The banquet is going on happily.

Brett was invited to their table by Charlotte Lingling and enjoyed the banquet with the senior leaders of the Charlotte family.

Charlotte Lingling's attitude became quite amiable, like a kind old lady next door, chatting and laughing happily with Brett.

Her performance made the other cadres at the table look unhappy, but they couldn't say anything.

After all, the entire Charlotte family belongs to Charlotte Lingling.

While chatting with Charlotte Lingling, Brett reviewed the actions of the past two days.

In the final analysis, Charlotte Lingling just wanted to use herself to threaten Fish-Man Island, and when she lost this value, the threat was no longer valid.

The general idea is to make Charlotte Lingling mistakenly think that she is desperate, and only by taking refuge in her can she save herself.

I went to find Brother Jinbei in advance and asked him to contact Neptune and the Whitebeard Pirates in the sea far away from the world.

Ask Neptune to cooperate, explain the situation to Whitebeard and ask him to call at the appropriate time.

That's enough.

When Charlotte Lingling knew that even if she killed herself, she would not be able to take over Fish-Man Island, but instead would be doing Whitebeard a favor, it is self-evident what choice she would make.

Show your value a little more, and this is a sure win.

By this time, Baccarat and Tanaka were basically useless, or so Bright was convinced.

But it's not over yet. If you are forced to stay on Cake Island, then any plan will be meaningless.

So Bright has to go back to Fish-Man Island to seize that country.

Charlotte Lingling will hesitate, but she will think that she has nothing to lose.

If her action succeeds, she can seize Fish-Man Island. If it fails, she will just maintain the status quo.

So why not give it a try?

After all, he must rely on her "protection". The basic trust was already achieved when she decided to protect herself. Human beings always tend to trust those they have helped.

Moreover, it doesn't matter even if Charlotte Lingling doesn't want to let her go. She can just find a chance to escape. Even if Tanaka faints because she can't hold back her domineering lust, it's time to wake up now. If she can't hold on to death, things will come back to her. origin.

With Baccarat and Tanaka here, even if Charlotte Lingling wanted to kill herself and others, it would not be easy. She could run away anytime she wanted, either mentally or not, so she didn't panic at all.

As for wanting to 'take refuge' in the Charlotte family, Brett doesn't have any psychological burden.

After all, Fish-Man Island has now surrendered to both the World Government and the Whitebeard Pirates.

When you are weak, you always cannot control your own destiny.

While chatting and laughing, Brett even talked about business with Charlotte Lingling.

For example, Fishman Island can provide them with cheap ores and the like.

His sincerity was fully demonstrated, at least Charlotte Lingling smiled happily.

Brett then said that he hopes to get help from the Charlotte family when he encounters trouble. At the same time, he will do his best when the Charlotte family needs help.

This is pure nonsense. What can the Charlotte family do that they need him to help with?

But Charlotte Lingling was happy about it.

The atmosphere of the tea party was very harmonious, and the representative of it was the table where Tezzolo was sitting.

Notwithstanding Kiposen, who had said he wanted to do it before, even the cold-faced God of Fortune now said with a smile that he wanted to cooperate with Tezzolo.

Stussy maintained a smile on her face, but it was difficult for outsiders to know what she was thinking.

I always feel that it has developed into a very troublesome situation.

Not only did Fish-Man Island not break up with the Whitebeard Pirates, but it also became related to the Charlotte family.

Forget it, leave this matter to the people above to worry about it. As for you, just enjoy the banquet now.

Stussi picked up a piece of dessert with a fork and stuffed it into her mouth. The sweet taste made her narrow her eyes in happiness.

"Ah, it's so delicious!"

At the table where Charlotte Lingling was sitting, the conversation between her and Bright continued.

"Keep today's matter a secret, Big Mom."

Bright suggested, "The government probably doesn't want to see me capture Fish-Man Island."

"No problem at all."

Charlotte Lingling nodded casually, "Katakuri, remember to take good care of my friends from now on."


Katakuri nodded, his eyes looking at Bright.

Brett smiled back.

"Tch, this bastard."

