-Man Island. In addition, Bright sent someone to pick him up. By night, he had already He walked into Brett's office in a hurry.

"Bright, please give me your opinion on whether to go or not!"

Tezzolo said loudly as soon as he arrived.

"Don't worry, take a seat first, Tezzolo."

Brett was much calmer.

Only then did Tezzolo realize that there was another person in the office, Jinbe.

So he also found a place to sit down, "Everyone knows that if you refuse Charlotte Lingling's tea party invitation, you will inevitably suffer revenge from the Charlotte family."

"No need to be afraid!"

Jinbe said loudly, "Leave aside the fact that we are on Fish-Man Island. Even if the Charlotte family wants revenge, what can they do? Don't forget Whitebeard, Bright."


Bright nodded slightly, "The Whitebeard Pirates will not sit back and watch the Charlotte family attack Fish-Man Island."

Although it is a bit embarrassing to say this, at least at this stage, the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates flying over Fish-Man Island is indeed the most powerful talisman of this country.

Everyone in this sea knows what will happen if they attack Whitebeard's comrades.

"What stupid things are you talking about, Brett!"

Tezzolo said anxiously, "Yes, you are located in the deep sea. It is not easy for Charlotte Lingling to seek revenge. You also have the protection of Whitebeard. Whether Charlotte Lingling dares to take action or not is a question, but -"

"Where is I?" he said angrily, "What should I do?"

Brett was startled for a moment, then nodded, "Same."

Tezoro cannot stay in the deep sea forever, and the Whitebeard Pirates will not protect him.

If he was targeted by the Charlotte family, it would almost be the end of him.

"Then you go and participate, Tezolo."

Brett smiled and said, "Remember to say hello to Charlotte Lingling for me."

"You bastard, do you want to be beaten?" Tezzolo's face turned completely gloomy.

"Okay, stop joking Brett, there is indeed a problem with the Tezolo brothers." Jinbe was a little worried.

Tezoro is the most important partner of Fish-Man Island. They have fought side by side before, and Jinbe has already regarded him as a friend.

"Then let's go."

Bright said, "There's no need to be afraid. Didn't we discuss cooperation in the past?"

"Brett, you guy-"

Tezzolo was a little moved.

Brett really would be fine even if he didn't go, but he still chose to go.

Of course for myself.

"Good job, Brett!"

Jinbe admired Bright's decision, "If you choose to give up your friends, what kind of man would you be?"

"Stop boasting, let's think about what we should do if we encounter any real problems."

Brett waved his hand.

Everyone can say nice things, but the key point is to go safely and come back safely.

"I can take people to lurk under the sea outside Cake Island first."

Jinbei said, "If something really happens, there will be someone to take care of it."

"But the water in the Sea of ​​All Nations is full of image phone bugs!" Tezzolo reminded.

"It doesn't matter, we are lurking in the deep sea. In that kind of place, the Charlotte family cannot monitor us," Jinbei said.

Bright nodded, "It would be much more peaceful if Brother Jinbei goes there too."

"But it's not enough."

He took out the phone bug and said, "Let's find some guys with real hands and eyes to help us."

"Guys with hands and eyes that reach the sky?" Tezzolo was stunned for a moment.

Does Brett still have such connections?

The call was dialed and quickly connected.

"Bright? What's the matter? Did you say that Fishman Island has finally chosen an address and is ready to move?" A somewhat old but still energetic voice came from the other end of the phone.

Jinbei was stunned for a moment, this voice was familiar to him.

"Let us think about the address for a few more years."

Bright said casually, "Now we are in trouble, Wulaoxing, please help us."

Five old stars?

Tezzolo's eyes widened.

He really has a good eye for everything.

In other words, the guy on the other side of the phone is the sky above this sea.

"Charlotte Lingling's tea party?" Wu Laoxing snorted coldly.

Of course they knew about this, after all, Stussy was there when Cracker sent out the invitation last time.

"That's it,"

Bright smiled and said, "If I really die on Cake Island, the government will definitely not offend the Charlotte family for me. Then in order to get revenge, this country can only completely surrender to the Whitebeard Pirates and then seek Whitebeard’s help.”


There was silence for a moment, "Bright, are you threatening us, you bastard?"

"I told you I'm looking for your help."

Brett smiled and said, "You don't want to see me die on Cake Island, do you? How about sending a general over?"

Of course he is not worried that he will die on Cake Island, but it will be very troublesome if there is a conflict with the Charlotte family.

"Don't say stupid things. If something really happens, CP will cooperate with you."

Wu Laoxing's voice was very cold, "But you bastard had better pay attention to your attitude in front of Charlotte Lingling. That woman is not as easy to talk to as us."

"thanks for reminding."

call ended.

Tezzolo and Jinbe looked at Bright in astonishment.

"Is there anything strange? The government, at least at this stage, doesn't want to see anything happen to me."

Bright smiled and said, "Although we won't let them start a war with the Big Mom Pirates, we can still do it with a little help."

"I felt relieved all of a sudden."

Tezzolo's back is no longer so straight. "Although the government is our ultimate enemy, it is so reassuring when they are our helpers."


Jinbei also nodded.

No matter how powerful the monsters in the new world are, the consensus of everyone in this world is that the world government is the real master of this sea.

Bright wanted to tell them about the pig-nosed thing the government did in the original movie. They had been stupid a lot.

But forget it, let them feel at ease.

"By the way, brother Jinbei, don't forget to contact the Whitebeard Pirates,"

Brett reminded, "Don't let there be any misunderstanding over there."

No matter how you say it, going to Charlotte Lingling's tea party is a kind of betrayal to the Whitebeard Pirates.

"I know, don't underestimate Whitebeard's big heart, Brett, he won't care about this kind of thing." Jinbe laughed.

"That's good."

The preparations have been completed, and you are almost ready to go.

There is still a long distance between Fishman Island and Wanguo.

But before setting off, I had to go to Charlie to say goodbye.

Miss Charlie's reply was simply, "Bon voyage."

Brett felt a little regretful that Charlotte Lingling was no longer the beauty she was when she was young, otherwise Charlie's reaction would have been more interesting.

Anyway, let's go.

Brett and Tezzolo first went to Deros Rosa, where they met up with Tanaka and Bacara under Tezzolo. The abilities of these two guys are very useful and may come in handy later.

Then they sailed to all nations.

Invisible places, under the sea, Jinbei and the Sun Pirates are also following silently.

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