One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 124 Whitebeard Pirates

Brett really didn't expect Whitebeard to be so generous.

It was clearly promised that just calling Charlotte Lingling would be enough to stimulate her rebellious psychology, but he actually came over.

What else can I say? For his kindness, I must go and say thank you to him in person.

Bright and others immediately turned the boat around and followed Jinbei to look for the Whitebeard Pirates.

At almost the same moment, Marie Joa, among the powers that be.

"That guy is really good at it!"

Of course, the Five Old Stars have received information from Stussy.

Charlotte Lingling did warn her friends not to leak out what happened at today's banquet. Even Morgans obeyed, but Stussy, who was an agent by profession, was certainly not among them.

"I'm afraid it was a play with Whitebeard,"

The bearded Wulaoxing said with a headache, "Charlotte Lingling believed too much in the intelligence she obtained, and ended up being misled."

"What a troublesome guy. I originally wanted to drive a wedge between Fish-Man Island and the Whitebeard Pirates, but I didn't expect this guy to save the day like this."

The blond Wu Laoxing sighed.

The government was not joking when it said it wanted to help. Stusy brought several people there in order to help Bright in extreme circumstances.

But of course, their primary goal is to try to drive a wedge between Fish-Man Island and Fish-Man Island. This was Stussy's impromptu decision after knowing Charlotte Lingling's true plan.

"So, do you want to expose that guy's lies?"

The bald and bearded Wulaoxing said, "If we have anything to do with the Charlotte family, Fish-Man Island will be a bit too troublesome."

"I think this might be an opportunity."

The bearded Wulaoxing said, "You can influence the actions of the Charlotte family through that kid. Moreover, how long can the lie last? If we maintain the status quo first, we will have a handle on that guy."


The bald Five Old Star nodded, "You can send him on this condition."

"Actually, what I'm more concerned about is that that guy, Brett, has a domineering aura."

The sword-wielding Five Old Star had a low voice, "Have you forgotten about the disappearance of Tom the Fishman before? The escorting CP agent suddenly lost consciousness. Will the two of them -"

The blond Wulaoxing looked at him in astonishment and said, "How do you connect these two things? Whether that guy Brett knows about Tom is a question. Is that guy Dorag more suspicious than Brett?" "

"The difference is that we can't explore Dorag, but we can on Fish-Man Island," the sword-wielding Five Old Star said calmly, "Pluto's design must not fall into the hands of anyone! Even if it is only 100% Don’t let go of the possibility, let CP sneak into the Fish-Man Island and investigate it carefully!”

"It doesn't matter, since you insist."

While the Five Old Stars were having their regular meeting, in another sea area of ​​​​the new world, there was a country called Wano Country, and behind the high cliffs, in the inland sea, there was a small island called Onigashima.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, fish-man island is going to join the Charlotte family?"

The man was flipping through a newspaper. Because he was relatively secluded, the newspaper came a little late. "It's really interesting. That guy seems to have fallen into the trap of the Charlotte family."

"Bright, don't die before I get my revenge."

"Uh-huh, JOKER, where have you been? Come here!"

"Hey, don't worry, Kaido, am I here?"

On Bright's side, they sailed around the Sea of ​​All Nations for most of the day, and finally, an island appeared on the sea ahead.

It was an uninhabited desert island. Visible to the naked eye, a large ship was docked at the edge of the island.

"Is there Whitebeard after Big Mom?"

Baccarat licked her lips nervously, "This trip is really exciting."

"There's only one Kaido left."

Tezzolo smiled and said, "But that guy usually stays in Wano Country and only comes out occasionally when he wants to commit suicide. It is probably difficult to meet him."

"The sea has begun to call the three of them the emperors of the sea. They are three monsters who rule the new world like emperors!"

In fact, there is another redhead. However, although redheads have been on the rise in the past two years, they are still some distance away from these three monsters. We have to wait for a few more years. In about four years, that guy will fill the final spot in the new world. The power vacancy became the new emperor.

Brett let go of his emotions, and the sounds from the island over there came over.

It's really amazing. It's a much more powerful voice than Charlotte Lingling.

Even if they are both emperors, of course they are also strong and weak.

"Jinbei, and Aladdin, you are finally here! Dad can't wait to have a banquet!"

As soon as the boat approached the island, a big bird wrapped in blue flames flew up from the sky, and then circled in the sky, first saying hello to the Sun Pirates in the sea.

"Hahahaha, I'm sorry, it took me a little extra time because I had to avoid the waters of all nations." Jinbei laughed.

"You didn't keep dad waiting in a hurry, did you?" Aladdin said.

"It's okay, dad won't be angry about this kind of thing."

Firebird looked down at Bright and the others, and finally his eyes rested on Bright.

"Yes, Brett, right?"

The firebird had a human smile on his face.

"It's me, Mr. Marco."

Brett smiled and replied, "I kept you waiting."

"Let's go, dad said he wants to see you!"

The Phoenix spread its wings and flew towards the island not far away, dragging its long and gorgeous tail feathers.

The boat also accelerated, and soon it reached the shore. It bypassed the huge whale-shaped ship docked nearby, and only then did Bright see the situation on the shore clearly.

The bonfire was burning. Next to the bonfire, a group of people were singing and dancing. The table on one side was filled with food and drinks.

Farther away, chefs were cooking hard on makeshift stoves.

When Bright and others disembarked from the ship and landed, cheers rang out from the people on the shore and the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"The fishman guy who gave Charlotte Lingling a hard time is here!!"

Laughter and cheers came almost simultaneously.

"It's amazing, Brother Bright, that cunning woman Charlotte Lingling rarely suffers!"

"Hahahaha, you completely fooled that old woman around!"

"I'm looking forward to that woman's expression when she knows the truth! It will be interesting!"

Very enthusiastic. The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates were very enthusiastic. They came over to talk to Bright as if they were familiar with it, wanting to know the whole story of the Cake Island incident.

"Okay, you idiot sons, aren't you troubled by the fact that you don't see the guests?"

A deep and deep voice sounded, and the crowd immediately fell silent, and then consciously separated to make way for them.

Brett raised his head. In front of him, the strongest man in the world was sitting on his large chair.

"Dad, it's really thanks to your help this time!"

Jinbe walked up to Whitebeard and said solemnly, "Otherwise Fish-Man Island will really get into big trouble."

"What a stupid thing to say,"

At this time, the white beard with still hair curled up his mouth and said in disgust, "I just helped make a phone call from the beginning to the end. It's you, it's this kid-"

He looked at Brett, who was walking this way, and said, "Your efforts."

Bright and Tezolo walked towards Whitebeard together, flanked by the famous captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Without exception, everyone had a kind smile on their face.

Even a certain fat black man.

"But no matter what, we have to say sorry to you, Senior Whitebeard, and then say thank you."

Brett stood in front of Whitebeard and said seriously.

I'm sorry because after all, I got involved with the Charlotte family and betrayed the Whitebeard Pirates to a certain extent.

Thank you because Whitebeard doesn't care about this, and is willing to help, even coming all the way here!

"That's right, Dad,"

Jinbei also solemnly said, "Thank you so much this time!"

"Kulalalalala! That kind of thing doesn't matter! Fishman Island is the place where I want to take shelter. You saved me some trouble, so I should say thank you to you."

Whitebeard glanced at Bright, and then laughed, "Besides, you really played a trick on Lingling, and I'm actually very happy!"

What a magnificent man.

Brett sighed inwardly.

And very Asashi.

"So, let's have a party! Kula La La La! For the stupidity of that idiot Lingling!"


So, the banquet started.

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