One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 130 Dragon and Girl

If the ultimate goal is a world government and the Celestial Dragons, then there is no more suitable partner in the world than them.

Revolutionary Army.

Whether you say that their ideas are naive or that their actions are not revolutionary at all, at least one thing is for sure. They have really devoted all their lives to fighting against the world government.

Everyone on the sea in the future knows that although the sea emperors are powerful, only the revolutionary army can really overthrow the world government.

Because the enemies of the pirates are also pirates. In addition to the navy, only the revolutionary army really regards the world government as the enemy.

In the original work, at the World Conference ten years later, the revolutionary army had declared war on the World Government, and Sabo even won the title of Emperor Yan.

After learning about Haku's return, Bright had already decided to get on the line with the Revolutionary Army.

Fish-Man Island wants to fight for freedom, how can such a high-quality partner turn a blind eye?

But of course, Bright can't directly say Brother Haku, I know you are doing well in the Revolutionary Army, and we happen to want to take action against the World Government, so please introduce Dragon to me.

He had to make Haku realize that Fishman Island was the best partner for their revolutionary army.

And now, he succeeded.

"Jinbei, I can trust you, right?"

Haku looked at Jinbei and said very seriously.

Even the stupidest person realized at this time that Haku was going to say something very important next, so Jinbei nodded solemnly, "We have known each other since we were children. You know who I am as a person."

Haku took a deep breath.

Indeed, if Jinbe is not trustworthy, there will be no one in the world worthy of his trust.

So Haku looked at the friends who came with him, and they nodded towards him.

He finally said, "Then I don't have to hide it anymore. In fact, after traveling at sea for a period of time, we joined a certain organization."


Aaron said in surprise, "You're not going to tell us that you joined the World Government, are you?"

How did you associate it there?

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Brother Aaron, listen to what Haku has to say."

"Of course not the world government. On the contrary, our cause is to be the enemy of the world government."

Haku said seriously, "Our dream is to overthrow the world government and build a world where everyone can live freely!"

Jinbei and Aaron were stunned at the same time.

Is an acquaintance of mine since childhood actually doing such amazing things now?

"Yes, the Revolutionary Army, right?"

Brett said.

"Eh? Brett, do you know?"

Haku was slightly startled.

In fact, the revolutionary army of this era has not made much noise yet. They are only planning revolutions in the corners of the world, and have not even overthrown a few countries.

If I remember correctly, it was not until the World Conference two years later that the participating countries realized the threat of the revolutionary army and made this matter an issue at the conference to discuss a plan to deal with the revolutionary army.

"I heard the navy talk about it in the experimental base when I was arrested before."

Bright was telling lies, "An organization led by the Rebellious Dragon, a group of people with the highest goal of overthrowing the rule of the Draco."

"Is there such a guy?"

Jinbei was surprised, "Haku, you did a good job."

"No, I'm just an insignificant part of it."

Haku was a little embarrassed. Although he was not an ordinary revolutionary soldier, he could only be said to be a small cadre. Then he looked serious, "But as you said, Brett, the biggest enemy of our revolutionary army is The Celestial Dragons are protecting their world government!”

"If your goal is to get rid of the control of the world government, then I think we should be the best partners!"

Finally here.

A smile appeared on Brett's face, "If that's the case, then I guess we can talk."

"Haku, can you let me speak to Mr. Long?"

Haku did not hesitate. Since he had chosen to confess, of course he had made his decision. If you want to believe it, then just believe it to the end.

He believed in Jinbei's character and believed in Bright who was dedicated to the development of Fish-Man Island.

"Okay, but I need to tell Mr. Dorag what's going on here first."

But even though I have chosen to believe it, I still have to let the headquarters know about the situation here first.


Brett shrugged.

This is quite normal. If Haku had directly asked him to call Dorag as soon as he came up, he would have doubted whether the Revolutionary Army had been targeting him for a long time.

Haku temporarily left the box to contact Dolag.

"Revolutionary Army?"

Aaron racked his brains and thought hard, trying to find out the part related to this group of people from his limited memory of the sea. The frowning look on his face was honestly a bit funny, "I have no impression at all, Brett." , are they really worth cooperating with?”

Before Bright could answer, the murlocs who were with Haku already spoke loudly, "Brother Aaron, don't underestimate us. Although we are still in the dormant stage for the time being and have not officially launched operations, under Mr. Dorag's Under his leadership, we will definitely be the most feared opponent of the world government!"

"Because our allies are the whole world! All people who long for freedom are our partners!"

They spoke impassionedly, with determination on their faces.

Probably because the organization they work for and the dreams they have are so proud of them.

