One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 125 Guidance, Return, Acting

This is how the lively banquet began.

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates are generally very enthusiastic. After a few glasses of wine, they were already hooking up with Bright.

"Hahahaha, what a great job! In my memory, Charlotte Lingling has never been so embarrassed for a long time!"

The man nicknamed Foil, who had been following Whitebeard for a long time, said to Bright with a smile, "Even Roger avoided a head-on confrontation with her back then and just stole the road sign from her hand. !”

"Hahahaha, Brett, you did something that even Roger couldn't do!"

Brett felt a little embarrassed, "It's just a little cleverness. It actually has no impact on Charlotte Lingling."

"Besides, it's not that Roger can't do it, he just doesn't want to do it."

Given the configuration of the Roger Pirates at that time, why should Charlotte Lingling, whose children have not yet grown up, fight against them?

Probably Roger didn't want to bully orphans and widowed mothers.

\u0026quot;Speaking of Roger,\u0026quot;

Tezzolo, who was constantly talking to the members of the Whitebeard Pirates to expand his network, suddenly turned his head. He looked at Whitebeard, who was chatting with Jinbe, Aladdin and others, then lowered his voice and asked cautiously but excitedly, "Who is more powerful, Senior Whitebeard or Roger?"

The officers of the Whitebeard Pirates were stunned for a moment.

"What's wrong?"

Tezzolo was shocked, wondering if he had asked something he couldn't ask.

However, everyone on the sea is very concerned about this issue, right?

Those are Whitebeard and the Pirate King!

"Hahahaha! And because of what you want to ask!"

Then, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates laughed loudly, "Isn't this nonsense? Dad is the strongest! No one can beat him!"

Now it was Tezzolo's turn to be stunned.

Then he couldn't help but smile.

The atmosphere is so harmonious.

"Don't say anything stupid, boys."

At this time, Whitebeard, who was drinking heavily with Jinbei, smiled and said, he said with some nostalgia, "That guy Roger has the most powerful power in the world. Nothing can stop him. He was born to destroy the entire world." The sea is in an uproar.”

He recalled the time when Roger and his gang were rampaging on the sea, and even the invincible Rocks Pirates were scattered by them.

"But of course,"

He changed the topic and said with a heroic smile, "He can't even try to beat me!"


Cheerful laughter rang out under the night sky, and the red bonfire made the smiles on everyone's faces seem to become even brighter.

"Isn't that natural?"

Captain Sachi of the Fourth Squadron laughed and said, "Even the Pirate King can only compete with Dad!"

Brett couldn't help but smile.

I really want to see that era when two peerless prides complement each other.

His eyes searched the crowd, and then landed on a fat black man with a smile on his face.

Will this guy in the future join Straw Hat and repeat the story of Roger and Whitebeard's fight?

of course not.

I won't give him this chance.

With such a friendship between Whitebeard, how could he still suffer the same ending as in the original work?

But how to change it?

Directly telling Whitebeard that he has a son with different intentions?

It will definitely be blown away by a shock fist.

Blackbeard has been following Whitebeard since he was a teenager. It has been more than ten years now. This trust and friendship cannot be shaken by one word.

Even if he admits that he has the ability to read minds.

But there is no need to worry, the Dark Fruit will appear in seven or eight years.

There is time and opportunity, and the worst case scenario is to find a way to cut off the Dark Fruit. In that case, as he said himself, Blackbeard will have no choice but to accept his fate and stay on Whitebeard's ship for the rest of his life.

"Hey, kid,"

While Bright was deep in thought, Whitebeard's powerful voice sounded.

Brett raised his head and looked at Whitebeard.

"It was really beautifully done this time,"

Whitebeard looked at Bright, his expression was cold and calm, "But don't do such stupid things again in the future."

Brett was a little stunned.

"I protect Fish-Man Island. If you encounter any threats, you just want to deal with them yourself. Are you looking down on me?" The strongest man in the world said angrily.

Brett's eyes opened slightly.

"What dad means is,"

Marco, who was sitting cross-legged on the side, said seriously, "Bright, we understand that you don't want to cause trouble to Dad, and we are looking forward to watching you become stronger and able to solve problems, but we really encounter something difficult. , don’t forget us.”

