One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 128 Weapons! acquaintance

The location is outside the Fish-Man Island, outside this part of the deep sea where the Forest of the Sea extends, into the deep sea.

"How's it going! Brett! He's so handsome, isn't he!!"

Master Tom was suspended in the sea, laughing loudly, "After working overtime, we finally finished it!"


A smile bloomed on Brett's face, "The second most handsome ship in the world!"

The most handsome ship is of course Pluto. Although I have never seen what that ship looks like, but just because its name is Pluto and it is one of the three ancient weapons that can destroy the world, it must be the most powerful ship in the world. Handsome boat.

At this time, what appeared in front of Bright was a huge steel battleship.

It floats in the sea water.

The whole body is black in color, shaped like a huge shuttle, the surface is very smooth, and the length is about a hundred meters. Just existing here makes people feel very imposing.

Well, it looks like a submarine in the previous life.

Feeling that the relationship had taken a step forward after last night, Brett, who planned to go on a date with Charlie today, was stopped by Brother Aaron as soon as he went out, saying that Master Tom was looking for him.

There was no other way, so Bright could only rush to the Forest of the Sea without stopping, and what he saw was something like this.

So Brett is really curious. There are only a few people here, so how did Master Tom build such a big ship in less than a month?

"The main material is the strongest alloy I can make. Coupled with the special structure, it can withstand the heavy pressure of the deep sea! It also comes with a coating device, which is enough to walk on flat ground in the deep sea."

Master Tom introduced the performance of this ship to Bright, "Because we have to operate in the deep sea a lot of time, the energy is not driven by coal, but by electric energy. I have a power generation device built into the hull, which can provide strong electric energy to the ship." Supply, even in the deep sea, the ship’s sailing speed will not be much slower than the sea beast!”

"That guy Franky even made a suggestion, adding an instantaneous burst speed device, which can increase the speed of the ship to the limit in an instant. In this case, the ship can be used as a giant cannonball! "

"Aspago! Show it off!"

Master Tom yelled, holding the phone bug.

Then soon, the big ship started to move, the propeller at the rear began to rotate, and then holes opened in the hull, and something spurted out.

Driven by the dual power, the steel ship immediately began to move forward quickly, galloping towards the distance at a very fast speed.

"The speed is really good!"

Brett sincerely lamented that Master Tom was really not bragging. This speed was indeed not much different from the sea beasts.

"Try the ultimate speed again!"

Tom shouted.

Then Bright saw that the steel ship in the distance turned suddenly, and then suddenly, a huge airflow spurted out from the rear of the ship, causing the steel ship to shoot towards this side like lightning.

"This speed is already faster than the swimming speed of a mermaid!"

Brett said in surprise.

The mermaids are the fastest swimming race in the sea, but this bulky-looking ship is actually much faster than the mermaids!

Master Tom said confidently, "If you hit it head-on at such a speed, even the Neptune type would probably be killed directly!"

I won’t go into details about the energy systems in this world, which are all black technologies, but why do we use life-threatening collisions as an attack method? Don't you have any other weapons equipped?

As if seeing Bright's doubts, Master Tom continued, "I will show you a weapon next."

Bright regained his energy. It would be too stupid to risk his life just to hit the ship. The key point was the weapons equipped on the ship.

"Because we are in the deep sea, conventional weapons are basically useless,"

Master Tom said, "Of course, conventional artillery is also equipped. It was designed by Franky. That guy is very good at designing weapons. The power should be much stronger than the mainstream warships in the current navy."

Bright has no doubt about this. The battleships he destroyed in the Water City were designed by Franky. Those warships have amazing firepower to defeat the Sea Kings.

"The focus is on weapons for underwater warfare."

Master Tom picked up the phone again and said, "Franky, it's time for you to do what you're good at!"

"Hahaha, leave it to me, Mr. Tom! Me and the weapons I designed are also today, SUPER!!"

Katy Fram's cheerful voice came from the other end of the phone, and he couldn't wait to show it off.

The big ship headed towards the deep sea farther away.

Then Bright noticed that two holes were cracked in the front end of the big ship, and then, two black shadows ejected and landed on the seabed at the bottom of the sea almost instantly.


boom! !

Even under the weight of this deep love, an astonishing explosion occurred in an instant.

The bright firelight almost covered up the sunlight coming from above and brought by Eve.

"This power is really incredible!"

Brett said in surprise.

It's enough to blow up a hill.

"This is a torpedo that Frankie and I designed together."

Master Tom smiled and said, "It is the same propulsion system as that used by big ships, and it is the type of extreme acceleration, so the speed is much faster than the limit speed of the ship. If the torpedo is coated in advance to reduce the resistance of the water, , the speed can be accelerated! It should be difficult to dodge when attacking large objects!"

"The ship can carry forty torpedoes, which can be fired flatly. When fighting at sea, it can also hit distant targets in a parabola through the launch bay above the ship."

“Amazing design!”

Brett sighed sincerely.

This is a mixture of torpedoes and missiles.

It's really just a combat submarine.

"That's basically it."

Master Tom smiled and said, "How is it, Brett, are you satisfied?"

"My answer is,"

Brett also smiled, "Notify the arsenal immediately for mass production!"

The arsenal on Fishman Island is divided into two locations.

One place is Master Tom's side, located deep in the Forest of the Sea. Strictly speaking, this is a small workshop and Master Tom's laboratory.

The other place is in the deep sea outside Fish-Man Island, together with many factories. That is the arsenal on the surface of Fish-Man Island, which is really responsible for production and manufacturing. Of course, in order to hide it from others, there are also many weapons engineers there. That’s it.

Everything is to prevent Master Tom's news from being exposed.

"It would be nice if I could help."

Master Tom smiled and nodded, "By the way, the weapon Franky designed for the sea beast is almost completed. Do you want to take a look?"


Brett readily agreed.

Franky designed three types of weapons for the sea beasts.

The first type is close combat, which is probably some steel claws and steel teeth that can be installed on the body of sea beasts. Both the claws and teeth can rotate, which greatly increases the lethality.

The second category is the long-range category, which requires murloc trading and control. Among them, Bright is most interested in a torpedo launcher, which is a smaller version of the torpedo of a large ship. Although the power is weakened, it is faster and easier to hit, and it is also There is also a repeating harpoon that can provide powerful suppressive firepower at short range.

The third category is used in maritime operations, conventional weapons on the sea, such as cannons and machine guns.

Bright was very satisfied with this weapons exhibition and immediately sent a message to the arsenal to start mass production.

I had just returned from Haizhisen happily, but before I had time to find Charlie, Aaron came to visit me again.

"Bright, an old acquaintance has returned to Fishman Street."

"Old acquaintance?"

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