One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 126 Acting? exercise! Fooling Charlotte-Lingling

Acting, of course.

After telling Charlotte Lingling that she was going to come back to seize Fish-Man Island, she couldn't just pretend that nothing happened and stand still.

You have to let her know that you have started taking action.

Bright had no doubt that as long as the noise was a little louder, even what happened on Fish-Man Island would reach Charlotte Lingling's ears in the blink of an eye.

Although it may be weaker than the CP system, the Charlotte family's intelligence capabilities are equally extraordinary.

Although he didn't understand what Bright was up to, Aaron immediately called a team of people for Bright.

A whole group, a thousand people, plus several sea beasts.

When Bright appeared in front of them, a captain couldn't help but ask, "Director, do we really want to go to Dragon Palace City?"


Brett nodded.

People talk a lot, and it’s hard to explain anything now.

"I see."

The captain seemed to really understand something. He gritted his teeth and nodded heavily.

"Please give the order, Director Bright! We are at your disposal at any time!"

"That's right!!"

Others shouted back at the same time.

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth.

You have to explain it to them later, otherwise these guys may really think that they want Qingjun to sidestep the Imperial Guard succession law.

"Anyway, let's go."

Bright got on the leviathan's head.

Other warriors also boarded the sea beasts one after another.

The sea beasts who had already set up their coated swimming rings in advance flew upwards, heading towards the Dragon Palace City above Fish-Man Island.

Of course, this scene was seen by the residents of Fishman Island.

So after the previous discussions, now the residents are beginning to panic.

"What happened? What does Director Bright want to do?"

"Is it because of the conflict between the Charlotte family and the Whitebeard Pirates that there is a gap between Director Bright and King Neptune?"

"It's possible. King Neptune prefers Whitebeard, but Director Bright went to meet Big Mom!"

"How could something like this happen? This country has finally made some progress!! What will happen next!"

Uneasiness and panic began to spread among the residents of Fish-Man Island.

This is also a matter of course.

People are worried that a civil war is coming, and that the prosperous life that finally arrived on Fish-Man Island will be destroyed.

Mermaid Cafe.

"Charlie!! Why are you still settling accounts at this time!!"

The mermaid ladies have surrounded Charlie, "Only you can stop Brother Black now, go and tell that fool to stop messing around with your childhood sweetheart's fist!!"

“It’s obviously hard for this country to see the light!”

Charlie put down her pen and shook her head.

"Ah? Are you trying to say that even you can't stop him?"

A mermaid lady said sadly, "Men are really unreliable. Once they have power, they want to do whatever they want!"

"What stupid thing are you talking about?"

Charlie rolled her eyes, "I mean you don't have to do anything, Brett won't let you down!"


Bright led the team and soon arrived in front of Dragon Palace City.

Outside the gate of Dragon Palace City, the soldiers of Dragon Palace City had already gathered, and they were waiting with weapons in hand.

"Director Bright! What do you want to do!!"

Shark Star, holding a trident, stood majestically in front of Bright, and he asked loudly.

Bright noticed that invisible waves were wrapped around his trident.

Has this kid awakened his armed color?

Brett was a little happy, he knew this was Shark Star deliberately showing it to him.

Brett lowered his voice and said calmly, "I just want to have a good chat with Neptune."

"Bringing so many people over here in such an aggressive manner is not the right attitude for a chat!" Shark Star spoke righteously.

"So, do you want to stop me?" Brett sneered.

"Just let him come over!"

At this time, the gate of Dragon Palace City opened and Neptune floated out.

Jinbe followed him and joined him.

"If you want to chat, come in. It's so tense right now!"

Neptune shouted.


Brett nodded happily, and then said to his subordinates, "Wait for me here."

He and Neptune entered the palace alone.

The remaining soldiers stood ready.

Just wait for Director Bright's order.

Shark Star sighed helplessly.

Although he knew it was an act, the soldiers and citizens didn't know that.

I'm really sorry, I can only frighten them.

Boom boom!

Suddenly there was a huge explosion in the palace, and a whole part of the palace was blown away.

Whether it was the soldiers from Dragon Palace City or the soldiers from the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau, they all clenched their weapons at this time.

Just waiting for an order.

But at this time inside the palace.

"Not bad, Brett,"

Jinbei laughed loudly, "My strength has improved a lot compared to before!"