"Neptune is a person that dad treats like a brother. Jinbe also calls dad daddy, so Fish-Man Island is also our family."

Brett breathed a sigh of relief slowly, then nodded with a smile, "I understand."

"Kula la la la! Very good!"

Whitebeard laughed loudly, "Then tonight, everyone can enjoy the banquet to the fullest! Anyone who is unhappy is my enemy!"


What an amazing family led by an amazing man.

Brett raised his wine glass high. No wonder so many people risked their lives because of his words.

The lively banquet lasted until late into the night, with everyone laughing and making fun, and finally fell to the ground in a mess.

When Bright woke up, it was already noon the next day. At this time, not many people had woken up. Even Tezzolo and Jinbe were still lying on the ground and smashing their mouths.

"You are in good health, kid."

Whitebeard's voice sounded.

Brett turned his head, and Whitebeard was already sitting aside and starting to drink again.

"well enough,"

Brett stretched, "But it's not enough."

"Hmph, it's not hard to see."

Whitebeard glanced at him, "There was a desire to become powerful in his eyes."

Brett smiled.

Of course you have to become stronger.

In this world, only the strong have the capital to be calm.

"But I don't hate it at all," Whitebeard said leisurely, "It's easier for ambitious men to survive in this sea."

"Boy, work hard to become stronger." He looked at the sea. "Both Jinbei and Neptune said that you are the future of Fish-Man Island. Disappointing your family is not what a man should do."


Brett nodded.

Then a smile appeared on his face, "So, Senior Whitebeard, can you tell me the principle of Overlord's Color Entanglement?"

Whitebeard glanced at Bright, "A kid who hasn't learned to walk yet wants to learn to run?"

Although Bright believed that he was no longer weak, in front of Whitebeard, his evaluation would not be biased.

"There's no point in just saying it. How about trying it yourself?"

Whitebeard clenched his fist, and black lightning flashed from his fist.

Brett swallowed.

This is the fist of Whitebeard on his tail at his peak!

"Then, give it a try?"

After everyone woke up and had lunch together, it was time to part ways.

On the Moby Dick, Sage Foil and others waved goodbye, "Goodbye, Jinbei, Bright! And Tezzolo, let's have a party together next time!"

"Oh!! It's agreed!!"

Tezoro, who felt he was related to the Whitebeard Pirates, responded enthusiastically.

It wasn't until the boat moved forward that he couldn't see the people on the opposite boat anymore that he turned back with a satisfied look on his face, "They are indeed the Whitebeard Pirates! What an amazing group of pirates!"


He turned to look at Brett, "Why do you look like you're going to die?"

Bright's face was very pale, and he sat weakly on the deck. He struggled to smile, "It's nothing, I got some pointers from Senior Whitebeard."


Aboard Moby Dick.

"Dad, what are you laughing at?"

"Kura La La La, what an interesting boy! It seems that Jinbe and Neptune's expectations will not be disappointed."

Sailing forward around the Ten Thousand Kingdoms again, he parted ways with Tezolo before returning to Dros Rosabret, and returned to Fishman Island from the sea with the Sun Pirates.

It took a while to get back.

When Bright returned to Fish-Man Island, the whole island was a little boiling.

The World Economic Society's newspaper was also circulated on the island before, and people were talking a lot. Is Fish-Man Island really going to surrender to the Charlotte family?

But of course, in the follow-up, Bright was abandoned by Fishman Island because Charlotte Lingling's secret did not spread.

But that alone is exciting enough.

The Whitebeard Pirates have protected Fish-Man Island for more than ten years!

After knowing that Bright was back, Aaron ran to Bright's office immediately.

"I accept that I will no longer accept the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates, but there is no need to seek refuge in Big Mom!" He expressed his opinion loudly, "We are already strong enough and we don't need to rely on anyone else!"

Brett didn't even bother to answer his question, "Help me mobilize a group of people."

Aaron was stunned, "What's wrong? Are there enemies again?"

Bright said, "I want to take them to Dragon Palace City."


Aaron was confused for a moment, and then he was overjoyed, "Brett, have you finally figured it out and want to take action against Neptune?"

Brett rolled his eyes, "It's just a show. Anyway, go get some help, brother Aaron."


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