One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 122 Acting School

Before, Bright received a call from Neptune.

The general content is that compared to the Charlotte family, the Whitebeard Pirates are indeed more powerful. Fish-Man Island cannot abandon the kindness of the Whitebeard Pirates for more than ten years just because of Bright.

And Whitebeard was furious because of this incident, so there was no other way. Fishman Island could only evade it and said that this was Bright's personal action. Now Whitebeard is very angry with Bright.

Because Neptune was the same person as his brother, and now his brother's family has betrayed him, and Whitebeard cannot forgive his family's betrayal.

In the end, Neptune left Bright to fend for himself.

So Charlotte Lingling, who knew the content of the call, said that Bright had been abandoned by Fish-Man Island.

Stussy looked a little weird.

Whitebeard does have a huge debt of gratitude to Fish-Man Island, and there is no doubt about the pressure brought by being the strongest man in the world.

However, Jinbei and Neptune are willing to break with the government for this guy!

Is it that easy to abandon him?

There’s weirdness, there’s definitely weirdness in this!

Stussy looked at Brett in surprise, what on earth did this guy want to do?

Then she saw a look of astonishment on Brett's face, "You know?"

Ah, I feel more and more that something is wrong.

The corner of Stussy's mouth twitched slightly.

"Hmph, don't underestimate my intelligence system."

Charlotte Lingling snorted coldly, "You want to delay time and find an opportunity to escape, right?"

Before she finished speaking, Cracker had already applauded.

As he clapped, a large number of cookie crumbs flew, and then these cookie crumbs condensed into cookie giants around Bright's table.

"Mom, do you want to kill this guy right away?"

Kelijia's words were full of impatience.

Brett looked at the cookie soldiers around him.

These soldiers look almost the same as Cracker's biscuit armor, and the strength is the same. In the original work, they can easily block the Straw Hat's attack in three blocks, but only the fourth block can break them. They are strong enough to make Doflamingo cry. tears.

Fortunately, biscuit soldiers will soften if soaked in water.

And using water is of course Bright's specialty.

"Hahahaha, is the fun finally coming?"

Morgans fluttered into the sky, and on the way he took out his phone and slapped Bright, "It's not in vain that I came all the way here!"

"Hiccup, it's such a pity. I'm still looking forward to future cooperation."

The drunken Kipotson stood up unsteadily and walked out of the gap between the biscuit soldiers.

Of course, Stussy and Lucky God also left, leaving only Bright and the others surrounded inside.

Tanaka's body was trembling. He stared at Bright, waiting for Bright's signal.

Baccarat rubbed her arms together to calm herself down.

The atmosphere was tense to the extreme.

But Brett wasn't nervous.

not at all.

He said unhappily, "In the end, it's all your fault, Big Mom. If you hadn't leaked the news, how could the Whitebeard Pirates have gotten the news so quickly?"

I really have to thank the Charlotte family here, otherwise Brett would have had to break the news himself.

"Mr. Bright, hehehe, pay attention to the way you talk to your mother, lick it."

The scepter in Perospero's hand melted and turned into syrup and flowed on the ground.

"Brother Perros, don't fight with me!"

Cracker said dissatisfiedly, "This guy is my prey!"

Perospero spread his hands and took back the syrup. These guys couldn't escape anyway, and they didn't have to compete with his brother who was all about muscles.

"Mom, mom, kid, are you saying that everything is my responsibility?"

Charlotte Lingling's long pink body moved automatically, and her expression was already as ferocious as a demon.

Bright acted very tough, "If the matter is not exposed, we can still talk about it, but now, Fish-Man Island has to face the pressure from the Whitebeard Pirates."

“Compared to the Big Mom Pirates, it’s no surprise what kind of choice Neptune would make.”

"Are you saying that I can't compare to that old man with white beard?"

Charlotte Lingling said angrily.

At the same time, a violent aura surged from her towards Bright.

Baccarat quickly grabbed Tanaka and blocked the front.

While she was moving, Bright was already one step ahead of them, standing in front of them.

I knew this would happen.

Now I just have to bite the bullet.

Baccarat, put your lucky aura to work for me!

Buzz! !

Bright's eyes widened, and an invisible aura roared out, instantly colliding with Charlotte Lingling's domineering look.

But it's not on the same level at all.

In just a moment of conflict, Brett's domineering color was compressed to the point where it was almost close to his body.

Even Bright's uncontrollable dominance can no longer radiate around.

No, we must concentrate!

The strength is much worse to begin with, and it becomes even more impossible to fight if they are spread out.

Think back to Brett, what Reilly taught you over the past month or so.

Use your will to sort out the overlord color, give it a goal, and then launch it along the track.

Reilly was right.

Bacara and Tanaka could hardly hold on any longer. If they fainted, their hope of escape would be gone.

This woman must take away the emperor's overbearing look!

That is to say, suddenly, Bright Fuli came to his heart, and the power that was originally disobedient and uncontrollable suddenly became obedient at this moment.

Focus, aim, and shoot!