Bright's body was jumping with electric light, and his arms were already dark, "I haven't gone all out yet, brother Jinbei, can't you hold on anymore?"

"You're too arrogant, kid!"

Jinbe laughed and rushed towards Bright.

The two were indeed fighting, but it was different from what people outside thought.

"You two, please be careful!"

Neptune, who was watching from the side, said with some distress, "This is the palace that has been passed down from generation to generation on Fish-Man Island! You don't need to go to this level for acting!"

"Think of it as a renovation!"

Bright exchanged punches with Jinbei again, and then the two of them retreated.

"That's it. It should be almost done."

Jinbei said, "Now it's time for Princess Otohime to take action."

"Is there really no problem?"

Neptune said doubtfully, "It will cause huge panic."

"You have to trust your princess, Neptune."

Brett smiled and said, "As long as Princess Otohime cries, everyone will believe her."

Jinbei nodded in agreement, "Princess Otohime has that kind of ability."

"Hey, what you two bastards said is very rude!"

Soon, outside the tense gate of Dragon Palace City, the two sides, who had become more anxious because the battle in the palace had stopped, suddenly heard the sound of the door opening.

Then they saw Bright Neptune and Jinbe walking out.

Bright and Neptune both had smiles on their faces.

"Hahahaha, take off your guard!"

Brett laughed and said, "Today's drill was a success!"

"Yes, there is no need to be alert anymore."

Neptune also smiled and said, "This is just an exercise that Brett and I agreed on."

Both sides relaxed their guard, but doubts still lingered in their minds.

Is this formation and reaction really just a drill?

At the same time, Princess Otohime also rushed to a speech in Jide Kaolong Square.

This probably means don't believe the fake news in the newspapers. Bright and Ryugujo have always had a harmonious relationship, and today was just an exercise.

The princess's speech, which was full of emotions and she was on the verge of tears, had a remarkable effect, and the residents' discussions on this matter were obviously decreasing.

Her ability is very strong, and the prestige of Bright and Ryugu City is also very high, and most people are willing to believe it.

But of course, there are still many people who have doubts about this.

But it doesn't matter, most people will be fine if they don't panic, and the remaining small number of people will be calm afterward and they will understand that Otohime did not lie.

Bright had just led his team back to the headquarters of the Immigration and Entry Administration when he received a call.

"Bright, how are you?"

Over there, Perospero's voice was full of expectation, "Mom is looking forward to it."

"It's a bit troublesome,"

Bright said angrily, "Although Brother Jinbei has a good relationship with me, he actually prefers the Whitebeard Pirates. After all, we have been friends here for so many years."

"So he decided to remain neutral after much hesitation, as long as neither of us brings the power of the Whitebeard Pirates or the Charlotte family to Fish-Man Island."

"Isn't this great?" Perospero smiled, "With your strength, can you take down Dragon Palace City in one go?"

"But the problem is that Brother Jinbei will never allow a civil war to happen."

Bright said, "He said that Fishman Island finally got to where it is today, and our conflicts will never be allowed to disrupt the development process."

"So," said Perospero, "what does that guy mean?"

"What he means is, let us both compete peacefully."

Bright held back his laughter and said, "Win the support of the people, and when the time is right, hold a vote. If the people support whichever side they support, he will support that side."

"Otherwise, he will apply for government assistance as a Shichibukai, which will be troublesome. After all, the Ryugu Kingdom is also a member of the government."

"Is that so?"

Perospero also had a headache, "I will tell mother right away."

When the call ended, Brett's smile finally became unbearable.

Your acting skills should still be passable, right?

Next, it’s time to call the captains over and ventilate them.

Cake Island.

"Damn Jinbe!"

Charlotte Lingling was furious, "How dare you interfere with my business!"

"But it's difficult for us to interfere with Fish-Man Island."

Perospero sighed, "Even if I want to kill Jinbei, I'm afraid that guy Bright won't be willing."

"Now we just have to see how that guy performs."

"Let that guy Brett work harder! If he needs any help, I can help him!!"

The Great God Bucky is indeed the Great God Bucky. He subdued Old Sand Hawkeye and the pirates offered a bounty to the number one man in the navy!

There's just one question. Should the smelly cadre Lao Sha call the noble cadre MR.3 Third Brother?

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