One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 132 Alliance, time passes

The human nobles headed by the Tianlong people have always had a very bad attitude towards fish people and mermaids, and do not treat them as 'human beings' at all.

In the eyes of these guys, all the residents living on Fishman Island are just fish.

What's even more annoying is that it is this group of guys who control the voice of the human world.

All ordinary human beings can do is passively accept their ideas.

To eliminate the source of this discriminatory thought, we need to overthrow the World Government, and then sweep away the corrupt aristocracy along the way.

Logically speaking, Fishman Island even just needs to wait. After all, according to the plot development of the original work, the world government will collapse sooner or later.

But this is not enough.

The source has been eliminated, but people's misunderstandings about Fish-Man Island still exist.

So Fishman Island needs to stand up and do something.

Continuously use his own efforts to bring more humans into contact with Fish-Man Island and let people change their views on this country. This is something that Bright is too lazy to do and has no time to do.

There is the simplest way.

It was during this huge change that Fishman Island became one of the most important forces in promoting change, and after winning victory, it also became an important part of the new government.

Just like the Celestial Dragons, they may not have unlimited power like the Celestial Dragons, but at least they can let the whole world know one thing.

Fishman Island is an important force for change! It is an important part of world power!

In fact, this is still not enough, but let’s do this for now.

Bright had no intention of hiding this idea from Dorag, and told him frankly and honestly.

"If you want to seek change in this world where discrimination is deeply rooted, perhaps you can only use this drastic method."

Brett said.

"It's certainly something we all want to see."

Dorag said solemnly, "But Bright, you can also try to trust humans."

"Today's discrimination is just because of ignorance. The more people come into contact with Fish-Man Island, the more they will understand how shallow they were in the past."


Brett just smiled.

So why do we have to go to Fish-Man Island, which is already suffering from persecution, to seek understanding from humans?

Very unreasonable, right?

Moreover, can mutual understanding really bring harmony?

So what else do we need to do with stance and class?

"So Dolag, what's your decision?"

Brett asked directly, "To form an alliance, or not?"

Dolag did not answer directly, but instead sighed, "Before I came to see you, I went to Fish-Man Island for a tour."

"It's amazing. I've been to this country before, but it's completely different compared to now."

"Prosperous, safe, wealthy, and full of vitality, this country has become what almost everyone on the sea has dreamed of."

"So, I will never believe that a man who has made this country like this, and who only wants the citizens to live a happy life, will be willing to be manipulated by the government!"

He stood up, walked to Bright's desk, and stretched out his right hand, "I'm glad to fight alongside you."

Brett also stood up and held Dorag's hand without hesitation, "Then let's keep watch and help each other."

He could hear clearly that Dorag was not lying, he was serious.

And of course I am serious about it.

The two of them smiled almost at the same time.

Both of them were very happy to have gained a strong ally.

"Then let's talk about your strategy, Dorag."

Brett said seriously, "What are you going to do?"

"The power of the world government is something we cannot match now."

Dorag was blunt about this and had no hidden intentions.

He said, "So at this stage we can only develop our strength in secret."

"We will start taking action when the time is right."

"Start by overthrowing the decadent nobles on the sea, liberate the people on the sea, and let the ideas of free revolution be further spread!"

"People's pursuit of freedom is like the wind. No matter how hard you try to suppress it, it will eventually seep out from every corner!"

Dolag said seriously, "Eight hundred years of oppression will not make people numb, it will only make people accumulate anger!"

"When the wind of freedom blows across the entire sea, it will be our time to overthrow the world government!"

Naive, really naive and blind.

Completely unaware of the existence of class contradictions.

He believes that the main contradiction in this world is caused by corrupt rulers.

Even the revolution was only against the cruel and tyrannical aristocracy.

Brett sighed inwardly.

But it doesn't matter, this world pursues freedom after all, and it is a bit fanciful to pursue equality for everyone.

After all, the difference in individual force values ​​is too big.

How can strong men who can annihilate hundreds of thousands of armies just by releasing their momentum be equal to ordinary people on the sea?

It can be seen from the fact that the commanders of each force in the sea are the strongest people in the organization. No matter how it develops, power will eventually gather in the hands of the strong.

Although it sounds cruel, if the weak want equality, they can only hope in the morality of the strong.

So Brett responded, "That's just a coincidence, that's what we thought."

"First accumulate strength, then look for an opportunity to strike with a fatal blow!"

"This is what heroes think alike, right?"

The two looked at each other and smiled again.

Next, the two had an in-depth conversation, mainly about the next cooperation.

But having said that, there is actually nothing to cooperate with at this stage. The business of Fishman Island is limited to the mainland, and its scale is also limited, so it cannot provide much help to the revolutionary army.

Not to mention the Revolutionary Army, which is still completely hidden underground at this stage and has not been exposed much on the sea. Of course, it cannot help Fish-Man Island much.

But in short, this is how the relationship between allies was settled.

He didn't stay at Fish-Man Island for long. After just having a simple lunch with Bright, Dorag had already left in a hurry with Haku and others.

Of course, things on the Revolutionary Army's side are much more complicated than Bright's.

However, Dolag deliberately left a fishman to act as a liaison between the two parties.

As soon as Dolag left, Bright received a call from Perospero.

"Things are a bit troublesome, Brett."

The man said on the other end of the phone, "That guy Doflamingo is hooking up with Kaido!"

Brett raised an eyebrow.

"He is now an ally with the Beast Pirates, and my mother can't take action against him directly."

"That's it."

Brett was a little surprised.

Why did Doflamingo get involved with Kaido so early?

I thought it was after Caesar made the artificial devil fruit.

"In that case, let's forget it."

Of course, Bright didn't expect Charlotte Lingling to go to war with Kaido because of him. He said, "Don't worry about that guy for now. I don't want to cause you any trouble."

Perospero was also a little embarrassed. He didn't do what he had promised, which made him feel a little embarrassed in front of Bright.

"Anyway, if you need any help from us in the future, just ask Brett, but of course, you have to step up action."

After saying these words, Perospero hurriedly hung up the phone.

Brett put down the phone bug and breathed a slow sigh of relief. He could only tell Tezzolo to be careful. Doflamingo would never give up.

Moreover, Doflamingo relies on Kaido, but sooner or later he will fall out with the Charlotte family.

I still have to become stronger. I decided to go to Rayleigh to practice every night from now on.

Start today!

In this way, the undercurrent was hidden under the calm sea, and time began to pass.

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