"Hahaha, that sounds really good!"

Jinbei admired it very much, and his round face blossomed into a smile.

Aaron curled his lips. After all, they are just a bunch of guys who don't know the details. It's hard to say whether they can be trusted.

He looked at Bright. Forget about Jinbe, this idiot, but Bright, you won't be fooled, right?

Soon, Haku came back, beaming with joy and walking briskly. He carefully closed the door of the box and walked over.

"Mr. Dorag is pleased, Brett, that he has agreed to speak to you."

He placed a telephone bug on the table.

The phone bug remains connected.

"Disaster of the Deep, Brett, I've heard your name."

The phone bug suddenly changed its appearance, with long black hair hanging behind its small head, red lines appearing on its face, and its voice was low, but it seemed to have infinite power.

But in the next second, the voice of the phone bug suddenly became high-pitched, revealing a strange surprise. Even his appearance changed, and he grew soft yellow hair, "Is it Brother Bright? And Uncle Jinbei!" long time no see!"

"Hey, you girl! Who let you in! Sabo, take her out quickly!" Dorag's voice sounded a little headache-inducing.

Both Bright and Jinbe were stunned.

Even Aaron's eyes widened.

"This voice——"

Jinbe said in disbelief, "No way!"

"Is it Kella?"

Brett asked.

Did that girl join the revolutionary army so early?

She is only thirteen years old, right?

"It's me! I've been paying attention to the news about Fish-Man Island, Brother Bright!"

The girl over there said with some joy, "That grumpy brother Brett is so great now! Uncle Tiger will be very happy too!"

"Do you still have the nerve to mention Brother Tiger? Human being!!"

Aaron grabbed the phone bug on the table. His eyes were wide open, his teeth were clenched, and the muscles on his face were trembling as he squeezed out one word after another, "It's all because of you that Brother Tiger died!!" "


There was silence on the other side of the phone.

"Aaron! Shut up!"

Jinbei pressed Aaron's shoulder and pushed him back to his seat, "Don't say such things to Kirla!"

That girl represents Brother Tiger's hope for mankind.

Never allow this idiot to insult big brother's feelings!

"It's okay, Uncle Jinbei,"

Kerla's voice became calmer, "Uncle Tiger did die because he wanted to send me home, so I am here now!"

"Uncle Tiger said that I am already free. Now that I am free, I can do what I want to do. I want to change the world and change this world that is hostile to persecution because of racial differences!"

"Uncle Tiger pulled me up from the dark abyss, so I thought I should inherit his ideal and bring light to more people who are trapped in darkness."

"Well said, Kella."

Brett took the phone bug from Aaron's hand, "You have become as great as Brother Tiger!"

Because she was once in the darkness, she is willing to devote her whole life to the cause of protecting others from the darkness. This thirteen-year-old girl is undoubtedly a hero.


Aaron turned his head away unhappily.

He thought of Tiger.

"No la."

Kerra was a little shy on the contrary, "I just know how to talk big, but I can't do anything now."

"Having this will is enough."

The appearance of the phone bug changed again and turned back into Dorag's appearance. "Now, Sabo, take Kel out."

"Hey! Uncle Dorag, I haven't reminisced with Bright's brother, Uncle Jinbe, yet!"

"You can do this anytime later. Anyway, don't disturb Uncle Dorag!"

"Idiot Sabo! Idiot Sabo!"

The voices of the two children gradually faded away.

"Then Mr. Bright,"

Dorag's voice sounded again, "Now we can talk about business."


Bright nodded, "Mr. Dorag, come and cooperate."


Dorag over there was stunned for a moment, and even the phone bug's eyes widened, "I thought we should get to know each other more deeply."

"That's enough."

Of course, Bright would not say that he had read the original comics. "Kerra is the child who inherited the will of Brother Tiger. This is the same as me. Since she has chosen to trust you, I also choose to believe it."

"...What an amazing man!"

Dorag was really shocked. To be able to say the word "believe" like this, did he really trust Kerla's choice or did he have other plans in his heart.

"I see,"

Then, there was a smile in Dolag's words, "Then please wait a moment, I will come to the Fish-Man Island myself right away!"

"Mr. Bright, you have shown trust, so I have to respond."

Going to Fishman Island is not very safe.

It was a government-affiliated country in name only, Jinbei was the Shichibukai, and Bright was a partner of the government.

However, Dorag also chose to believe.

He believed in Haku's judgment, he believed in Kerla's trust, and he believed that Tiger's partners would not be government lackeys.

"Then I'll wait for you."

Brett smiled.

If you want to talk about cooperation, of course it is best to talk in person.

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