The Overlord colors that were originally scattered in all directions gathered together in an instant and roared forward in a unified manner.

It sounds like a long time passed, but in reality it was only a blink of an eye.

In one second, Brett's overlord color was scattered and scattered under pressure. In the next moment, he had gathered the overlord color and then built a small barrier in the torrent.

Baccarat and Tanaka were breathing heavily, their eyes full of fear, and they were almost dead.

Blake also breathed a sigh of relief.

Baccarat, forever a god!

He had no doubt that the reason why he was able to master the control method of Overlord's Haki at this critical moment by chance was because of Baccarat's lucky ability.

Even if she didn't master this skill, some other accident would definitely happen to save her from disaster.

"Overlord color?"

Stussy was stunned for a moment.

This guy actually possesses domineering aura?

"Although it was difficult, it did block my mother's domineering look!" Perospero was equally astonished.

"It was through the confrontation with my mother that my overlord color evolved."

Katakuri stepped forward, "And-"

He remembered what Cracker had said to him before when he came back.

"Mom, what are we going to do with this guy? Do you want me to take him down first?"

Katakuri stared at Bright, his right arm began to melt and turned into a white rice cake ball.

The tall and strong body is ready for attack, just like a cheetah that has locked its prey and is ready to attack.

The Haki that can peek into the future is already in action, and he will lock onto any movement of the man in front of him.

This time Cracker didn't say anything.

"You can come and try it!"

Bright's body was already filled with electric light.

The battle is about to break out.



The next moment, Katakuri was stunned.

"What's wrong? Katakuri?"

Perospero asked in surprise, had he seen a not-so-good future?

"There's something wrong with this guy!" Katakuri's voice was deep.

He had indeed successfully glimpsed the future, there was no doubt about it.

But what he saw from his glimpse into the future was extraordinary.

He couldn't dodge the attack of the man in front of him, but the guy named Bright was able to dodge his attack.

Cracker said that this kid can also peek into the future. Does it mean that the future he can see is better than his own?

Katakuri hadn't been as shocked as he was at this moment in a long time.

Of course, Bright can't peep into the future, but he can hear sounds, sounds of attack, sounds of defense, sounds of dodge, and then adapt to the situation through extraordinary reflexes.

After listening to Katakuri's voice for a moment, Bright understood that this guy probably couldn't stop himself and others from escaping.

Very good, if you can ensure safety, you can perform as you like.

"Something's wrong?"

Charlotte Lingling's domineering look gradually subsided, "He is also the owner of the domineering look, and let Katakuri say such things. It seems that he is relying on him. No wonder he is very courageous."

"There's no point in saying anything else now, is there?"

Bright said calmly, "I angered the Whitebeard Pirates, and Fishman Island also pushed me out."

He smiled sarcastically, "We can't even wait for Whitebeard now."

"If you want to take action, feel free to come over, Charlotte Lingling. Of course, I will resist with all my strength."

Tezzolo couldn't help but turn his head and look at Brett in shock.

This guy might become famous if he acted in a movie with me.

Brett was not speaking blindly, but was adjusting his tone and demeanor while listening to Charlotte Lingling's heart.


"Mom, mom, these homeless puppies are so pitiful!"

Charlotte Lingling suddenly laughed, "Then do you want me to give you a place to stay?"

Brett tried hard not to raise the corners of his mouth.

It's that simple.

The Pirate Emperors have a common hobby, which is to recruit talents.

Kaido and Whitebeard are the most obvious examples of this.

Charlotte Lingling and Blackbeard followed closely behind.

The Charlotte family grew through constant marriages, connections with forces, and recruitment of talents.

He is obviously a talent.

And more importantly, for Charlotte Lingling, she was rejected by Fish-Man Island. Of course she was angry.

But it's strange that he was also abandoned by Fish-Man Island, and now the two sides are on the same side.

In this case, I know that even if Bright is killed, the situation on Fish-Man Island will not change in any way.

How would Charlotte Lingling choose?

Especially when it was discovered that Bright had extraordinary strength!

What would she choose?

Stussy was a little stunned.

I now understand a little bit what Brett is thinking.

This would not only prevent Fish-Man Island from losing its friendship with the Whitebeard Pirates, but also prevent it from becoming enemies with the Charlotte family.

Wouldn't it be enough to split it in two?

It's really yours, Brett!

Brett was stunned, and then he said in a deep voice, "Are you serious? Big Mom, this means that you and Whitebeard will be at odds."

"Mom, mom! Do you think I'm afraid of that damn old man?"

Her Majesty the Queen of the Charlotte family laughed loudly, "If I have my mother to protect you, just feel free to worry--"

"Bru buru buru."

Suddenly, Brett's phone rang.

He looked at Charlotte Lingling, then took out his phone and answered the call.


Neptune's solemn voice came from the other end of the phone, "Someone wants to talk to you. Anyway, be prepared."

The appearance of the phone bug changed and turned into another phone bug.

Probably at this time, the person in front of the phone bug was no longer a person, but really another phone bug.

"Bright, right?"

