Fishman Street.

A certain man was walking around the street with a few people with sighs on their faces.

"What a huge change!"

The leader was wearing a white karate suit, with wavy white hair, yellow skin, and obvious fish-man features.

He is a fish-man, and not only him, but also several people with him are also fish-men.

It stands to reason that seeing fish people in Fishman Street is a normal thing, but the reaction of these people is very strange.

They looked at Fishman Street and sighed.

"Yes, when Brother Tiger was here, this place was still dark and dilapidated!"

A fishman sighed, "That's amazing, that boy Bright, who could have thought that the kid who followed Brother Tiger and Brother Jinbe back then could do this now?"

Nowadays, the streets of Fishman Street are clean and tidy. Most of the dilapidated houses have been renovated, even if they are poor, they have been repaired. Various shops are lined up on the street.

Full of energy.

It was completely different from the Fishman Street in their impressions.

"Mr. Haku, can we really recruit enough manpower?" Another fishman asked hesitantly, "The residents of Fishman Street have already been prospering under the leadership of Bright and Neptune. I'm afraid No one is willing to fight with us, right?"


The yellow-skinned man named Haku couldn't help but sigh, "I promised Mr. Dorag with a pat on my chest, but now it seems I can only leave empty-handed."

"However, this is not bad."

A smile appeared on his lips, "My compatriots have lived a prosperous life that they could not even imagine before, and the safety of Fish-Man Island can also be guaranteed, so there is no need to involve them in danger anymore. "


The fish people nodded.


At this time, a shout of joy suddenly came from behind.

Haku turned around in surprise, and then he saw Jinbe striding over with a happy look on his face.

Behind him were Bright and Aaron.

"You guy,"

Jinbei gave Haku a warm hug, "It's been so many years since I came back!"

Facing an old friend he hadn't seen for many years, Haku was also a little excited. He hugged Jinbei with his backhand and said with great nostalgia, "Not long after Brother Tiger went to sea to travel, I followed his example and went to sea with my friends. It’s been seven or eight years now, right?”

"I feel relieved to see that your boy is safe!"

Jinbei was very happy. This man was once an acquaintance of Fishman Street, and he had a good relationship with him and Tiger.

"And you guys too!" He then looked at the fishmen with Haku.

"Brother Jinbei!"

The fish people happily greeted Jinbei.

"But you guys don't even notify me when you come back!" Jinbe pretended to be angry, "Do you want to come back quietly and leave quietly?"

"Well, because some things need to be kept secret."

Haku was a little embarrassed. Otherwise, how could he say that he came back this time to recruit troops?

"It's you, Jinbei, how did you know we were back?" Haku was curious about this.

"You have to ask Brett about this."

Jinbe stepped out of the way and let Bright appear in front of the Haku group. "Even if you are overseas, you must have heard of Bright's reputation, right?"


Haku nodded, looked at Bright and said, "The deep sea disaster from Fish-Man Island made the pirates dare not invade the man from Fish-Man Island again. I didn't expect that little Bright to be able to do this. .”

"I can't do this alone."

Bright smiled and said, "This is the concerted effort of everyone on Fish-Man Island."

"That's why it's amazing!"

Haku sighed, "The power of the people is the greatest, but the difficult part is how to gather their power."

He took a deep look at Bright and said, "Now I understand a little bit how we were discovered."

Brett smiled.

It is indeed the power of the people.

Fishman Street is my base, and my reputation here is so high that even if I directly say that I want to overthrow Neptune, there will definitely be a mass response.

The news of outsiders entering Fishman Street will be sent to his ears immediately.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. I finally came back. Come on, Haku, I'll treat you to a meal." Brother Jinbei was very generous.

"Then I won't be polite!"

Haku laughed and agreed.

Now that I'm ready to give up on the mission, let's just treat it as if I'm coming back to visit relatives this time.

Enjoy this time with friends you haven't seen for a long time.

"Nothing but Jinbei,"

After talking and laughing and reminiscing about the past, they came to the restaurant and asked for a private room to sit down. Haku looked at Aaron who was sitting next to Bright, "I never thought that you and Aaron would be able to live in harmony one day, right?"

Aaron curled his lips, "Don't get me wrong, I just believe that Bright can change Fish-Man Island, and it has nothing to do with Jinbe."

"Hahaha, that's it."

Jinbe didn't care. He smiled and said, "Whether it's Aaron, me, or Neptune, we all have a consensus that Bright is the hope of Fish-Man Island! He can change this country!"

Haku was slightly startled.

From the outside, Bright's status on Fish-Man Island is already high enough, but what no one knows is that it is even higher than imagined.

This boy, that little Bright who never gets angry in front of little Charlie, is now the leader of Fish-Man Island?

"So Haku,"

Jinbei said sincerely, "Stay, Fish-Man Island is at a critical moment for change now, we need more power! Stay and help us!"


Haku was silent for a moment, and then he shook his head firmly, "With my strength, I can't help much even if I stay. Besides, I also have my own goals and what I want to fight for all my life." cause!"

"Is that so?"

Jinbei was a little disappointed, but immediately he smiled and said, "There's really nothing I can do about it. Who can stop a man from chasing his dream?"

Haku smiled.

Jinbe is still the same Jinbe.

Admirable and worshipful.

"Then don't regret it later, kid!"

Aaron was not as polite as Jinping, and said sarcastically, "When we go to the sea and establish an unprecedented fish-man kingdom!"

"Heading to the sea?"

Haku was not angry, but rather happy, "This is the dream of Fish-Man Island passed down from generation to generation! If it can be realized in our generation, that would be great!"

Aaron choked at his reaction, snorted and stopped talking.

"But it's difficult."

Bright smiled and said, "The World Government is our biggest obstacle. Although they now invite us to go to the sea, everyone knows that this is just a trap. They just want to better control us."


Jinbei also said worriedly, "As long as the Celestial Dragons still dominate the government, we will not be able to live freely under the sun."

Haku was stunned for a moment.

Wait, they see the world government as their enemy?

"Jinbei, Bright," Haku said in a panic, "Are you hostile to the World Government?"

"Isn't that natural?"

Bright said matter-of-factly, "The Celestial Dragons are the source of the slave trade, and the government is helping them. The discrimination against merfolk for many years is because of them."

"Not to mention that the world government and the world's nobles are still squeezing the whole world through heavenly gold."

"We want to live freely under the blue sky, and they are the biggest obstacle."


Haku was silent.


I had already given up on the mission.

Who knew it would take a turn for the worse.

"Since that's what you think, then, Jinbe, Bright,"

Haku said solemnly, "Then I think we can have a good talk!"

Brett's lips curled up slightly.

What you want is this effect.

Haku is a revolutionary soldier.

Thanks to book friend ‘20190129192111158’ for the 100-point reward, thank you!

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