One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 131 Doflamingo’s actions, Drago

Dorag said that he would come to Fish-Man Island within a week and asked Bright to wait for a while.

The two then ended the call.

"What an amazing man!"

Then Jinbei said in surprise, "Do you dare to come to Fish-Man Island in person? No matter what, we are on the side of the government on the surface."

Brett smiled. In the original work, Dorag did not show much strength, but one thing is for sure. As the most dangerous criminal in the world and the most vigilant man in the world government, his strength will definitely not be compared to the emperors. below.

His willingness to come in person probably stems partly from trust and partly from confidence.

"Anyway, let's keep it secret first."

Brett looked around at everyone present and said, "Today's events must not be leaked."


Jinbei nodded heavily.

Although I have never heard of the Revolutionary Army, as an organization determined to overthrow the World Government, it has probably been on the government's blacklist for a long time.

So of course this matter must be kept secret.

"Don't worry Brett,"

Haku smiled generously, "We are best at keeping secrets and hiding traces."

Before the revolutionary army officially surfaced and started taking action, most of them were engaged in underground work. They should indeed be the most accustomed to these two things.

Brett was not worried about them at all, he turned his head and looked at Aaron quietly.

"Of course I know!"

Aaron said angrily, "Don't think of me as someone who will ruin the overall situation just because of a moment of anger!"

"I won't tell anyone what happened today!"

"That's good."

Brett nodded with satisfaction.

"Then," Jinbei said with a smile, "Haku, let me take you on a tour of the current Fish-Man Island. There have been huge changes compared to the past!"

"No," Haku shook his head, he chuckled, "It's too obvious when I'm with you, Jinbei, we'd better go sightseeing by ourselves."

"Anyway, no matter how great the changes are, Fish-Man Island will still be Fish-Man Island, it will still be our hometown, and it will never be unfamiliar."

"Hahahaha, too."

Jinbe laughed.

Then everyone dispersed after finishing a meal together.

Haku began to revisit their old place, and Bright and others were also busy with their own affairs.

We have to give a speech together with Neptune to stabilize people's hearts, and we have to show the most sincere and harmonious attitude.

But before Dorag arrived, the good brother Tezolo in Drosrosa first called Bright and brought a piece of news.

"That guy Doflamingo is starting to take action."

Tezzolo said, "The latest news is that that guy occupied a country in the new world, hanged the whole family of the king who was violent in the country, and crowned himself the king."


Brett raised his eyebrows, didn't get Deros Rosa, and then changed the target?

It’s not that I can’t understand it.

All Doflamingo wants is a piece of land in the new world to facilitate his various transactions.

The reason why I chose Deros Rosa before was just because that country once belonged to Don Quixote. It didn’t mean that it had to be it.

"It's a non-franchised country. It's located not far from Deros Rosa to the back of the New World."

Tezzolo's voice was cold, "Humph, I chose that place specifically. It seems that guy doesn't want to give up so easily."

"Isn't that natural?"

Brett said casually, "It would be impossible to let him just pretend that nothing happened."

"Cause him some trouble."

"Looking for some trouble? You can't do it directly because of the government, right? Do you want me to go over? Although I'm very reluctant, I can't win against him now."

"Stop joking and causing trouble for him. Why do we need to take action ourselves?"

Brett smiled and said, "Did you forget? Didn't we just make a very reliable partner?"

"Oh, you mean," Tezzolo said with a smile in his voice, "the Charlotte family, right?"

"The sea area not far behind Derosrosa should be close to the territory of the Charlotte family? Isn't there a reason for this?"

Brett smiled and said, "Tell Lingling, she won't be stingy in helping me."

"Hey, Lingling, you're calling so affectionately, Brett, you guy..." Tezzoro laughed loudly, "Do you also want to be Lingling's husband?"

"Anyway, let's do this for now."

Too lazy to talk nonsense, Brett ended the call with Tezzolo.

The conflict with Doflamingo should be irreconcilable.

Therefore, there is no need to spoil him.

Brett immediately called Cake Island.


The person who answered the phone was still Perospero, "I know that guy. He just captured a country near the family's territory two days ago."

"Why did that guy have a conflict with you, Brett?"

"Well, they are irreconcilable enemies." Bright said concisely, "But because of the government, I can't attack him directly."

"I understand, since he is your enemy, he is also our enemy."

Perospero said with a smile, Bright said that they were no longer at odds with each other, should he still persuade Bright to be patient?

It's just a Shichibukai.

"I'm going to tell my mom and ask her to send someone to get this guy out."

"Although it is still some distance from the family's territory, there is no need for a Shichibukai to be stationed."

"Thank you so much."

call ended.

Brett is quite satisfied. This is the advantage of black and white.

Although it is impossible for the Charlotte family to directly attack the Don Quixote family, it would be nice to disgust that guy Doflamingo.

Two days later, in the morning, while Brett was processing documents in the office, a breeze suddenly blew up in the office.

Brett raised his head.

This wind is a bit abnormal.

So seeing, hearing and sex are activated.

Sure enough, there was an unusual sound.

"Since you're here, please take a seat."

Brett spoke up.

"This is our first meeting, please forgive me for being presumptuous, Mr. Bright."

On the sofa opposite the desk, the breeze swirled, and then the appearance of a man gradually condensed.

He was wearing a dark green cloak, his face was rough but calm, and he had a red tattoo on his left face.

Looks like a heinous criminal.

But he is indeed the commander-in-chief of the revolutionary army.

"It's Mr. Dorag, right?"

Brett said firmly.


The man nodded heavily, "Just call me Dorag."

"Also, call me Brett."

Brett smiled and said, "Then let's get straight to the point."

"Dorag, your revolutionary army wants to overthrow the world government and establish a new government, right?"


Dorag nodded.

"Then we do have a deep foundation for cooperation."

Bright said seriously, "I think if we want to change the situation where Fish-Man Island has always been discriminated against, we have to participate in such a change."

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