Cracker at the same table snorted, looking very unhappy.

I originally thought that today would be a battle, but I didn't expect that it would end up like this.

"But is this guy really trustworthy?"

Charlotte Smoothie, who was a bit too tall and was the youngest among the senior cadres, said lazily in a low voice.

"Abandoned by his compatriots, hated by Whitebeard, without the protection of his mother, where should he go?"

Perospero lowered his voice, "Besides, there's nothing to lose by giving it a try, right?"

Katakuri just crossed his arms and said nothing. He didn't take off his scarf and had no intention of eating.

He always looks so cold in front of others.

The tea party ended like this.

Very satisfying for Charlotte Lingling.

Brett was also very satisfied.

It did not bring any threat to Fish-Man Island, but instead established a cooperative relationship with the Charlotte family.

It didn't cause any trouble to Whitebeard, at least it didn't cause any big trouble. He just let him make a phone call.

Tezzolo's career does not need to be threatened. It can still develop normally. It can even develop faster thanks to the connections of the Charlotte family.

But of course, this kind of deception probably won't last long.

But it doesn't matter, it's much better than falling out directly.

At least we can buy it for a year or two.

At that time, both himself and Fish-Man Island will become stronger.

I hope that by then we won’t have to rack our brains so much to make compromises.

After the banquet, Bright went to Charlotte Lingling to say goodbye.

"Don't let me down, Brett."

Charlotte Lingling smiled and said, "I have two daughters who are mermaids. If you do a good job, I can choose one of them to marry you."

Charlotte Praline and Charlotte Prim, right.

Brett replied, "Then I'll just look forward to it."

"Mom, Mom! I won't let you down! Both of them are very good girls!"

In this way, the four Brights arrived peacefully and immediately left peacefully.

Perospero drove them to the port in a carriage.

In the car, the man said with a smile,

"Bright, don't let mom down, otherwise, mom will definitely be very angry."

"Do not worry."

Brett said with a smile.

Of course she will be disappointed in the end.

"That's good, that's good, lick it." Of course, what Perospero understood was another meaning.

Arriving at the port smoothly, the four people in the boat gradually left the waters of Wanguo.

"Phew—you've escaped death!"

As soon as he left Cake Island and before he completely left the waters of the world, Tezzolo sat down on the deck.

"Bright, you guy, there's obviously no need to do this!"

There was no need to come. With the intimidation of the Whitebeard Pirates and its location in the deep sea, Fish-Man Island would not be threatened.

Even after knowing Charlotte Lingling's purpose, Tanaka could be allowed to take them away.

It's just that both of these choices will make your situation very difficult.

Tezzolo was very emotional.

"I owe you a big favor this time," he said.

"Don't say stupid things."

Brett smiled and said, "I also want to cooperate with the Charlotte family."

Although Charlotte Lingling is not a good person, she can probably be used to contain the government.

"Hmm, maybe."

Tezzolo leaned against the side of the boat, looked at the sea, and hummed with a smile.

"Anyway, let's go meet up with Brother Jinbei first."

After the boat was completely far away from the sea area of ​​​​Wangoku, and the sound of the video phone bug was no longer heard, ripples appeared on the sea surface, and Jinbei and the members of the Sun Pirates came out of the water.

They are also tracking Bright and others through life cards.

"It looks like the plan was successful."

Jinping Road.

"Barely successful."

Brett said, "But then I have to ask Tipton to perform a play with me."

"That's easy, until then, Brett."

Jinbei said seriously, "Daddy Whitebeard wants to see you."

"White beard?"

Brett was stunned for a moment.

"The Whitebeard Pirates are in the nearby waters!"

Jinbei said solemnly, "After Whitebeard Dad found out what happened, he was very worried about what would happen to Fish-Man Island, so he came over."

Brett was shocked.

Is this Whitebeard?

"Of course, no problem. I've wanted to meet him for a long time, the strongest man in the world!" Brett replied.

"Can I go too?"

Tezzolo also became excited, "Whitebeard, the most legendary figure on the sea! I also want to meet him!"


Thanks to book friend ‘20220801073501876’ for the 500-point reward!

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