The voice was deep and deep, exuding an unruly domineering air, but at the same time, it had an age that was difficult to conceal.

"I heard that your boy wants to help Lingling seize Fish-Man Island from me?"

"This voice is-"

Before Brett could speak, Charlotte Lingling strode closer. She sneered, "Newgate!"

"Lingling! I see, are you with that boy?"

The white-bearded voice on the other end of the phone turned colder, "Hand over that kid. You want your family to leave my side. I can't tolerate this kind of behavior."

"Mom, mom, you still value your family so much, Newgate!"

Charlotte Lingling laughed loudly, "But don't even think about it, this kid is under my protection now!"

"If you want to touch him, be prepared to fight with me, Newgate!"

She glanced at Brett.

Brett opened his lips slightly, gave her a smile, and then hung up the phone.

When Whitebeard asks her to hand him over, what will Charlotte Lingling choose?

Of course it is impossible to compromise.

After all, it was in front of so many guests.

Moreover, it is impossible for Whitebeard to really start a war with the Charlotte family because of a boy who was abandoned by Fish-Man Island.

Kozuki Oden's guy is Whitebeard's sworn brother. He was killed by Kaido. Didn't Whitebeard still stand still?

No matter how you think about it, you are guaranteed to make money without losing money, that’s what Charlotte Lingling probably thinks.

That's what Brett wanted her to think.

“I can only say thank you BIG·MOM!”

Bright said very sincerely, "If I really have to face the pressure of the Whitebeard Pirates, I'm afraid I will have no choice but to flee to the world in embarrassment."

"Mommy mommy!"

Charlotte Lingling laughed loudly, "That old man with white beard attaches great importance to his family, but I actually do the same!"

"Bright, as long as you become my family, I will always protect you!"

"She is so reliable and worthy of being the queen of all nations."

Brett's answer made Charlotte Lingling smile.

Although I can't take the entire Fishman Island into my hands, it's good to have a strong family.

She had already begun to consider which daughter she would marry to Bright.

But at this time, Blake did not agree directly, but continued.

"But before that, please let me go back to Fish-Man Island."

"Are you kidding your mother?" Cracker said angrily.

"No, just because I stay in Ten Thousand Kingdoms will not make any difference. It will only attract the prying eyes of the Whitebeard Pirates."

Brett said, "But if I return to Fish-Man Island, I can try to take that country away from Neptune."

This sentence hit Charlotte Lingling's heart, and her eyes immediately lit up, "Is it okay?"

"I guess I still have some reputation on Fish-Man Island. I think you, Big Mom, should also know this."

Bright said, "I have an army and a large number of supporters on Fishman Island. It is not difficult to seize power from Neptune."

"The only troublesome thing is the government's opinion, so you might have to be careful."

Stussy, who came to represent the government's opinions, watched Bright's performance blankly.

"Mom, mom, isn't this great?"

Charlotte Lingling laughed loudly. It would be great if she could hold Fish-Man Island in her hands. "Well, Brett, do you want me to send someone to help you?"

Of course, I still feel a little worried.

"No need," Bright shook his head, "The Fish-Man Island is located in the deep sea, and even a strong man like Katakuri will be in danger."

"And if we provide direct assistance, the government will definitely send people to intervene. If the internal affairs issue becomes a conflict between the government and the pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates will definitely not sit idly by."

Bright said, "It turned into a full-scale conflict between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Charlotte family. I cannot bear the blame."

"Even Brother Jinbei, who may remain neutral because of his relationship with me, may tilt towards Neptune because of this. After all, the Whitebeard Pirates have always adhered to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of Fish-Man Island."

Charlotte Lingling nodded slightly.

Also, if Whitebeard or Kaido sends people to start a rebellion in the territory she likes, she will definitely not sit idly by.

And Jinbei's attitude is indeed very crucial.

Even if the sons and daughters of the mermaids are sent to the Fishman Island, there is nothing that can stop this guy from doing what he wants to do.

Anyway, you have chosen to believe this kid, so just believe it to the end.

"BIG·MOM, please help me contain the Whitebeard Pirates in the new world."

Brett said seriously, "I'll handle the rest myself."

"Mom, mom, of course there won't be a problem!"

Charlotte Lingling laughed.

Ah, Lingling, she was completely manipulated by the applause.

Stussy sighed inwardly.

The young people today are really amazing.

He has a good handle on Lingling's psychology.

Brett also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Wasn't this a success?

"Just go ahead and do it, Brett, I will always be your strongest support!" Charlotte Lingling laughed.

Brett smiled and replied, "Leave it to me. I just hope that if I fail and have nothing, there will still be a place for me on Cake Island."

"Isn't that of course!"

Charlotte Lingling laughed.

But he didn't say anything about marrying his daughter to Bright.

"Mom, Mom! There is a big event today. Let's make the tea party more enjoyable!"

The conflict disappeared in this way, and then it was time for a happy banquet.

Tezzolo looked at Bright's back blankly.

Brett, my best friend, maybe you really are an acting genius!

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